07th Jan2022

‘Megaboa’ Review

by Jim Morazzini

Stars: Eric Roberts, Jadon Cal, Michelle Elizabeth O’Shea, Emilia Torello, Joe Herrera, Sharon Desiree, Michael DeVorzon | Written by Alex Heerman | Directed by Mario N. Bonassin Megaboa is a giant snake film set in South America… and any similarities to Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid is purely intentional! Two hunters chasing stock […]

18th Nov2020

‘Airliner Sky Battle’ VOD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Wade Baker, DeAngelo Davis, Alyson Gorske, Joseph Michael Harris, Xavi Israel, Michael Lavallee, Bai Ling, Ego Mikitas, Daniel O’Reilly, Jamey Rimawi, Dallas Schaefer, Marisha Shine, Joyce Tatler, Gina Vitori, Terry Woodberry | Written by Alex Heerman | Directed by Rob Pallatina The Asylum return to the disaster movie well with Airliner Sky Battle, a […]
