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Wikimedia Technical Conference/2019/Program

From mediawiki.org

Rooms that we'll be using during this week:

  • Oak Amphitheater: 70 person capacity, classroom style, projector and microphones
  • Azalea: Breakout room, 40 person capacity, classroom setup, projector
  • Magnolia: Board room setup, 14 people
  • Birch: Classroom, 10 people

There are an additional two rooms that we'll have for the week, however, they are not reservable for meetings. If you need a quiet meeting space to reserve, please see one of the Program Committee members for more information.

  • Hickory: Quiet working space
  • Basswood: Social collaborative unschedule room with couches, tables, and large windows

Day 1 - Tuesday November 12th

Breakfast at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) from 6:30am to 9am, second breakfast will be available near the Oak Room break area. 🍊πŸ₯πŸ₯―πŸ³β˜•οΈ
Time Oak Amphitheater Azalea Magnolia Birch
6:30 - 9:00 Breakfast in the Dining Room (ground level)
9:00 - 9:50 Registration (get your badge, tickets) outside Oak
9:30 (open) session leaders, facilitators, note takers, program committee daily meeting (open) (open)
10:00 Event Welcome and Orientation

* Welcome & general overview Greg (10 min), Grant + Toby (20 min)

* What has been done since last year Will (15 min)

* What we want to accomplish at this year's event Greg (5 min)

* Track / theme leads overview Greg (10 min)

(notes | slides)

(closed) (closed) (closed)
11:00 Break
11:30 Event Welcome and Orientation continues

* Meet other attendees Deb + Josephine (15 min)

* Demographics, logistics, social events, etc. Rachel (15 min)

* Facilitation overview, roles, plan Aubrey + Rachel (7 min)

* Documentation & daily documentation sprints Nick + Deb (7 min)

* Open for questions and answers

(closed) (closed) (closed)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Our local development environment - Core

Session Leader: Jeena + Brennen; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: Local Development and onboarding

Front-end modernization and standardization

Session Leader: Moriel; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Chris (ticket | notes)

Theme: Standardization Decisions

(open) (open)
14:30 Break
14:45 Componentization and sharing with the open source community

Session Leader: GergΕ‘ + Leszek; Facilitator: Birgit + Deb; Scribe: Will (ticket | notes)

Theme: Standardization Decisions

System level testing: patterns and anti-patterns with Selenium

Session Leader: Ε½eljko + Timo; Facilitator: James F.; Scribe: Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: Testing

(open) (open)
15:30 Break
16:00 Continuous Delivery/Deployment in Wikimedia: The Future of the Deployment Pipeline

Session Leader: Tyler + Alexandros; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: Deploying and Hosting

Integrating contributions from other teams or volunteers

Session Leader: Antoine + Fisch; Facilitator: physikerwelt; Scribe: Chris (ticket | notes)

Theme: People and Processes

(open) (open)
17:00 Documentation Sprint
17:30 Daily end of scheduled meetings
18:00 Social Activity / Group Dinners

Day 2 - Wednesday November 13th

Be sure to propose your unconference sessions today in Basswood!
Time Oak Amphitheater Azalea Magnolia Birch
6:30 - 9:00 Breakfast in the Dining Room (ground level)
9:15 (open) session leaders, facilitators, note takers, program committee daily meeting (open) (open)
10:00 Developer Productivity & onwiki tooling, part 1

Session Leader: Birgit + Leszek + Amir + GergΕ‘; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Will, Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: People and Processes

Breakout room for Developer Productivity and onwiki tooling (! We're meeting in OAK first!) (open) (open)
10:30 (open)
11:00 Break
11:30 Developer Productivity & onwiki tooling, part 2

Session Leader: Birgit + Leszek + Amir + GergΕ‘; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Will, Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: People and Processes

Breakout room for Developer Productivity and onwiki tooling (open) (open)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Platform Stewardship

Session Leader: Birgit + Greg; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Will (ticket | notes)

Theme: People and Processes

On-wiki documentation & documentation as code: strengths, weaknesses, and compromises

Session Leader: Bryan; Facilitator: TheDJ; Scribe: Chris (ticket | notes)

Theme: Local Development and onboarding

Standardizing QA best practices

Session Leader: Elena; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: Standardization Decisions

14:30 Short Break
14:45 Best practices and useful methods for remote teams - volunteers and staff alike

Session Leader: Will; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: People and Processes

Code Health/Code Review

Session Leader: Jean-Rene + Andre; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: People and Processes

(open) (open)
15:30 Break
16:00 Quo Vadis Beta Cluster? Towards production-like testing and staging environments

Session Leader: Jean-Rene + Leszek; Facilitator: James F.; Scribe: Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: Deploying and Hosting

Learning how WMDE improved their organizational structure

Session Leader: Franziska; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Chris (ticket | notes)

Theme: Standardization Decisions

Release "strategies" (containers) for MediaWiki and other elements of Wikimedia platform

Session Leader: Adam; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: Deploying and Hosting

17:00 Documentation Sprint
17:30 Daily end of scheduled meetings
18:00 Social Activity / Dinner

Day 3 - Thursday November 14th

Time Oak Amphitheater Azalea Magnolia Birch (no projector)
6:30 - 9:00 Breakfast in the Dining Room (ground level)
9:15 (open) session leaders, facilitators, note takers, program committee daily meeting (open) (open)
10:00 Self-service Stateless Microservices (for APIs)

Session Leader: Giuseppe; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: Deploying and Hosting

What have we learned when deploying a standalone server side rendering service for the new mobile Wikidata termbox

Session Leader: Leszek; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Chris (ticket | notes)

Theme: Deploying and Hosting

The test pyramid and speeding up your results

Session Leader: Kosta + Jean-Rene; Facilitator: TheDJ; Scribe: Will (ticket | notes)

Theme: Testing

11:00 Break & Unconference Session Voting
11:30 Mediawiki Code Ownership

Session Leader: Jean-Rene; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: Standardization Decisions

Running tests locally: an introduction

Session Leader: Antoine + Kosta; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Brennen (ticket | notes)

Theme: Testing

(open) (open)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Restructure Rest API and services (notes) (T238257) Federated MediaWiki (notes) Language metadata in mediawiki (notes) (open)
14:30 Short Break
14:45 RFCs / TechCom, how could RFCs be more useful (notes) Ideas for proposing changes to validating with our communities (T238265) Automate wiki creation (T238255) Small things to improve in wikisources (T238263)
15:30 Break
16:00 Interactive content at Wikimedia: how to even start (T238259) CI counseling session 100% free (T238275) Wikibase, Wikidata & things (T238252) Movement Strategy 2030
16:30 How do we know we are productive? Eng metrics MediaWiki Config mgmt @ scale (T238273) WBStack.com Wikibase as a service (shared platform) MVP /prototype demo Discourse extension for MediaWiki
17:00 Documentation Sprint
17:30 Daily end of scheduled meetings
18:00 Social Activity / Dinner

Day 4 - Friday November 15th

Time Oak Amphitheater Azalea Magnolia Birch (no projector)
6:30 - 9:00 Breakfast in the Dining Room (ground level)
9:15 (open) session leaders, facilitators, note takers, program committee daily meeting (open) (open)
10:00 LocalDev: complex multi-service MediaWiki development

Session Leader: Jeena; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Will (ticket | notes)

Theme: Local Development and onboarding

API Integration Testing

Session Leader: Daniel + Kosta; Facilitator: Brooke; Scribe: Nick (ticket | notes)

Theme: Testing

(open) (open)
11:00 Break
11:30 New CI / Argo k8s for CI workloads challenges, details, paths forward Wikimedia space solves all your (community) problems JS Framework experience sharing (part IT238264)
12:00 kiwix / open ZIM. portfolio software stack, future ?, tech needs What is a technical contribution? (T238262) JS Framework experience sharing (part IIT238264)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Global Templates, lets figure out how to do it finally (T238251) Logspam: how do we have less / surface it to the right people? (T238250) Phpunit what can we improve can we remove phpunit.php wrapper script + etc The gradation of participation. What is a third party?
14:00 What user analytics would help you as a developer? (T238274) I can help move you from travis to github actions (T238244) Ukulele to wikitext (T238290)
14:30 Break
15:00 Regroup and report back from sessions, followed by a recap of the week's events

Session Leader: Greg; Facilitator: Aubrey; Scribe: Nick (notes)

(closed) (closed) (closed)
17:00 Documentation Sprint
17:30 Daily end of scheduled meetings
18:00 Social Activity (Aquarium) / Dinner

Social events plan

All social events are optional. There are no official plans for Monday night, feel free to organize on your own.


Dinner at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) 🍽πŸ₯—πŸ₯©


Breakfast at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) from 6:30am to 9am, second breakfast will be available near the Oak Room break area. 🍊πŸ₯πŸ₯―πŸ³β˜•οΈ

Lunch will be at the venue in the Dining Room from 12:30pm to 13:30pm. πŸ”πŸŒ―πŸ§†πŸ΄

Small group dinners 🍽πŸ₯—πŸ₯© organized by participants in ATL (Please take taxis in small groups (Lyft, Uber or have the venue call you a taxi)). We will provide an etherpad to self organize for people who don't have a taxi app. Your travel expenses can be reimbursed on your expense report.

Small Group Dinner sign-ups

Unstructured lobby and lobby bar evening hangout to continue discussions and socialize.


Breakfast at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) from 6:30am to 9am, second breakfast will be available near the Oak Room break area. 🍊πŸ₯πŸ₯―πŸ³β˜•οΈ

Lunch will be at the venue in the Dining Room from 12:30pm to 13:30pm. πŸ”πŸŒ―πŸ§†πŸ΄

Dinner at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) 🍽πŸ₯—πŸ₯©, onsite bowling alley, Wisteria Lanes, reserved for Wikimedia with snacks and drinks after diner (starting from 18:30), unstructured late evening lobby and lobby bar hangout to continue discussions and socialize

Use your GREEN drink tickets at Wisteria Lanes

🎳 Wisteria Lanes is in the South Wing of the Emory Center, you can also use the attached lobby area for quieter conversations.


Breakfast at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) from 6:30am to 9am, second breakfast will be available near the Oak Room break area. 🍊πŸ₯πŸ₯―πŸ³β˜•οΈ

Lunch will be at the venue in the Dining Room from 12:30pm to 13:30pm. πŸ”πŸŒ―πŸ§†πŸ΄

Dinner at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) 🍽πŸ₯—πŸ₯©, onsite bowling alley, Wisteria Lanes, reserved for Wikimedia with snacks and drinks after diner (starting from 18:30), unstructured late evening lobby and lobby bar hangout to continue discussions and socialize

Use your RED drink tickets at Wisteria Lanes

🎳 Wisteria Lanes is in the South Wing of the Emory Center, you can also use the attached lobby area for quieter conversations.


Breakfast at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) from 6:30am to 9am, second breakfast will be available near the Oak Room break area. 🍊πŸ₯πŸ₯―πŸ³β˜•οΈ

Lunch will be at the venue in the Dining Room from 12:30pm to 13:30pm. πŸ”πŸŒ―πŸ§†πŸ΄

Attendees will receive tickets to the Atlanta Aquarium valid for the evening (6pm - 9pm); pick them up at registration.

Dinner on your own β€” we suggest you take a quick dinner or late dinner so you don't miss time at the extensive aquarium. 🍽πŸ₯—πŸ₯©

Please take taxis in small groups (Lyft, Uber or have the venue call you a taxi). We will provide an etherpad to self organize for people who don't have a taxi app. Your travel expenses can be reimbursed on your expense report.

Hotel lobby and hotel bar in the late evening as people return from the city


Breakfast at the venue is provided in the Dining Room (on the ground level (not the lobby)) from 6:30am to 9am. 🍊πŸ₯πŸ₯―πŸ³β˜•οΈ

Hotel amenities


  • The lobby and lobby bar are great places for hanging out and chatting. There will be a bartender, a piano, fireplace, and many kinds of seating with quiet places and louder places. Everything is close to your hotel room so if you are socialized-out you can take breaks and join again when you are ready.
  • The hotel has a swimming pool, heated whirlpool, and workout room which you are able to use as you wish!
  • The hotel and conference venue are right on a natural reserve so you can run, bike, or walk during your down time.
  • Onsite coffee shop to buy espresso drinks if you prefer that over the drip coffee served during conference hours