Providing Growth and Opportunity for Future Dakota Generations
The people grow, adapt, and innovate together, through opportunities that span the generations and seek continuous success.
Working together for a Healthy & Happy Community Guided by Dakota Culture
Located near Morton, Minnesota, the Lower Sioux Indian Community is a healthy, safe, and happy community — grounded and guided by Dakota culture, traditions, and language — where every person contributes to a diversified social and economic life.
Improving the Health & Well-Being of our Community Members
The tribe is governed by an elected five-member tribal council, constitution, and by-laws. Council members strive to regulate the community with the health and well-being of all members in mind.
Career & Employment Oppurtunities
Email Newsletter Signup

Lower Sioux Community Wacipi
Join us for our annual Wacipi, a three-day Dakota event with traditional dancing, singing, drums, ceremonies, vendors, flag raising, golf tournament, 2K/5K fun run, and much more!

The Lower Sioux Indian Community in Morton, MN
The Lower Sioux Indian Community strives to make reservation lands livable and permanent homelands for tribal citizens through programs and services that promote the general welfare of the tribal community, including economic and social programs, which are necessary to raise the standard of living and the social well-being of its membership.