������� little_bit_of_soul

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Every day in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must Run faster than the fastest Lion or it will be killed…….


Every morning A Lion wakes. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will Starve to death.


It doesn’t matter whether you are a Gazelle or Lion, When the sun comes out, you would better be running ..... ....



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�������� ��������� (����� � ������: 13) �������_��_100 Private_thoughts Die_Sinnlichkeit ����_�_�����_�_�������� ����_���� ������_�� atelier_du_design Cine-Cinema Photoshopinka Celebrity_Style Vogue_In_Your_Life WiseAdvice This_is_Erotic


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