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Royal Lancashire Militia

Historical Records of the 1st Royal Lancashire
Militia by R J T Williamson
�History of the Old County Regiment of Lancashire Militia Late 1st
Royal Lancashire (The Duke of Lancaster�s Own); Now 3rd and 4th
Battalions The King�s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment. From 1689 to
1856 by the Late Major R J T Williamson. Continuation to 1888 by
Colonel J Lawson Whalley. First Edition 1888. Published London by
Simpkin, Marshall and Co.
Accession Numbers: KOLIB001; KOLIB0037; KOLIB0248; KOLIB0254a;
KOLIB0254b |

The Early History of the Lancashire Regiment of
Militia (3rd and 4th Battalions) King�s Own Royal Lancaster
Regiment, 1642-1799. By J Lawson Whalley, Late Lieutenant Colonel,
Published by E Phillips & Co, Printers, Standard Office, New Street,
Lancaster, 1904.
Accession Numbers: KOLIB0019, KOLIB0036 & KOLIB0249 |

An Account of the Regiment of the Royal
Lancashire Militia 1759 to 1870 by Lieutenant Colonel J G Rawstorne,
Lancaster, 1874
Accession Numbers: KOLIB0247 and KO0888/01 |

Roll of Officers of the Old County Regiment of Lancashire
Militia (late 1st Royal Lancashire) The Duke of Lancaster�s Own,
1642-1889. Now the 3rd and 4th Battalions, King�s Own Royal
Lancaster Regiment. Corrected to May 1889. By Colonel J Lawson
Whalley, published by Simpkin, Marshall and Co. London, 1889.
Accession Numbers: KOLIB0002a; KOLIB0002b; KOLIB0033; KOLIB0034;
KOLIB0113; KOLIB0167; KOLIB0255a; KOLIB0255b; KOLIB0255c;
KOLIB0255d |
 | An Epitomized History of the Militia (The
�Constitutional Force�) Together with Origins, Periods of Embodied
Service, and Special Services including South Africa, 1899-1902, of
Militia Units existing 31st October 1905. By Colonel George Jackson
Hay, CB, CMG, London.
Accession Number: KOLIB0179 |
Standing Orders

Standing Orders 1st Royal Lancashire Militia, 1804
Accession Number: KOLIB0035 & KOLIB0041 (with notes) |
 | Lancashire Militia Company Order book 1762-63
Accession Number: KOLIB0039 |
Trust Deeds
 | Circular and reply letters re establishment of trust for 4th
(Militia) Battalion King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 18 Jul 1906.
Clipped together. Copy of letter, and replies from Colonel Kemmis,
Major Chippendall-Higgin, Captain Barker, Captain J Worsley-Taylor,
Captain Hibbert, Captain G R Stephens, Captain Harper, Captain
Davidson, Captain Nornabelle, Captain Daly, Lieutenant Luidon,
Lieutenant Uniacke, Lieutenant J B F Morrell, 2nd Lieutenant
Coulston, 2nd Lieutenant A B Woodgate
Accession Numbers: KO1495/07a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q |
 | Trust Deed for the 3rd and 4th (Militia) Battalions, King�s Own
Royal Lancaster Regiment, 29th Aug 1899. Sharp & Son Lancaster.
Accession Number: KO1017/018 |
 | Trust Deed, 1882, 3rd and 4th (Militia) Battalions, King�s Own
Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1882
Accession Number: KO1017/022 |
Diaries & Letters
 | Journal of Lieutenant Eustace Arthur Maude, 4th (Militia)
Battalion, King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, in South Africa 6
Jul 1900 to 29 Apr 1902
Eustace Arthur Maude, joined the 4th Militia Battalion on 18 Feb
1900 as a 2nd Lieutenant, he was embodied on joining. He remained
serving with the Mounted Infantry in South Africa when the 4th
Battalion returned home and received a regular commission on 8 Feb
1902. He transferred to the 26th Punajaubis in 1904. Captain 1909.
Temporary Major with 10th Worcester Regiment and 13th Worcester
Regiment 1915. Brigade Major 12 Dec 1917. Deputy Assistant Adjutant
General, India, 2 Feb 1919. DSO.
Accession Number: KO1309/01 |
 | Photocopy of letter sent by Richard Fortune 1st Royal Lancashire
Militia from Corfu to his parents, and typewritten transcript.
Accession Number: KO1269/01 |
Insurance Documents
 | Lloyds Insurance Policy for 3rd Battalion King�s Own Silver
Accession Number: KO1457/01 |
 | Lloyds Insurance Policy Renewal Receipt, 3rd Militia Battalion
King�s Own Silver
Accession Number: ko1457/02 |
 | Insurance Policy Extension of Wording, 3rd Battalion King�s Own
Silver, 1936.
Accession Number: KO1457/03 |
 | Insurance Policy Change of Name, 1959
Accession Number: KO1457/04 |
 | Note with Silver List re insurance policy, Jun 1958
Accession Number: KO1457/05 |
 | Silver List, re insurance policy, Jun 1958
Accession Number: KO1457/06 |
Enrolment Returns
 | Lonsdale, 1821
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/08 |
 | Bolton, 1821
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/09 |
 | Ormskirk, 1821
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/10 |
 | Warrington, 1821
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/11 |
 | Leyland, 1821
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/12 |
 | Returns Book 5th Battalion Company Lonsdale Regiment of Local
Accession Number: KOLIB0160 |
Royal Humane Society Certificate � Militia � Soldiers
of the Regiment etc.
 | Illuminated Certificate: Royal Humane Society: Private John
Wolfe, of the 1st Royal Lancashire Militia, 1879 Regarding rescue
St. George�s Quay, Lancaster.
Accession Number: KO1100/01 |
Greetings Cards
 | New Year Card from Colonel B N North and the 3rd Militia
Battalion, King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, South Africa 1901.
Accession Number: KO2490/691 |
 | Invitation from the Mayor of Lancaster to attend the Council
Chamber in February 1900 to be present at the laying-up of the
Colours of the 3rd Militia Battalion before they depart to South
Accession Number: KO2490/714 |
 | Invitation to Curator, King�s Own Museum Ticket to attend
Restoration of the Colours of the 4th Militia Battalion 24th October
Accession Number: KO2553/011 |
 | Invitation to attend the Restoration of the Colours of the 4th
Militia Battalion King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 24th October
Accession Number: KO2490/687 |
 | Ticket to attend the Restoration of the Colours of the 4th
Militia Battalion King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 24th October
Accession Number: KO2490/686 |
 | Invitation to Curator, King�s Own Museum Invitation to attend
the laying up of Colours of the 1st Royal Lancashire Militia 18th
September 1932
Accession Number KO2533/024 |
 | Letter from Lancaster Town Council re the laying up of two
Stands of Colours of the 1st Battalion Royal Lancashire Militia,
September, 1932
Accession Number: KO2590/271 |
 | Copy of letter written in November 1680 from Lord Derby re the
Lancashire Militia.
Accession Number: KO0075/26 |
 | Letter from Chief Constable of Lancaster, dated 7th June 1897,
to Colonel Whalley concerning the Royal Lancashire Militia.
Accession Number: KO2590/003 |
 | Letter to Colonel Whalley from Royal Household re dedication of
the Records of the Royal Lancashire Militia. 27th August 1888
Accession Number: KO2590/302 |
 | Letter to Major Trappes, 4th (Militia) Battalion, King�s Own
Royal Lancaster Regiment, 20th July 1883.
Accession Number: KO2590/297 |
 | Letter to Captain Rowlandson re serving in the 3rd Militia
Battalion King�s Own 14th August 1887 �Sir, I desire to take
advantage of the Queen�s Proclamation....�
Accession Number: KO2590/301a & b. |
 | Letter and envelope re appointment of J Rowlandson 1886 to 3rd
and 4th (Militia) Battalions, King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment.
Accession Number KO1024/02 & 03. |
 | Letter from King George III re adoption of the Red Rose by the
Royal Lancashire Militia on Colours, dated 26th December, 1803
Accession Number: KOLIB0231/01 |
Recruiting Notices
 | �Defence Against Foreign Invasion� Notice for people to join the
Militia force against French invasion.
Accession Number: KO2490/892 |
 | Torrington Corps of Volunteers
Torrington Corps of Volunteers - recruiting handbill dated 25th June
1797. Torrington is in North Devon and the connection with the Royal
Lancashire Militia may be that the RLM was based in Plymouth between
March 1797 and September 1798.
Accession Number: KO2590/027 |
Inspection Reports
 | Confidential Inspection Report of the 3rd and 4th Battalions,
King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 1883.
Accession Number: KO2590/295 |
 | Confidential Inspection Report of the 3rd and 4th Battalions,
King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1882.
Accession Number Ko2590/296 |
Sale Documents
 | Sale document: �Extremely Valuable Freehold Land and Buildings,
The Property of the County Palatine of Lancaster to be sold by
Auction by Mr G H Petty, on 21st June 1882,.... The Storehouse and
Depot lately occupied by the 1st Royal Lancashire Militia in South
Road Lancaster.
Accession Number: KO2599/01 |
 | Programmes for the Laying Up of the Colours of the Royal
Lancashire Militia, 18th September, 1932.
Accession Numbers: KO2490/779 and KO2490/780 |
 | Programme of Ceremony, Restoration of the Colours of the 4th
Militia Battalion 24 Oct 1928.
Accession Number: KO2490/783 |
 | Programme for the Royal Review of the Home and Colonial Troops
by Her Majesty the Queen, on Laffan�s Plain, (Aldershot) Tuesday 1st
July 1897. The Parade included the 3rd Militia Battalion of the
King�s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment.
Accession Number: KO2590/287 |
 | 3rd and 4th Militia Battalions, King�s Own Royal Lancaster
Regiment, Receipt for Mess 20th July 1883.
Accession Number: KO2590/014 |
 | Receipt from Stationers Hall, 8th June 1889 for the book Roll of
Officers of the 1st Royal Lancashire Militia.
Accession Number: KO2590/303 |
Captain Plumbe, Royal Lancashire Militia, 1761-1765
& Colonel John Plumbe-Tempest, Collection
 | Orderly Book 1761
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/01 |
 | Captain Plumbe�s Account with his Company January 10th 1761
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/02 |
 | Mutiny Act, 1761
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/03 |
 | Captain Plumbe�s Orderly Book, 1761
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/05 a |
 | Captain Plumbe�s Orderly Book, 1761
Accession Number: KLIB0100/05 b |
 | Tent Roll of Captain Plumbe's Coy 1762
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/07 |
 | Piquet Report, 1762
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/14 |
 | Field Exercises and Evolutions of the Army 1824
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/04 |
 | Sick Report, 1831
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/13 |
 | Parade State, 1813
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/15 |
 | Orderly Officers Report 1831
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/16 |
 | Draft Report on Training, 1820. Letter to Earl of Derby from
Colonel John Plumbe
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/17 |
 | Draft Report on Training, 1831
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/18 |
 | Draft letters Captain Thomas Plumbe
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/19 |
 | Letter re leave to an officer, 1829
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/21 a |
 | Envelope to Colonel Tempest
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/21 b |
 | Letter from Secretary of War, 1831
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/22 |
 | Letter re 1833 pay list
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/23 |
 | Weekly return of sick, July 1821
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/24 |
 | Letter to Colonel Tempest of the 1st Royal Lancashire Regiment
Accession Number: KO2590/293 |
 | Signature and seal �T Plumbe Colonel, R Lancashire Mil.�
Accession Number: KO2590/294 |
Miscellaneous items
 | Memoria Technica - Instructions for Firelock Royal
Lancashire Militia, �Take care to perform the Manual exercises.....�
Accession Number: KOLIB0100/20 |
 | Militia Ballot List?
Accession Number: KO2590/292 |
 | Roll of Regular Militia, County of Lancashire, 1811
Accession Number KOLIB0107 |
 | 1st Royal Lancashire Militia Return Card for Captain Gibson�s
Company, 24th February, 1816
Accession Number: KO0086/08 |
 | Warrant for Holding Courts Martial, 1796, Militia.
Accession Number: KO0727/01 |
 | Advice regarding Recruiting, Earl of Derby�s Regiment of
Militia, 1703.
Accession Number: K0806/01 |
 | The Militia Acts and Militia Regulations, by T W Saunders
Accession Number KO1446/27 |
 | Description of the Colours of the Royal Lancashire Militia.
Accession Number: KO2590/272 |
 | Militia Pay Document, May 1783.
Accession Number: KO2590/291 |
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