

Welcome to the official web site of Jan Pienkowski where you can get information about Jan and his work. He has produced more than 100 children's books.

This web site features details of all Jan's books that are currently in print and available to buy. We also have up-to-date details of Jan's new work and titles in development. You can sign up for an e-mail newsletter to keep up to date with Jan and this web site.

We have also provided an extensive fun & games section featuring free online books including the Bel & Bub stories, Easter: The King James Version, Farm and Jan's first ever book, Annie, Bridget and Charlie. Other features include colouring in pictures, join the dots and other puzzles.

As well as illustrating and authoring children's books, Jan creates a variety of other artwork, some of which can be viewed in the Studio section.

When you have finished enjoying this site, we have an extensive resources section for further reading.

� Copyright 2000 by Jan Pieńkowski - All rights reserved
MEG & MOG characters � Copyright Helen Nicoll and Pieńkowski