Sat, Dec 19, 2015
Timeline of the story is right after World War II. A university junior lady (Zhu) moved to Nanjing for a new school. On the train to Nanjing, Zhu seat was occupied by a solider and he was asked to take the next train he supposed to take by the staff. The school is located near a village where all the air pilot wives lived. She has a chance to work as a private tutor of the master mistress (Yee) of the village and coach the vice captain wife (Chou) daughter (Ting). Air pilot back to the loves ones after the war is over. There's a reason behind Zhu decided too move to Nanjing.
Sat, Dec 19, 2015
One of the air pilots (Guo) was survived from the war. But he blamed himself unable to save his teammate. He don't know how to face his dead teammate wife and lied about his dead buddy is alive and stayed in a hospital. Days after, the wife go to captain mistress (Yee) home where Zhu work and only Zhu was there at that time. The wife received an urgent fax and asked Zhu to tell her what the fax about. The fax was about the dead body of her husband is found. Zhu felt it was her fault and decided to resign. Yee asked her why she come here the first place. Zhu said there's a air pilot saved her school years ago. She saw the flight marked 513 and learnt the airforce headquarter is here, that is the reason why she come here. Yee told her that 513 is pilot Guo.
Sat, Dec 26, 2015
Guo is suffering post war traumatic disorder and make himself get drunk and decide to retire. One day, Zhu go to a restaurant and being bullied by her university senior. Guo was drunk but he stood up and saved Zhu but fall down finally and puke on Zhu. Guo was being forced by the captain to stay as he is one of the best. In a ceremony, Guo and Zhu has officially met. Zhu was waitressing and being teased by other air pilots and Guo came up and pull her for a dance. Guo said he is the solider who take her seat when she's on the train to Nanjing.
Sat, Dec 26, 2015
Zhu found out Guo's history with all the women and pissed. In the ceremony earlier, it was told new mode of planes are assigned but not enough for two teams. The team leads decided to have a competition to decide which team can get the new planes. The rule is "whichever team flight fly nearest to the ground level, win". Guo asked Zhu to be his GPS on the ground but Zhu declined. He has asked Zhu to take care of an injured pigeon in order to find where she lived. On the day of competition, Guo plane engine was out of order and all the dark smoke came out and block his vision. The engine noise made Zhu ran outside and Guo win the competition because he found his GPS. Yee planned to go to USA with husband captain. But captain was told the training budget was cut and Yee cannot go. Yee insisted him to go without her. On the other hand, a rematch is rescheduled day after.
Sat, Jan 2, 2016
In the rematch, Guo out of mind behavior make him get publish and put his crew life in danger. Zhu understand Guo act is caused by pain from the war. Guo keep finding Zhu and make people in her school jealous of her. Zhu decide to hide from Guo and moved out from where she lived. Guo invaded the girl school and asked Zhu senior not to bully Zhu. Guo got punish as invade in girl school. Captain get a loan to bring Yee to US but such act was disagreed by her.