109 Reviews
Potential for depth but hindered by bad execution
hazard1114 April 2024
I didn't read the book so I don't know if it's a good adaptation but as a movie it's.. mediocre. A shallow drama.

First though, let me just praise the leads. They really sell the chemistry for their characters. The longing and all that. Bonus that both are handsome people.

Now for the bad. The plot... while I was interested in the premise as I thought it had potential for depth it only gave me something shallow. They didn't give time for the trauma of their past to take root so it hits different. Would've been so much better if they really dug into the abuse, mental health issues, ptsd etc but everything got glossed over even during the scenes it's highlighted.

While I liked the base chemistry of the actors the actual romance between the them is non existent. They never built it up so it's just there. Very weak foundation is just not good. Because why should I care about these character's love for each other?

The most atrocious is the pacing... there's very bizarre cuts of time that forces you to fill it in yourself because they jumped over it so you're noticably missing chunks of scenes.

Shout out too for that bad insert of Olivia's song that was so out of place and the cringe acting for some of the actors.

Anyway overall this reminds me a lot of Royalteen... which to both would have been better as a limited series of sort to really delve into the characters' struggles, why they act they way they do, so you can actually empathize with them while the romance is a B-plot to create that slow burn. But alas this wasn't it.

Warning: Some brief nudity, attempted rape.
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Dark, Sensual, Cinematic, but underwhelming.
mahibrr5 April 2024
Based on the Italian novel, you would think "The Tearsmith" would be a beautiful dark romance with fitting dialogues and a seething, intriguing plot-line, but it was rather underwhelming.

SUMMARY OF MY THOUGHTS: The movie is mediocre in my opinion. But if someone asked me if they should watch it, I'd probably tell them not to sweat it. The trailer made me anticipate what turned out to be underwhelming and poorly made in terms of depth and pacing, along with a poorly constructed plot line. The vibes and cinematography were great though, and the chemistry between the actors was present. But mostly it's a basic forbidden romance that delivered less than it promised. So I guess you can watch it if you're a young teen that likes to fantasise about forbidden romances, and look at beautiful things. The movie is beautiful visually, but not so much practically.

If you want to know an in depth explanation on my thoughts, continue reading.

PLOT: (-) The plot in general is basic and poor, even in the novel. But the book was saved due to the beautiful writing, but it didn't translate very well on screen. On screen the plot just felt like it was adapted from a steamy forbidden romance web novel written by a teenager.

AWKWARD: (-) The Italian novel it is based on is great, but that didn't translate very well on screen. Most of the movie was awkward, from the dialogues to the pacing. The dialogues were rather dramatic and cringey to be in a feature film, making it seem like it is based off a fan fiction novel written by a desperate teen.

Dramatic "alpha male" dialogues make sense to read in the form of a book, but in a film where it is acted out, it is hard to watch unless you're a part of the same testosterone energy desperate flock.

As a non Italian speaker, reading subtitles of such scenes may have increased the awkwardness I felt.

PACING: (-) The novella is lengthy, so adapting it into a movie less than 2 hours long is difficult, and a bad decision.

The extremely fast pacing of the movie made the characters and story loose their depth. As soon as the movie started, it already felt like they were rushing to finish it and show as many scenes as they can.

The fast pacing prevented us from seeing a natural development of the characters' relationships so it's a shame.

Although the actors had good chemistry together, the chemistry just didn't make sense.

In general, the speed of scene flow just threw me off and made most scenes seem non-sensical and unrelated.

Perhaps it would've flowed better if it was made into a short series rather than a movie, not that I would've like it either way.

LACK OF DEPTH OF MALE LEAD: (-) As someone who read 70% of the novel, I think that the novel itself lacked enough of Rigel's (Male Lead) back story.

So you can assume how much worse it was in the movie. Due to there not being enough emphasis on why Rigel felt the way he did, behaved the way he did, or even liked Nica (Female Lead) the way he did in the first place, it was hard to empathise with him as a character, though he's very likeable.

The actor that performed the role of Rigel, did a good job nonetheless.

CINEMATOGRAPHY: (+) Needless to say, the cinematography and frames of the movie were deliciously done. The color grading only added on to the beauty of the film. The cinematography contrasted really well according to the setting, and was very fitting for the characters.

The dark, eerie, yet beautiful shots I saw in the trailer are what made me anticipate watching it in the first place.

All in all, good vibes.

SOUNDTRACK: (±) The soundtrack was decent. I suppose the piano pieces might've saved the movie. Otherwise the Billie eilish song placement was okay.

Though I have to say, the songs had great timing, but the Olivia song was so random and uncalled for. It was very unfitting and made me cringe at its placement. Especially since Vampires in general having nothing to do with the film, and the pop genre itself is a bad contrast with it.

CHEMISTRY/ACTING: (+) The actors did a great job, inspite of this being their first feature film. They sold the chemistry between the characters pretty well inspite of the terrible pacing of the movie.

Though I felt the acting of the actress that played Nica, was rather bleak, lacking diversity, perhaps that's her own interpretation of the character. So I won't judge too harshly.

The actor that played Rigel, did a decent job, but I felt as though he wasn't able to sell the "new boy crush" persona at school too well, since the only charisma I felt from his was due to his appearance, but much less from his demeanour. Maybe working on that would've helped him ooze with charisma and sex-appeal more, since his poses looked borderline uncomfortable and unnatural most of the time.

This is why workshops before starting to film a movie are so important, not just to develop charisma between the characters, but also to work on their individual plots.

Although I have to say, one scene towards the end, on the bridge that was seen in the trailer, was borderline cringey, as much because of its acting as it is because of the direction and construction.

CASTING: (+) The casting of the actors was better than one could ask for, including the child actors. That's one thing I could clap for.

TARGET AUDIENCE: (±) This movie will be disliked by 70% of the watchers. The 20% that like it will probably be aroused teens and young adults that like to be titillated, and are pleased by visually beautiful aesthetics.

That's all.
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lacked the depth that the book had
noudlesoup6 April 2024
I feel like this should've been a series or at least a longer movie, as there are too many crucial details in the book that they failed to mention in this movie. Especially a lot about Nica and Rigel's relationship wasn't really portrayed very well on screen and lacked the depth and detail present in the book, which is probably why most people rated this fairly low. I would, too, if I hadn't read the book before. Up until the middle of the movie it was pretty decent and followed the book accurately, but the rest felt incredibly rushed. I really urge people to read the book though, as it's way better than this adaption.
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Forbidden romance failed to make me understand why they felt it was forbidden
Iamtiredofrubbish6 April 2024
The cinematography in the trailer piqued my interest because it looked absolutely beautiful and as i already watched Twilight, thought maybe this could be a better version of that because by now the maker should have known what lacked in Twilight so that this one could be better. As usual, i was wrong.

The movie didn't deliver much in terms of depth or character growth. We don't know why Margaret was so attached to Rigel and awful to Nica. No elaboration over why the couple felt compelled to adopt two teenagers, that too just by seeing Rigel playing piano. Also why they thought their romance was forbidden when they are not even related.

The sexual tension was there between the leads but still felt a bit flat. And acting in places were also flat. The supporting actors from the school were really bad and that side story of the two girls wasn't needed in the sense that it didn't add any value to the story or had any impact on Nica's friendship with them. The lackluster third act as usual made no sense, it could have been something powerful but instead the court scene was almost cheesy because i don't think anyone talks like that in court.

One thing i must gush about is the background music, especially the piano piece playing through the movie is so soulful and soothing, it was the best thing in there, sorry to the composers that their masterpieces were wasted on such a mediocre cinema.
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Worst Movie This Year
BulletProofGirl5 April 2024
This didn't evoke emotions at all! It has the corniest most awkward and unrealistic lines, cliche and very predictable events, bad acting, stupid court scene, and what the hell kind of ending is that? If this is from a famous book which i haven't read, then this is the worst adaptation ever. This is the worst movie I've seen so far this year! A total waste of time! And who the hell dubbed it in English? The way the lines were delivered was so offputting, unnatural, and just plain weird. It made the actors look bad in acting. I dont know if it's the dubbing that's weird, or the actors. The directors did really bad in the way the entire movie was put together. The music background, the shots, the acting, the lines, the interpretation. It's bad enough that the plot sucks and has no originality but the fact that I am such a crybaby who could easily cry at the most trivial things and fall in love with the simplest things, yet this movie did not move me in any way and just basically transformed me into a stonehearted human being. The only emotion this movie unleashed from inside of me is anger. I am so disappointed for wasting my time!
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gabrieleblazyte-4406211 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its literally the worst movie I have seen in a long time. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of romance movies but this one... It didn't have any normal plot, the actors were good-looking, but that was all. Maybe if they had made a TV series, this wouldn't be so bad because I can see a bit of potential in the scenario, but now there was a feeling that the whole story was hastily arranged, so it just made me laugh at how unrealistic and awkward it all seemed. For example Lionel, they went for ice cream, never had a meaningful conversation (actually no one did in the whole movie), didn't talk for days, and he comes to her one day saying he can't forget her, and, cherry on top, he wants to rape her??? Hmm... Overall, if I were able to do that, I would give it zero stars and ask to give me back my time because i could've spent it watching any other movie. TERRIBLE.
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Overall better than people portray it to be
venivasileva25 April 2024
Honestly, I enjoyed the movie. As other people said - is it Oscar worthy - no. Is it, however, a nice movie to escape reality for a bit - yes.

It could've been a little longer and would've benefited from a bit more character development, but people need to understand that you cannot retell a whole novel in one movie, no matter how hard you try.

With that being said, I've read some ridiculous complaints such as that it does not become clear why the family chose to adopt Rigel so suddenly or why Ms. Margaret hated Nica so much.

So let me break it down - Rigel obviously reminded Mr. And Mrs. Milligan of their son, who passed away probably not too long ago (since he loved playing the piano, just like Rigel does and that is the exact moment when the family seemingly out of nowhere decide to bring home both Nica and Rigel).

Ms. Margaret, on the other hand, probably hates Nica because she sees her as a potential threat to Rigel and as someone who might "take him away from her". This is why she does everything in her power to punish Nica, out of spite.

I liked the cast, I think they suited their roles just fine and the movie is obviously targeted towards a younger audience. The atmosphere is also very nice, a little dark.

Overall I would say I enjoyed it, although the ending felt rushed and was a bit disappointing. However, as I previously said - it is impossible to reach the depth of the novel, which is completely understandable.
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Don't give it any view. Probably the worst movie in 2024 so far
alecssimone4 April 2024
I haven't read the book, so I can't say anything about it, but everything in the plot is predictable and obvious since the beginning, scene by scene, the acting is unbelievable bad, sooooo bad I'm actually shocked they made it to the final cut, the actors have no diction in Italian and everything is constantly whispered, the lead female actress just can't act, she was the worst, followed by the lead male actor (who is a singer, so I understand why acting is not his strength), the director's choices are nonsense in every scene, the script and the lines are so terrible that you end up giggling and wondering. At one point new characters are introduced and you don't know who they are until the end of the scene. There is one scene (no spoiler because it's useless to the plot) where the parents are stuck in the traffic and it's evening. When the traffic is over and the parents are back home, it's morning and everyone is cool with that and having spent the night in the car waiting for the cars to move. This made me laugh a lot, so thank you for that!

The only actress I would save in this is the girl playing Adeline.
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People need to lower their expectations
apreston-543447 April 2024
I don't understand all the bad reviews - It's a good movie. Is it Oscar worthy? No of course not. Is it predictable? Yes but why be upset about it. Surely most people who watched or plan to watch the movie knew/know exactly what they were getting themselves into, so why be so hypocritical. This movie is watchable and a great way to escape reality for 2 hours. The dark cinematography adds a mysterious element and with an attractive cast, it goes well together. If you're not into dark romantic movies, then you should move along to something else. If you're going to watch it, just lower your expectations and enjoy the cheese.
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beacarvajal20 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book that "The Tearsmith" is based on, and let me just say, they butchered it so badly that it actually makes me mad. They had one simple job: to follow the book! They didn't need to make up things out of nowhere, and that's why the story comes across as dumb and stupid. They left out so much of the story and changed so much that it clearly doesn't make any sense.

First off, the story in the book is set in Alabama. This is important! In the movie, Rigel is always taking meds, but in the book, she only finds out about the meds almost at the end. Every single relationship they had is all messed up! She doesn't meet her friends the way she does in the movie. She also has time to meet Lionel and develop a friendship with him.

And the party-oh my gosh, the party! In the book, it's nothing like what they show in the movie. Lionel does not run them over with a car! It's all just messed up. The changes they made aren't just minor tweaks; they fundamentally alter the story and characters, making the movie feel disjointed and nonsensical.

In short, if you're a fan of the book, be prepared for a disappointing adaptation that strays far from the source material in ways that are baffling and frustrating.
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wafizaalifa3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is beautiful doesn't matter what others say. I'm someone whose favorite watch is DARK, Stranger things and others and literally a movie freak. So don't judge my taste.

Alright, now lets come to the scoop on this movie: The GRAVE orphans are used to a world where feeling anything is pretty much asking for Trouble. They're living in this make-believe place where they're scared stiff of some legend called the tearsmith, who's supposed to come for them if they let their guard down and feel something. And this happening since their childhood with a bulk leading to torture and trauma by the metron. But as the story goes on, they figure out that everyone's got a tearsmith inside them, stirring up all kinds of feels, and that's what makes life worth living.

Rigel is an introvert guy with various conditions, whether mental or physical. He had brain disorders that caused his behavior to be intriguing and led to constant fevers. Among the orphaned children, his parents were the only ones who had left him in a basket, making him realize they had abandoned him when he was born. He was the favorite child of that matron because she got to raise him like her own kid.

Because of her favoritism towards Rigel, everyone else at the orphanage was somehow punished except him, which is why the kids used to hate him, essentially abandoning him again. He was made to witness their torture like a monster (foreshadowing the wolf in a story). Among the kids, Nica was the one who was kind towards him the most from the beginning, as he had medical conditions, but she was being punished the most for the matron's irrational reasonings.

Since Rigel closely witnessed Nica getting punished every time, even in the cellar, he felt concern/compassion towards her and could relate to her than any other, leading to an emotional attachment within him. Many wanted to adopt Rigel, but he refused them as he wanted to stay with Nica at the orphanage. So, when Nica was finally picked for an adoption trial, Rigel couldn't hold himself back from seeing Nica leave, so he drew attention by playing the piano. That's how Rigel and Nica left GRAVE, and they started to get the hang of this whole emotion thing, sticking together through thick and thin.

The main problem wasn't the sibling dynamic but the feeling of abandonment. Rigel wanted to be with her but also felt disgusted with himself, believing he wasn't someone who deserved love and affection. About pushing her away every time thwy meet is because of their current situation because of the adoption. Seeing her was enough for him but things went different leading the story. If that's a bit too much for you to take seriously, no worries, man. Tons of movies are there for you to watch. You can leave this one as this was made for teens. Personally, I appreciate the movie, the sound scores, the captivating plot and cinematography, but indeed, it was a bit rushed. I hoped to watch more scenes of them. I'm all about shows like DARK, Stranger things, Breaking Bad, and The Shawshank Redemption but I've got a soft spot for good romances as well.

Whether it's a healthy obsession or not, I've found myself returning to this Tearsmith movie over a dozen times. If only it were longer by half an hour, maintaining its captivating rhythm, it'd ascend from being merely great to truly extraordinary.
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Sensual and romantic
jazzie_776 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, it was predictable. And the characters not very well developed. They could have dived in more, give the story more depth.

But I loved the romantic feel of the movie, there was enough chemistry between the two main actors and it was beautifully filmed. I don't really understand people saying it is all wrong... he had a childhood crush on her all along. They were not born into the same family. She arrived at te orphanage at the age of 8 years old. Then he kept his distance and acted like he didn't like her, and some psychological abuse went on there, so they did not really grew up normally, and they were also not related.

For the situation with the adoptive parents it would have been a bit complicated but I just see two young people attracted to each other and having the possibility now to explore that.
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Get into the style and you won't find it that bad...
eleanorordish7 April 2024
So. You cannot compare something like this to your Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption or Schindler's List, but if you go in thinking "hey, you know what, I fancy some sort of simple angsty drama romance with a tad more depth", you will find it meets just that.

I'm reading other reviews and they mention it's based off of a book and, when I fancy a bit of light reading that doesn't require a huge amount of brainpower, I'll be there. It feels like one of those coin-buying app novels where every chapter is a cliffhanger designed to keep you reading and written by someone who does it to pass the time but knows what's required to earn the big bucks.

Everyone is very characterised; you've got your inside, sunglasses-wearing villain with a cane, you've got the chisel-jawed, talented heartthrob brother (who isn't really your brother) as the male protagonist, you've got your strong-ish but also damsel-in-distress-ish female protagonist and you then decide to throw in your 2-Dimensional best friends who are either "just ugly" or going through "unrequited love" and boom: we got ourselves a story. I'm not going into how it insults each party, otherwise we'd be here all day, but I do simply want to say that the 2D friends just really angered me in the way they were "used". They added literally nothing to the story, just thrown in there for the sake of it and maybe to seem "more edgy". Hence, insulting.

I'm glad I read the reviews first because then I knew what I was walking into. I'll be honest, I saw more chemistry between these two main characters than the actors who were the leads in "One Day". Shoot me, if you will, but that's my honest opinion. The music was actually top-notch. Again, very angsty, very teenage-drama, and it hit the nail on the head for what it was aiming to be. Whack in some moody lighting and some - actually, honestly - pretty well-filmed cinematography and you've got yourself a reasonable watch.

Others have compared it to Twilight and I can't help but agree. In fact, I'd go as far to say that the acting of the main protagonists was actually better (in this, there was more lip-biting from the guy than the gal in comparison).

Dissecting what the writer likely would label as the "deep and meaningful" part of their story regarding what they went through as children...it's a gentle subject for an awful lot of people, so this is where it's important to acknowledge the mark. Do I think it was highlighted as an important, deep and meaningful part of the storyline? No. The focus here was the romance and chemistry of our two protagonists. Then the rest of the issues were written around it to boost their relationship. If it meant to come across as the main point being victims finally standing up and calling out their abusers as the main subject, it fails. Because from what I saw, it's just about how two people came to love and support each other despite their awful upbringings.

Once you bring it down to that, I have to say, it was actually "alright". I won't be watching it again anytime soon, unless I'm wanting something on in the background as I paint my house's living room walls. I'm pleased, however, for those who found it particularly enjoyable because at the end of the day, each to their own and if you want to read further into the message (which is literally explained over and over again in a post-recorded narration because it presumes we're all stupid) then fair enough. Your passion is your passion.

I will say that it doesn't deserve below a 4 star review - even if you hated it, and I can empathise - because the casting, lighting, cinematography and (some of the) acting was actually not that bad.

Give it a shot if you're feeling poorly and taking a day off school or work.
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Mid to say the least
aliceber5 April 2024
It was terrible. The story lacks intensity, I got to the end of the film without even realising it, it felt like for the whole duration the film was just a big introduction for something that doesn't actually come. The relationship of the main characters has no foundation, the only things we get are from Rigel when there are flashbacks with her friend, otherwise we have absolutely no reason to see them as a couple, we don't know why she is in love or why they actually love each other. They throw everything into 'it's like that' without even trying to delve into it, trying to get away with a few poetic lines about damned love. The themes also have some relevance and delicacy, however the final part is completely rushed, devoid of emotion, although I felt I had to feel something, at least sadness for the sad story of the orphanage, the narration of the facts ruined everything. The characters individually can also hold their own, apart from the usual trope of the damned bad boy who beats people left and right, but the actors definitely need to improve, half of the things Rigel's actor said were incomprehensible. On top of that, they inserted incomplete storylines probably put in as an easter egg from the book, which clearly doesn't work if these storylines aren't even hinted at after a random introduction.
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Hilariously dumb
mauramartindale7 April 2024
This had potential to be an entertaining romance movie, but they completley butchered it within the first five minutes. When she was cradling the rat I lost it and burst out laughing. It's so dumb. It's beyond cliché, Rigel and Nica are beyond cliché. The scene in the kitchen where he tells her not to touch him and she asks what happens if she does and he whispers "I won't be able to hold back". Peak writing! This story could have been good if there had been more focus on the orphange, their childhood there, having them interact more there; Rigel should have had some sort of relationship with her at the orphange, at least a budding firendship. The movie needs more depth, actual characters that aren't clichés... basically it should be redone with someone that is capable of writing a good script that has nuance. As of now it's just hilarious because it ticks every box for a badly written wattpad romance.
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What was this
selenarodrigues-4563013 April 2024
When I tell you I have never seen the slowest slow not-burn... I now have after this mess. Can someone tell me why they took After, Twilight, Through My Window, The Hating Game, Kissing Booth, and every other "enemies" to lover step sibling movie and made it have a baby. I am disturbed, revolted and utterly disappointed. Goodbye Wattpad we must graduate onto bigger and better movies because WHAT WAS THIS.

Also, where was the smut, plot and/or anything. Not them having a whole recap at the end acting like something happened. I fear this was worse than the entire After saga combined. Stan any other movie for clear skin.
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It's not an Oscar-worthy movie, but it's okay. Still, it's a really good movie, fitting for its target audience, which clearly is teenagers. It's a dark romance.
caahcorrales20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Is a film that surprises with its subtlety and careful construction. Watching it without reading the synopsis or the book it is based on proved to be a wise decision, as the narrative unfolds in an engaging and unexpected manner.

The film starts off slowly and might feel slightly strange at first, especially for those expecting a Hollywood-style rhythm full of highs and lows. Its linear and calm trajectory may cause discomfort for those seeking intense and fast-paced emotions. However, it is precisely this constancy that makes the experience so unique and authentic.

The story addresses deep and resonant themes, especially for a young audience. Although devoid of fantastical elements like vampires and werewolves, the film manages to evoke a mystical atmosphere similar to iconic romances like "Twilight" or "The Mortal Instruments." It brings this magical sensation but remains grounded in reality, creating a fascinating balance.

One of the most striking aspects of the film is the orphanage theme, which serves as the backdrop for the entire plot. Without revealing crucial details, it's noticeable that the orphanage and the relationships that develop there are central to the narrative, providing an emotional depth that significantly touches the viewer.

The relationship between the protagonists is complex and well-developed, keeping the audience captivated until the end. Upon finishing, there is a feeling of wanting more, a strong desire for a continuation that explores the future of these well-constructed characters.

Stands out for its originality and beauty, being engaging and touching. Despite being quite adolescent dark romance, I would say it is a film that deserves to be watched.
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Just no
fillyawshelby6 April 2024
This was so bad. It was so corny and so predictable and just so awkward. I got so much second hand embarrassment from this, i had to stop watching on multiple occasions. The acting was so bad. I have never read the book so i can't say anything about that but omg this movie was so bad. I've never felt so awkward and so much second hand embarrassment from a movie. The cover looked pretty good but that was so deceiving. This was probably the worst i've ever watched. But if you're into then good for yall! Who am i to judge. But girlll this was so bad 😭 i dunno man but this was so predictable and so awkward and just so cringy.
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Passionate movie, lacks character development
sophiajohns-294107 April 2024
I didn't mind this movie and really enjoyed the passion shown by these two, amazing casting. I will say the hyper sexualization of highschool students and nudity was a little strange. I am American though, and understand this movie is from a different culture. The ending was brisk and light hearted but slightly confusing. Beautiful cast members. Could be triggering to some individuals with sexual abuse trauma, so please be wary of that. I feel that I didn't see enough character development, which I feel could've connected me to the characters more. I also think that is what the writer was going for, more a mysterious lover boy vibe. Over all, a solid 7 in my book, you only see that type of passion every once in awhile.
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Cliche and predictable
I read the book and I was expecting some details not to be in the movie. However, they had so much potential and they lost it. Everything was very predictable and different from the book itself. The sex scene sucked, the timeline, and the scene itself took place in another setting. It was just so bad. Very disappointed. I wanted to feel sparks just like the book and I felt nothing but cringe. Not everything is bad though, the actors ans actress are very attractive and they got some important scenes and dialogue the same. But I have to rate this a 4 because didnt fulfill my expectations. Very sad.
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asalexysarts5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why other people are comparing this to Twilight, because, aside from the fact that the characters are emotionally dead inside, they have nothing in common. In the Twilight movies, they never explained the reason why they are like this, however, in The Tearsmith, it's due to growing up with abuse in an orphanage. This is often what happens to people when they were devoid of care and parental love growing up, and this is what happens to people who have gone through way too much abuse every single day as a child. I experienced this firsthand, so I'm here to say that this is accurate, I wasn't able to feel again until much later in life, and this made me cry my eyes out because of how close to home it was. If anyone can't understand it, it's because they've never gone through it. As someone who hated Twilight for its lack of substance, I actually loved this.

For the people who say the characters who are supposed to be in love have no substance to their relationship and no basis for their love, they clearly weren't paying attention, but I can't explain why without spoiling, so be aware that there are going to be spoilers ahead.

SPOILERS: I hadn't even read the book, but I still grasped all this, just from the movie. Before the main girl started living at this orphanage, the orphanage directress was abusing every child except for one, a boy whom she only cared about for his piano playing and music composition abilities, which stemmed from his pain and sadness, but she had this boy do her bidding, which was an abuse within itself. She made him feel like he didn't deserve love because she turned him into a person who does bad things to others. Every child called this orphanage "The Graves" and this boy "The Tearsmith". When the main girl started living there, the directress started her abuse toward her by directing the boy to take her mother's necklace away from her neck, her mother who had just died, so it was her one and only left connection to her mother. The boy ran away with it as fast as he could in order to hide it away and protect it, because he's not actually evil. He probably told the directress that he threw it away or lost it. Even though he was the one kid who was never abused, he started abusing himself every time the directress abused her, just to try to stop the directress from abusing her, because he figured that if she cared about him, she'd not want harm to come to him, so she'll stop hurting the girl so he'll stop hurting himself, and he did all this because he loved her, but instead of doing what he intended for it to do, it caused the directress to blame the new girl for the demise of her favorite boy, and so the directress started to abuse this girl the most. He blamed himself and this further fixed his idea that he shouldn't love, because he can only ever hurt the person he loves. It doesn't help that she herself decided he's the villain of the story, rather than the directress. She realizes the reality of the situation at the end though.

I relate to this firsthand because my mother abused me, but not my siblings, so they self-harmed as well... They also later blamed me than the true cause. This is accurate to what really happens in these types of situations, and this was put together very creatively.

I think a lot of people just didn't get it.

As for the people calling this incest, it's not. It's an orphanage. None of them are related. She didn't start living there until later while he was living there since he was a baby, so to him, she was never his sister, just a girl who came to the orphanage whom he loved at first sight, If people think this is incest, they missed the point. Yes, they got adopted together once they were almost adults on a trial basis, so they were about to become brother and sister IF the family adopted them both, however, he only went with her to be with her, and he rejected the adoption in the end so that they could be together. He also rejected prior adoptions to be with her. Everyone always wanted to adopt him and not her, so he chose to stay abused, just to stay with her.

That is why he gave her the black rose, for tormented love.

People who are mad because they thought this was going to be a werewolf fantasy story, well, I guess it sucks for them that they didn't realize early on that everything in this story was just going to be a form of symbolism.

It really was a great movie.
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Involving romance, but with some serious flaws
johannes2000-121 August 2024
On the positive side: this is a carefully made, sensitive and romantic movie, with as a harsh and cynical edge the abuse and harassing of children in an orphanage. Story and settings are very atmospheric, almost (and I guess quite deliberately) in the vein of an ancient fairytale. The romance between Rigel and Nica is convincing, and sensually photographed, and young actors Simone Baldasseroni and Caterina Ferioli both do a fine job and are very attractive.

I had some serious reservations too. The pace is extremely slow. The dialogues are all rather profound and solemn, especially Rigel and Nica are constantly communicating in almost poetic sentences, hardly common for two high school kids. It gradually impressed a bit as pretentious writing. The abuse in the orphanage, which is so pivotal for the story and the awkward relation between Nica and Rigel, is shown during the movie only very sketchy, in literally flashy flashbacks, so it's a bit hard to relate to the traumatic influence it must have had on the children. Nica's brave speech during the court session is so (again!) poetic, and not at all explicit, that it hardly explains the apparent successful outcome.

Still, on the whole this movie is very involving, you keep rooting for the kids to finally find their happiness, which only proves how well it's made.
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One of the worst movies I've seen yet
ejadefarmer15 April 2024
It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen!!!

It wasn't well written AT ALL.

I expected a dark romance type of vibe, forbidden love, and what-not, but it was more like a sexual tention Twilight.

It was just a strange movie overall. I definitely would never recommend this movie to anyone It was very boring and had terrible actors and actresses.

I don't think i have a positive thing to say about this movie.

I was looking forward to it, but it totally let me down greatly I am a love story lover, but this was just awful!

One of the worst movies from this year and I'm usually not that picky.
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An insult saying it's like twilight
jcbyk16 April 2024
This film has soo many holes - no depth and should never be compared to Twilight.

I will never get this time back! And what the hell with the kid at the end??! Never felt compelled to write a review before but trying to save people a few hours of their life.

The story starts weirdly and then jumps to near teen life. Both children (who are near adults) get adopted together and appear to hate each other although you can tell the tension is there. After one keep out of my room they are on each other so there was no chance for the tension to built and the other boy that fancies the lead girl his relationship and how he is madly in love with her is there after one I've cream haha! Twilight knew how to build the tension this is soo far off the mark, that brings tears to my eyes!!!

The only good thing was the music.
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Do not disrespect France Gall like this ever again
hfitoussi9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh. My. God.

I've seen bad bad bad movies but this one does not even pretend it tries. I just watched it when I was sick (as a way to fall asleep tbh) and at the end of the movie I couldn't even understand what was the point of the « forbidden » romance.

I have so many questions and none of them are worth getting answered because it would require that I get through this again.

I suffered, I cried, I laughed - but I had a fever so maybe that's why Did the Lionel guy really tried to run through them with his car and was their ONLY solution to jump from the bridge ? JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD S£X AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN RELATED ?!

Okay I've finally reached the minimum character limit

Bad bad bad bad bad movie.
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