There's nothing heroic about this doc or the people involved in its creation. And surely nothing spontaneous. The girl from Ukraine fragment is an actress and wife of Ukraine's info channel 24 director and she's been instructed and well-thought what to say and how. She was later rewarded with a summer camp at Harvard and apprenticeship at Stanford before taking a high-profile position in Odessa. Ben Moses had two months to instruct her, while he himself and his 'projects' are financed by Larry Diamond, one of the main protagonists of American 'liberation' and 'democratization' of the rest of the world. Funnily, the USA and 'developed' western countries are never the subjects of their documentaries on democracy...
The reason is that this is nothing but a guide for conducting a revolution or a coup via manipulating large masses of people dissatisfied with their current regime. A story of how to do it from behind the scenes, masked under the false claim of delivering democracy while instead plunging countries into violent riots, and often, bloody civil wars. The aim? To get rid of the disobeying dictators only to replace them with another authoritarian system that will allow powerful political figures in the US to have more control and bigger economic and military influence in the region.