- Norman Neale: A graduation present.
- [presents a box]
- Victor Ventura: [looks inside the box] Are these tights?
- Norman Neale: They're the best for mobility. And there's a mask too, so no one will know who you are.
- Victor Ventura: [after agreeing to experiment being a superhero for one night] But no costume! Let's go make a difference.
- Victor Ventura: You know, I used to read comics as a kid. I did, but...I grew out of it. The heroes were just so...lame. Like they would catch these archvillains and then they just throw them to jail knowing full well a week later they'd just bust out and kill more innocent people. Why didn't they just kill them? Makes sense to me.
- Norman Neale: Because...true superheroes believe in humanity. They believe that we all have the ability to grow and rehabilitate ourselves. They only use whatever force is necessary to stop someone and they hand him over to the police to let justice do its duty.
- Victor Ventura: Okay, but when in the history of comic boobs has a villain that been released actually been rehabilitate? Never, it never happens, you know that. Like after the 100th time that Superman catches Lex Luthor and brings him back to prison, he starts to look a little bit like a chump, don't you think? Why doesn't he split him in the head and save us all a whole lot of misery?
- Norman Neale: Because it doesn't work this way.