Policewoman Centerfold (TV Movie 1983) Poster

(1983 TV Movie)

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4 Reviews
matija-trost13 December 2001
But poor outcome...

The only thing worth mention in this movie is a beautiful Melody Anderson, who played the main role. She also proved that she has some talent in acting.

Otherwise, one of the million movies, who don't mean anything in the world of cinematography.

2 out of 10 (Again, thanks to Melody)
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Naive woman is surprised by utterly predictable consequences of her actions
youtube-097639 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's bizarre that this movie tries to drum up sympathy for the main character. She is a police officer and has a young son, and everyone tries to tell her it's a bad idea to take naked photos in a nudie magazine, but she dismisses all of their warnings.

Then she is SHOCKED when men look lustfully at her after having seen her naked in pictures, she is surprised her parents are disappointed, she can't believe her job could be affected by all her coworkers not respecting her or people on the street not respecting her authority.

Her son finds out by seeing the pictures in a magazine at the store and then is bullied, and naturally that is wrong, but she's saying "I'm so sorry that happened" as if it wasn't entirely predictable what would happen.

I mean, even if you don't think there is any moral problem with posing naked like that, surely it doesn't take a genius to realize that there are pragmatic concerns? And as a parent, shouldn't she have put her child's interest ahead of her own?

Everyone that tells her not to do it, she makes it THEIR problem for being judgmental or whatever. But then when her son is disappointed in her, how come she doesn't say "You're wrong, son, you're a male chauvinist, the fact you're embarrassed that other people have seen your mother naked means you're a bad person." Because even she knows deep down, he's not wrong for being embarrassed. It's actually natural and normal for him to react that way.

But she always makes it someone else's problem and someone else's fault.

Sure, the police department is full of hypocrites who do worse things, but that doesn't make what she did not stupid.

Yes, she had the freedom to do what she did. Other people also have the freedom to not approve. Yet she judges them for their disapproval, but they aren't allowed to judge her for her actions. She is naive and hypocritical.
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Dinosaurs In A Small Town
jimcarter195916 January 2020
The old boys club (police department) decides that another adult doesn't have the right to have her picture taken. A supposedly "conservative" (which means religious) town feels that a female police officer should be ashamed of what is God's creation. Sound hypocritical? Be prepared for a boatload. If you can stomach that sort of attitude, be prepared to suffer along with the victim. Oh; there's a Neanderthal boyfriend too!
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Sweet And Charming
aesgaard4122 October 2001
I have always known that Melody Anderson was one of the most beautiful but under-appreciated actresses in Hollywood. On one hand, this movie is a little of a tease as it taunts us with just how alluring the provacative actress is, but there is a limit on how far this could go as a tv-movie. It does show us just how good an actress she can be as her friends and son experience the pitfalls of her decisions. Ed Marinaro is a bit distant in his acting though, but Jerry Supiran proves how well he can do around the adult-minded script. Donna Pescow has a spirited, somewhat one dimensional character, but it is Melody who turns out the singular captivating presence.
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