Shelley Duvall credited as playing...
- Weeks: There are times, Bernard, when a man works best alone. This is one of those times.
- Suzanne Davis: What did he mean by that?
- Bernard: I don't know, but it's something
- Suzanne Davis: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Astrodome, the eighth wonder of the world. My name is Suzanne Fairest and I'll be your tour guide for the next 45 minutes to an hour. So, please feel free to ask questions at any time. And if you must leave, like to go to the bathroom or something, please notify me.
- Female Tourist: Yes. By the way, where is the bathroom?
- Suzanne Davis: Where is the bathroom? Well, there're bathrooms every 50 feet. But, they're not really bathrooms, you know. They don't have a tub or anything like that.