In the season 6 opening credits, as Barbara Billingsley steps out the front door, she's holding a hat with her right hand, arm fully extended down, and a picnic basket with her left hand, also down. When the view changes to a close-up, she's holding both items in her left hand, arm partially bent, with her right hand empty and down at her side.
Many adults call Beaver "Mister Cleaver", but being under eighteen,he should be called "Master Cleaver".
In the title sequence shown before each episode in Season 6, each family member comes out the front door on their way to an outing in the car. About halfway down the walk, Barbara Billingsley looks directly at the camera (it's called 'breaking the fourth wall', usually a no-no), seeming either to say, "How's that? Am I doing OK?" or, "I'm not going to run into the car, am I?"
Once the Cleavers moved to their new home (filming was relocated to the Universal back lot), views of the front of the house, and when Ward drove onto the driveway, the sidewalk would be wet, but the walkway to the front door and the driveway were always dry. As to why the production crew only hosed down the sidewalk may never be known.
During season one, Wally was in 8th grade and Beaver was in 2nd - six years apart. By the end season six Beaver was finishing 8th grade and Wally was graduating high school - 4 years apart.
In the Season 5 opening, as Barbara Billingsley comes out the door to offer refreshments to Ward, Wally and Beaver, she has both hands holding the tray, but the door opens and closes without her having to touch it. In the crack of the door on the left side, there is a glimpse of someone in a white or light colored shirt behind the door.
It is never fully established where the Cleavers live. While a lot of things establish they live in the Midwest (possibly either Wisconsin or Ohio), others suggest they live more on the West Coast (as there's never any snow in any episode, and a few times referring to "the coast" or the ocean).