Review of Thirst

Thirst (III) (2015)
Usual hokum genre rubbish
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film is unrealistic. Okay take away the blood sucking alien the film is still unrealistic. A friend found in the desert in his truck so badly decomposed that the lead female character is vomiting but still reckons said friend died due to losing control being drunk. The good looking kid finds dead friends phone but lead actress and actor don't want to look at it despite being told , "I've got his phone". After all that it's downhill. Too many stupid coincidences. Why di they always have the car/bike won't start scenario? Then there is the angry teenager who wants to fight. Not the alien but with the other characters. That boils down to lazy writing as the writers can't be bothered trying to weave a realistic story into the script. I'd say don't waste your time but hey you may like creature features full of coincidences and angry young people.
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