Friday Night Tights (2018– )
If Hollywood Won't Entertain Us, By Thunder, We'll Do It Ourselves!
20 January 2024
FNT came together as an organic gathering of similarly-minded content creators in the Nerd and Geek communities just to hang out and discuss pop culture events and laugh with each other.

Who knew that would grow to be as, if not more, entertaining than much of the material they discuss? Every episode is a natural discussion full of irreverent humor (and the occasional naughty word) featuring a panel of about ten regulars and one or two guests. As with any bunch of close-knit pals, there are a host of running in-jokes and personality quirks which the first time viewer might have a tendency to misunderstand. This is especially true since panelists tend to take ownership of inaccurate criticisms and ramp them up to eleven (for example, one regular has been accused--inaccurately--of being racist, so the joke is that everyone regularly points out that he's supposedly the most racist person anyone on the show knows. Another is of modest height, so the joke is that he has the stature of a dwarf). Once one establishes an understanding of the shorthand of their humor and "gets it," the genuine friendship and ease with which the group conducts their hangouts can't help but shine through unfettered.

But be aware: most of the people on the show approach life and culture from a more traditional background, and so they might feel "kind of a way" about the approaches that some of the Hollywood Elite approach entertainment creation, politics, storytelling, and criticism. If the Hollywood Elite reflect your mindset, you are welcome and appreciated by the FNT crowd, though you might find yourself in disagreement with them on a number of issues. You are still welcome and encouraged to participate in chat, so long as you remember people are all there to nerd out and have fun. People can disagree without conflict.

Chat is an important aspect of the show. The panelists keep an eye on what's being said in the live text chat, and frequently comment and riff off of what is there. There's even a group of regular chatters who typically whip up memes about what's being discussed, and these get shared live on the stream.
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