Review of Vector

Numb3rs: Vector (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
good, but want to make sure
25 March 2022
Plenty of suspense, and fits in philosophically with our current problems (2019/present) with COVID. A good episode. I feel I have to weigh in on behalf of J. K. Simmons, who was panned by another reviewer. I have watched him in other castings and have seen only the character he was cast - a skilled actor doing his job. I would ask that reviewer how many senior medical staff do they know? I know many. A few are friendly, even cuddly, towards the patients, but most know better. To maintain their mental balance, senior medical staff cannot have any emotional interaction with their patients. Such a relation endangers the physician/surgeon's ability to make objective judgements on the case. So many senior medics in hospitals have a very cold, abstracted demeanour. They need to distance themselves from the pain and turmoil in their patients' lives.
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