Great concept not particularly well executed
11 February 2011
I saw this short film and a film screening night a few years back and was intrigued by the concept but like a lot of short films you see at festivals and film screenings I was largely disappointed by the actual film.

As the story outline says on the IMDb page this film is all about a murder consultant who you can go and see (just like seeing a dentist or a mechanic) about getting someone killed. Its a great short film concept.

What is right with it: Its nicely and very competently shot on high definition video, the production design is a little woolly and cheap in places but overall not bad. The music is good and the action is very well shot.

What is wrong with it: Its the overall direction and the casting of the talent that lets this film down. Like a lot of short films directed by unestablished film makers its too clumsy, too over directed and lacks the subtlety of a more experienced hand behind the camera.

The biggest disappointments are the two leads. While David Orlando almost gets away with his performance - Enrico Mammarella as Bronson is very camp and over the top which makes his performance simply unbelievable. In many respects its a pantomime performance in what should have been an edgy, funny flick.

I don't want to kick this film maker down as I think its a nice concept and hopefully they have developed their skills a little further since this film was released.
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