Wolfgang Wodarg
High school diploma in 1966. Studied medicine in Berlin and Hamburg, licensed to practice medicine in 1973. 1983 Academy for Public Health, Düsseldorf, 1985 to 1986 Academy for Occupational Medicine, Berlin; 1991 Epidemiology and Health Economics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore/USA.
Participation in the Quickborner team (Metaplan), ship doctor, research trip to South America, port doctor in Hamburg. Area names: internal medicine, hygiene and environmental medicine, public health; medical work in clinics and practices; from 1983 medical officer and lecturer at the university and technical college in Flensburg.
Member of the ÖTV since 1972, staff councilor in the AK Wandsbek, from 1986 to 2003 chairman of the specialist committee for health environmental protection of the Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association. Since 2002 President of the Rheumatism League Schleswig-Holstein e. v.
Joined the SPD in 1988, member of the Schleswig-Flensburg SPD district executive committee from 1992 to 2002, deputy district chairman from 1994 to 2002; 1990 to 2002 member of the federal board of the Association of Social Democrats in Health Care (ASG), since 1994 deputy federal chairman and since 2002 chairman of the ASG federal committee. 1986 to 1998 member of the local council of his hometown.
Member of the Bundestag since 1994.
Participation in the Quickborner team (Metaplan), ship doctor, research trip to South America, port doctor in Hamburg. Area names: internal medicine, hygiene and environmental medicine, public health; medical work in clinics and practices; from 1983 medical officer and lecturer at the university and technical college in Flensburg.
Member of the ÖTV since 1972, staff councilor in the AK Wandsbek, from 1986 to 2003 chairman of the specialist committee for health environmental protection of the Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association. Since 2002 President of the Rheumatism League Schleswig-Holstein e. v.
Joined the SPD in 1988, member of the Schleswig-Flensburg SPD district executive committee from 1992 to 2002, deputy district chairman from 1994 to 2002; 1990 to 2002 member of the federal board of the Association of Social Democrats in Health Care (ASG), since 1994 deputy federal chairman and since 2002 chairman of the ASG federal committee. 1986 to 1998 member of the local council of his hometown.
Member of the Bundestag since 1994.