Aga Khan IV — An Educational Legacy with a Contemporary Relevance

Mohamed M Keshavjee reflects on the legacy of the late Aga Khan IV through the writing of scholars and journalists around the world.
His Late Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV

Applications for the Farhad Daftary Doctoral Scholarship Programme are now open

The Institute of Ismaili Studies is pleased to announce that applications for the Farhad Daftary Doctoral Scholarship are now open. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2025.
GPISH student in the garden

IIS scholar performs at the British Museum

Dr William Rees Hofmann, Research Associate in the South Asian Studies Unit at IIS, was recently invited to perform at the British Museum as part of their Silk Roads exhibition.
Dr William Rees Hofmann performing at the British Museum

About us

The Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) was established in 1977 as an academic institution of higher education. It is dedicated to the study of Islam with a particular focus on the history, philosophy, law, and mysticism of Ismaili and broader Shiʿi intellectual and cultural heritages within the larger Muslim society.

Discover our research

Research at IIS seeks to contribute to the field of Islamic studies in general, with a particular focus on Shiʿi and Ismaili studies.

Explore our publications

The Institute of Ismaili Studies publishes works by its own scholars as well as from the academic community outside the Institute.


The voices of history: from Zanzibar to London

Discover the inspiring journey of Professor Farouk Topan, a founding faculty member of The Institute of Ismaili Studies, as he reflects on his cosmopolitan upbringing in Zanzibar and the Takht Nashini of His Highness the Aga Khan. Gain unique insights into the early years of IIS through his unique lens.


A Life of Service for International Volunteers Day

The South Asian Studies Unit at IIS recently contributed to a film produced for The Ismaili TV. A ten-minute video, directed by IIS Alum Aleem Karmali, recounts the life and voluntary service of Major Abdulla Jaffer Lakhpati.


Dr Alí-de-Unzaga discusses the Islamic Gardens at King’s Cross on BBC’s Beyond Belief

Dr Omar Alí-de-Unzaga joins host Giles Fraser, The Revd Lucy Winkett, and Ai Hishii to discuss the religious significance of gardens on BBC’s Beyond Belief.