4 - 6 - 0 MENU

2900 'Saint' class introduction

Running numbers 4900 to 7929.

Built  1902           (2900) to lot number 132,
        1903           (2998) to lot number 138,
        1903           (2971) to lot number 145,
        1905           (2972 - 2980) to lot number 154,
        1903           (2981 - 2990) to lot number 158,
        1906           (2901 - 2910) to lot number 164,
        1907           (2911 - 2930) to lot number 170,
        1911           (2931 - 2940) to lot number 185,
        1912           (2941 - 2950) to lot number 189,
        1913           (2951 - 2955) to lot number 192.

    TThe last survivor of the Saint' class,
 number 2920 Saint David at Chester shedhree prototype versions of what was to become the 'Saint' class of locomotives were made in 1902/3. The first of these was number 100 and it was completely different to what the Great Western had produced before. Built to his ideas on standardisation of design, G. J. Churchward created a large response for its completely modern look, but few people realised the great developments that it would bring about.

      It was originally built with a parallel boiler, then with a half-cone boiler in 1903 and later the first superheated half-cone boiler in 1910. The locomotive was said to have an American look about her and it was true that Churchward had investigated American designs on boilers, but for efficiency in the design of the motion, it was to the continent that heSaint class number 2902 Lady of the Lake showingthe early straight frames as fitted to the front and rear turned. To this end, a locomotive was ordered from the Société Alsacienne for the De Glehn 4-4-2 compound engine so that Churchward could compare the design with his own.

      The second prototype was engine number 98. Built with a half-cone boiler as standard, the difference between the earlier locomotive was in the valve gear layout and cylinder design, and in addition, the valve diameter had grown from 6½ inches to 10 inches.

       The third and last prototype was number 171 and although built in 4-6-0 configuration, it was quickly converted to 4-4-2 so that a direct comparison withSaint class number 181 (later number 2981) Ivanhoe showing the 4 - 4 - 2 wheel arrangement when introduced the De Glehn locomotives was established. The third prototype's main contrast with previous prototype engines was a working pressure of 225 lbs.

       While the trials between the two locomotives were taking place, a further nineteen locomotives were ordered similar to the design of 171 except that thirteen were built as 4-4-2's while the remaining six were built as 4-6-0s, until a decision was made on the best wheel arrangement for the Great Western's lines.

Detailed Modifications.
     The second batch, were the 'Saints' with numbers 2911 to 2930. These had the curved frames at the front and rear of the locomotive, and soon afterwards the initial batch of ten 'Ladies' together with most of the prototypes, numbers 2971 to 2998, except for numbers 2900 / 1 / 4 / 7 / 9 / 10 / 71 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 / 77 / 78 and 98.

     All examples of the 'Saint' class were scrapped at Swindon by 1954, but plans are being made by one of the preservation sites to convert a 'Hall' class locomotive into a 'Saint' class engine.


No. 100, 'William Dean' Saint class
Cylinders (2) 18 x 30 inches (2) 18� x 30 inches
Driving wheel diameter 6 feet 8� inches 6 feet 8� inches
Bogie wheel diameter 3 feet 2 inches 3 feet 2 inches
Tractive Effort 20,530 pounds 24,395 pounds
Boiler type Parallel Number 1
Boiler maximum dia. 5 feet 0 inches 5 feet 6 inches
Boiler minimum dia. 4 feet 10 � inches 4 feet 10 13/16 inches
Fire tubes, no. and dia. 287 x 2 inches 176 x 2 inches
Flue tubes, no. and dia. None 14 x 5 1/8 inches
Superheater tubes, no. and dia. None 84 x 1 inch
Boiler pressure 200 lbs/square inch. 225 lbs/square inch.
Boiler length 14 feet 8 inches 15 feet 2 7/16 inches
Area of firegrate 27.62 square feet 27.07 square feet
Heating surfaces, tubes 2,252.94 square feet 1,686.6 square feet
Heating surfaces, firebox 157.94 square feet 154.78 square feet
Heating surfaces, superheater None 262.62 square feet

Details: Saint class, 2900 to 2924     Details: Saint class, 2925 to 2955     Details: Saint class, 2971 to 2998

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