The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem

Current Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday
9.00am – 1.00pm
9.00am – 1.00pm

Easter Events

You are welcome to join us on
Good Friday 18th April 2025
09.00 -10.00
A service of Worship, Word and Holy Communion
Guest Speaker: Phil Tuttle (President of Walk through the Bible USA)

The Garden is open from 10.00 – 16.00 for quiet reflection and prayer
(Please note: No group bookings or group visits on Good Friday)

Resurrection Day,
Sunday 20th April 2025
Gates open 06.00
Service 06.30
Guest Speaker: Phil Tuttle (President of Walk through the Bible USA)

Come and see our new Online Shop

Located just outside the city walls of Jerusalem you will find The Garden Tomb, a possible location for the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Near to the Damascus Gate and standing in the shadow of Skull Hill you will find this beautiful garden with its ancient empty tomb. Since 1894 the focus of our ministry has been Proclaiming the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ to the nations, so all can know and live for the glory of Jesus. A place of worship, witness, and contemplation.

Many come with an organised group; whilst others come on their own to experience the peace, beauty and message of this Christian site. Entrance is free.

The Garden is a place where faith in the crucified, risen Lord is renewed or begun and lives transformed.

The Team looks forward to welcoming you to the Garden Tomb.

Simon Holland

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  • "One of the most profound experiences I have ever had"

    Linda Carol Bradley
  • "A place where I renewed my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ"

    Imkong Menla

Devotional Tour

We invite you to join us on a devotional tour of the Garden and explore its spiritual significance as together we reflect on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions regarding the message and want to learn more about Jesus Christ, click on the following links or visit our resources page.

Investing In The Future

  • Investing In The Future

    Partner with us

    This is a unique opportunity to partner with us in the development of the Garden Tomb. Between 2016 and 2019 visitor numbers increased from 235,000 to 450,000 annually.

    The pandemic temporarily stopped tourism, which presented us with an opportunity to undertake significant improvements throughout the garden.

    We ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in financial support in order to complete this work. For more information click on the Development Plans link below.

    Development Plans

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Upcoming Events at the Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb regularly hosts seasonal worship events, as well as cultural gatherings and musical concerts. Stay updated on all the upcoming special events – we would love to have you join us!

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