a grand piano on wooden floors with floor to ceiling windows and trees and high rise building in the background

Suitable for rehearsals or as a recording space with a capacity of 20 people.


20 people


5m x 10.5m


  • Monday to Friday

    10am to 5:30pm

  • Saturday and Sunday

    10am to 3:30pm

  • Public holidays


Booking enquiry

We’re happy to answer your questions before you make a venue booking online.

What’s provided

  • Baby grand piano included

  • XLR input included

    XLR inputs

  • Computers not included

    Hirer must bring laptop for music editing or presentations.

  • Data projector included

    Data projector and screen with blu-ray player, HDMI and VGA input


  • Onsite mobility parking included


  • Mobility parking within 300m included

  • Level access entrance included

  • Entry door type included


    • Main entrance has automatic sliding doors, 1020mm wide.

Cost to hire


Commercial use


per hour

Conditions of hire

These conditions of hire apply to the use of our unstaffed community venues by all hirers.

The City of Sydney aims to provide the local community with a variety of venues that are well maintained and accessible.

We ask that you read and understand these conditions of hire to ensure your use of our community venues runs smoothly, is safe and complies with the City of Sydney’s regulations.

Conditions of hire – community venues (unstaffed)PDF · 339.3 KB · Last modified

Exclusions and limitations

The music room cannot be used for large performance events. No food or catering allowed. Bottled water is okay. Toilet facilities in the tower at Green Square are limited to 1 accessible toilet on Level 3. Set up and pack up must occur within the hire period. The library is a non-alcoholic and non-smoking venue.

Also for hire at Green Square Library