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BioLib is an international encyclopedia of plants, fungi and animals.
Apart from taxonomic system you can visit our gallery, glossary, vernacular names dictionary, database of links and literature, systems of biotopes, discussion forum and several other functions related to biology.
It is a non-commercial educational project intended to be used both by experts and general public. Its content can be expanded by user contributions.
By default, only nine images were displayed on species pages, regardless of their content. We have improved species pages by sorting images by tags and displaying extra three images for each selected type of photo, such as juvenile animal, egg, larval stages, nest, skull, fruit or bark. Check this new function on pages such as Western European Hedgehog, Old World Swallowtail or Scots Pine.
We redesigned the main page of BioLib. You'll find there an image of the day box and random tips on how to use BioLib more effectively, links to some important functions and - like before - brief statistics, news and history of changes.
We believe that the new main page is a change for the better and we can finally get rid of the two years old "news" haunting the previous version of main page.
News >>
Taxa: | 2,032,431 |
Extant species: | 1,615,922 |
Fossil species: | 56,578 |
Scientific names: | 753,902 |
Vernacular names: | 455,465 |
Images: | 509,692 |
Terms in glossary: | 7,086 |
If you need to insert link or image to the text you write on BioLib (in comments, taxon descriptions and so on) you can use the text functions. Text functions make inserting of links and images easier and will ensure that long links or wide images won't affect the page design.
To insert a link you can use function [[link:URL]] or [[link:URL;link_text]] and for inserting an image function [[image:URL]], where URL is an internet address of the link or image, and link_text, if present, is used as a link text instead of URL. For example [[link:;]] will be displayed as
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Scientific names of families, orders and other taxa in higher taxonomy are now displayed in regular font, while italics are still used for genera, species and lower taxonomic ranks. Names of cultivars and parts of scientific name denominating taxonomic rank (subsp., f., var. and so on) are without italics as well.