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 The last time I had Boston Market was in 1999 while in Boston. It was on the corner of Commonwealth and Harvard. There used to be a lot of homeless drunks outside. 
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I did it! I managed to spend $755 at Boston Market.

32 visits
11 Stores
107 Meals
53 People

It took over a year and this project has come to a close. My final meal was with Kenny and was subsidized by the $10 Gift Card contribution from Mark and Jeff on my 30th birthday last year.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for being such sports for participating.

So what have I learned from this experience?

It takes a long time for one person to spend $750 at Boston Market, even when you're sharing it with others.

There are only two Boston Markets in Manhattan: here and here.

People love free food.

People really do win viral video contests.

This was fun!

Things I would have liked to have done:

Ask a stranger on the line if they'd like a free meal.

Ask a homeless or needy person on the street if they would like to join me for lunch.

Things that would make the Boston Market experience better:

Real silverware! If it's home cooked goodness you want, then how about a real fork and knife?

Healthier sides. True, without mashed potatoes and stuffing, it's just not a meal, but the steamed veggies and string beans are really the only health conscious options to choose from.

More salads. There are only 2 salads to choose from – the 'Chopped' and the…. I can't even remember. The chopped salad was pretty good though!

More specials. In over a year there were no real changes or new offerings on the menu. This was a bit disappointing when you've been there over 30 times in the last year.

Ideas for the future if Boston Market is interested: (yes, I bought it):

One hundred is child's play. Let's do one thousand! How?

Idea 1: Feed the homeless

Idea 2: National Tour

When I have some extra time I will be adding some final graphs to the site. Until then, happy holidays!

- Keith


Sean is in town this month visiting from his new home in Denmark. After a night of drinks at Will's we decided a Sunday afternoon Boston Market lunch would be the perfect hang over cure. We took a stroll over to local store #546, snapped some photos and ate.

Only $5 left! But for my birthday last year Mark and Jeff got me a $10 gift card so it's not over yet! I believe I promised Kenny one last meal. Right buddy?

To celebrate my birthday (9/20) some friends and I traveled up to New Paltz, New York to enjoy fresh Maine lobsters at Rivendell Winery's 13th annual lobster fest. The following afternoon Alexis and I stopped by the annual New City Festival and munched on some delicious kettle corn. Right across the street was a Boston Market. We just had a big breakfast and I just needed some water. Alexis had a mashed potato craving and I have one more visit at a new store. Only $26.49 to go!
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