Front cover image for The great reforms : autocracy, bureaucracy, and the politics of change in Imperial Russia

The great reforms : autocracy, bureaucracy, and the politics of change in Imperial Russia

The Great Reforms of the 1860s marked the broadest attempt at social and economic renovation to occur in Russia between the death of Peter the Great in 1725 and the Revolution of 1905. In just more than a decade, imperial reform acts freed Russia's serfs, restructured her courts, established institutions of local self-government in parts of the empire, altered the constraints that censorship imposed on the press, and transformed Russia's vast serf armed forces into a citizen army in which men from all classes bore equal responsibility for military service. This invaluable study explains why the legislation assumed the shape that it did and estimates what the Great Reforms ultimately accomplished. The Great Reforms offered readers a vital starting point from which to evaluate the prospects for glasnost', perestroika, and reform in the Gorbachev era
Print Book, English, 1990
Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, Ill., 1990
xxi, 281 pages ; 23 cm
9780875801551, 9780875805498, 0875801552, 0875805493
Autocracy, bureaucracy, and reform
The impact of defeat
Beginning Russia's renovation. Emancipating Russia's serfs ; The Zemstvo statutes ; Reforming Russia's courts
The great reform era. The censorship reform ; Reforming city government ; The military reforms
Testing the great reforms
At the turn of the century