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Create the page "River" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- "Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains" is the national anthem of Guyana. It was written by Archibald Leonard Luker with music by Robert Cyril Gladstone...1 KB (183 words) - 19:30, 22 November 2018
- Mississippi river at or near the Chickasaw Bluffs; thence, up the said Mississippi river, to the mouth of the Ohio; thence, up the Ohio river, to the mouth...10 KB (1,596 words) - 09:45, 17 February 2024
- (Susartu) ۽ رسا ۽ سويتي (سوات (Swat River سان. تون ڪڀا (ڪابل ندي)، گومتي (گومال (Gomal ميهتنو (Mehatnu) ۽ ڪرمو(Kurum River) (Krumn) سان گڏجي وهين ٿي!“ هن مان...14 KB (1,615 words) - 03:41, 8 July 2023
- uisge. § 288. There is a large salmon below in the river. Donal did not get a salmon in the river, he got a little trout from the fisherman. There is...613 bytes (1,969 words) - 10:23, 3 March 2021
- Iodáil, g. Iodáile, Italy. (An) Ioruaiḋ, g. Ioruaiḋe, Norway. (An) Leaṁain, river Laney, Co. Cork. Leaṁain, g. Leaṁna, Lennox (district in Scotland). Leaṫ...311 bytes (425 words) - 09:34, 5 June 2018
- notably in 1912 by the poet Ivan Vazov. The title refers to the Maritsa river. It literally translates to "Maritsa makes noise" but the connotation is...9 KB (98 words) - 12:14, 2 January 2022
- ˈbɛɐ̯gə ˈlant am ˈʃtrɔmə]; literally "Land of Mountains, land by [Danube] River") is the national anthem of Austria. It was adopted in 1946. The lyrics...6 KB (449 words) - 10:25, 18 December 2021
- order to always build a beautiful country, Around the majestic river; Around the majestic river. Tricolored flag in the wind, revive the ideal, Which links...2 KB (361 words) - 05:19, 17 January 2022
- as gaċ áit. NOTES. Line 4, gréin=grian, the ground (at the bottom of a river, &c.) Perhaps ó ’n ḃfréiṁ should be read. Line 9, cúlóg, one who sits behind...626 bytes (372 words) - 02:08, 18 February 2021
- snow-capped mountains, I am a Tuvan, The daughter of the country's silver rivers. In the homeland of my ancient ancestors, A knot connected the happiness...7 KB (157 words) - 03:28, 15 May 2023
- city there. The bishop, even their leader, was washing his hands in the river on the next morning, when he saw a wooden chest (floating) against the current...685 bytes (644 words) - 21:47, 24 February 2021
- wide; this river is dark and cold. The Shannon is wide at this place, there is a beautiful ship on it now. Did you see the ship on the river? His eye is...649 bytes (1,468 words) - 01:09, 23 February 2021
- water should be called river or sea. The two run into each other, as every sailor knows, and naturally the meaning of Sindhu, river runs into the meaning...32 KB (3,871 words) - 03:39, 8 July 2023
- offer thanks and praise for our King And for our fair land, its hills and rivers. Thy blessings be on all rulers of our Country; Thine alone is our Lord;...1 KB (205 words) - 04:49, 19 January 2022
- speaking knowledge of Irish. We have been informed that the fishermen of the River Barrow, though not Irish-speaking, use quite a vocabulary of Irish technical...567 bytes (1,019 words) - 19:46, 23 February 2021
- § 335. Conn O’Reilly is working in the mill. Tim has not a boat on the river, but I have a boat on the lake. There is a little boat in the house. Do...584 bytes (2,151 words) - 09:30, 4 March 2021
- Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night The Boys of Columbia High on the River (1911) Boys of the Fort (1901) Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue on Grandpa's...11 KB (1,011 words) - 04:52, 23 June 2023
- – flourish, be fertile! Your brave sons have made a covenant, That your rivers and mountains, your virgin land Should be a sacrifice for the unity of Ethiopia...3 KB (382 words) - 18:49, 10 February 2025
- Refrain: Hibiscus and three thousand ri full of splendid mountains and rivers; Great Koreans, to the Great Korean way, stay always true! As the pine atop...12 KB (504 words) - 11:38, 6 January 2022
- madness. 32. Leiġeaḋ caḃair na h-aḃann ort, the melting of the froth of the river in you. [ 90 ]33. Imṫeaċt gé an oileáin ort, imṫeaċt gan filleaḋ go bráṫ...691 bytes (1,290 words) - 10:32, 3 March 2021