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- "Land of Mountains, land by [Danube] River") is the national anthem of Austria. It was adopted in 1946. The lyrics were written by Paula von Preradović...6 KB (449 words) - 10:25, 18 December 2021
- Category:Deutsch are public domain in the United States but not in Germany, Austria, Belgium or Switzerland and so are hosted here rather than at German Wikisource...345 bytes (34 words) - 00:05, 6 June 2021
- d'ess casciaa via di vizi che ?dan fœura già el besej. Chi manda mezza Austria a fà el remitta, chi a l'Ongaria fa strappà i barbis, chi fa scappà la...1 KB (169 words) - 00:39, 27 July 2020
- Vespers. The fifth strophe of the poem refers to the part played by Habsburg Austria and Czarist Russia in the partitions of Poland, linking its quest for independence...19 KB (1,895 words) - 14:04, 11 January 2022
- Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin...17 KB (327 words) - 05:57, 26 September 2024
- von den Brand von de »Austria« speel un de Stürmann dorto sung: »Brausend durch des Meeres Wogen fährt das Schiff, die Austria, reich mit Passaschiers...16 KB (2,933 words) - 19:58, 8 March 2009
- Ukraine), which was then in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria under Austrian rule. Imber wrote the first version of the poem in 1877, while he was a...8 KB (433 words) - 04:38, 4 January 2022
- una! Ades che la gran bala é passada, i sent l mal de testa, lauda l' Austria, benedeti i todesch, almanco na gran part de la bassa popolazion la pensa...14 KB (2,515 words) - 08:47, 6 April 2021
- Bodenkultur, Wien 1983. 4 M. Schermer, «Strategies for Farm Survival in Tyrol, Austria», in: A. Saika (Hg.), Population, Environment and the Challenge of Development...791 bytes (5,222 words) - 18:30, 3 March 2016
- sciöche nos ignó n' un n' él, N Ladin dagnora é sté fedel, Tigní dal' Austria oruns' 'ci sëgn; N ladin ne dá mia mai ri sëgn. Coraje donca, sö mituns...8 KB (1,453 words) - 13:57, 15 February 2021
- del ovres in Occidental ancor ne es scanat, ma trova se in locs quam li Austrian National Biblioteca. Anc a notar es que ne omni ovre publicat in Occidental...2 KB (773 words) - 11:32, 24 March 2023
- sciöche nos ignó n' un n' él, N Ladin dagnora é sté fedel, Tigní dal' Austria oruns' 'ci sëgn; N ladin ne dá mia mai ri sëgn. Coraje donca, sö mituns...8 KB (1,457 words) - 10:27, 6 November 2019
- including e belgians, who speak mostly dutch, cd form a language union with austria n switzerland. it wd bind all those people into e strongest "entente cordiale...75 KB (15,744 words) - 17:57, 21 February 2019
- severitate austral || al sud, del sud, meridional austriac || austrian austriaco || austriano austrian || austriac austriano || austriaco autarchia || autocratia...72 KB (6,988 words) - 07:32, 24 December 2020
- australian adj australiano sb australopitheco sb Austria sb npr austriac adj austriaco sb austrian adj austriano sb austro sb austrohungare adj Austronesia...576 KB (9,934 words) - 05:26, 27 July 2020
- ves ói cunté: Chël é sön Piz da Peres vers Furcia increpé; Por döta lʼ Austria fossel iló or cis assá, Mo ri é chël plü de vignʼ ater da jí a tó ca; Amez...13 KB (2,568 words) - 07:40, 14 February 2021
- Diego Leoni, Camillo Zadra (Hg.), La cittä di legno. Profughi trentini in Austria (1915-1918), Materiali di lavoro, Trento 1981; Mario Eichta, Braunau 1915-1918...651 bytes (4,668 words) - 18:28, 3 March 2016
- quelli di Norbert Ortmayr, «Late Marriage: Causes and Consequences of the Austrian Alpine Marriage Pattern», in: Richard L. Rudolph (a cura di), The European...656 bytes (5,213 words) - 18:26, 3 March 2016
- Iglesia y lo Rial Les ordenes melitares En aquesta liga están . Don Xuan d' Austria el esforciado Yé el nombradu Xeneral : Con illi van cabayeros De la orden...14 KB (2,456 words) - 11:24, 5 December 2022
- bua i gcath Vienna 12 M. Fhomhair 1683, bua a thug saoirse, ni hamháin dAustria ach don Chríostuíacht go leir. Cuireadh suas teampall sa bhfórum Traianach...389 bytes (2,267 words) - 05:30, 3 August 2021