Aonuma is a Ryusei Student who is secretly the Sloth Orphnoch, an Orphnoch with the characteristics of a sloth, and an antagonist in episode 39 of Kamen Rider 555.
He was portrayed by Kazuma Kurihara.
It is unknown when and how Aonuma was awakened as an Orphnoch, but he was already one when he attended the meeting of the Ryusei School Alumni. Working on behalf of Smart Brain, Aonuma picked off alumni of the Meteor School one after another in his Orphnoch form. Eventually, his identity as an Orphnoch was uncovered and was defeated by Takumi Inui in his Wolf Orphnoch form.
Powers and Abilities[]
He has eyes that see through the darkness, and fights by swinging the claws on the back of his hands.