Johnson is probably best known to readers as Lana's one time boyfriend Whitney on Smallville. Johnson, sporting the trademark blonde locks of Gordon, was the only cast member on hand to discuss the show, along with Sci Fi executive Mark Stern. We confirmed the rumors that the show was going into production quickly - filming beginning in May for a series roll-out in July. Flash Gordon will circumvent the normal procedure of shooting a pilot which the network would review and will instead go straight into a full series order. This is a bit out of the ordinary and is either a testament to Sci Fi's confidence in the project or their dissatisfaction with other non-Battlestar series.
Because of this accelerated schedule, the writers and producers of Flash Gordon were not on hand to answer any questions. Stern filled in the blanks as best he could and focused on two things he believed would set the show apart: the tone and the look.
When asked whether Flash would follow the lead set by Battlestar and be a serious and dark examination of that world, Stern answered "I think it's going to be much more of a Stargate. I don't think Flash is going to be attacking the pressing issues of day, the 2008 election. I think it's really more about taking that kind of fun romp, the humor and the energy of Stargate and really kind of applying it to the "Flash Gordon" franchise."
Stern also wanted to clarify that Flash would not be going for a campy or parody style, but instead exploiting the best special effects and art direction possible.
"One of the best things about this series is that Robert Halmi, Sr., is producing it, and he doesn't do anything halfway," Stern said. "I think it's already, so far into the series, more than he expected it to be in terms of the visual effects and bringing over a lot of amazing people. Right now, we're shooting up in Vancouver. So a lot of those kinds of larger than life sets are going to be retooled. A lot of the same visual effects teams are going to be repurposed. So his concept of the show is amazing, and it is really about being very grounded, very real, not going campy at all, but starting to have fun with it as well."
Johnson takes his role as the swashbuckling Flash seriously, and believes it's important to learn from those who have played the role before him. When asked if he was going back and watching previous incarnations he answered, "Absolutely. I think it's a necessity. I think the things that many people are familiar with, and that I'm going to get questions asked about, I should be familiar with. By no means do you want to emulate anything. I mean, what I'm saying is an updated "Flash Gordon" is for another generation. But it's important to understand the mythos behind "Flash Gordon" and where it's coming from and the feelings that people may have about it. There is a difference between the serials and the movie in how people feel about this franchise. So it's important for me to know."
He also knows that he's about to take on the mantle of an icon, for better or worse. When asked if he was prepared to be associated with the role for the rest of his life, Johnson quipped, "Flash is better than the nickname I've had for most of my life."
Stern and Johnson were both cagey on exactly how Flash gets to the planet Mongo. However, they did allude to the fact that there would be something akin to a wormhole (or "stargate" if you will…) that allows Flash to travel to Mongo and back to Earth again. This changes up the conceit of previous incarnations of Flash, that found him trapped on Mongo. However, it also means that Earth itself could be in danger from Ming and his minions.
Johnson teased by saying, "Well, I don't want to give away the hook of the show. What they've done is they've updated it. Space travel back in the 1930s and back in the 1950s was this fantastic possibility and there was a belief that anything was possible at that time. As we know now from the space program, it takes a long time to get to another planet. So they've somewhat done away with the spaceship itself and have done the rip in space-time/worm hole scenario, which not only makes it easier and more plausible and realistic, it also allows for Flash to get back home. So he's not just relegated to the planet of Mongo. But it opens the door for his enemies from Mongo - that, I think, is the biggest change in the update, but I think it broadens the series in a way that no other "Flash Gordon" franchise has had the opportunity to do."
Stern accepted the similarities to Stargate, a long standing franchise for the Sci Fi Channel, but he also added one other reference that might raise some eyebrows. Expanding upon the idea of there being two sides to the rift, Stern said "Ming's going to come from the Hellmouth, as it were…"
Johnson also sees another adventurer in his character. Because his Flash is something of a regular guy in extraordinary circumstances, "There's almost an "Indiana Jones" feel to it for me," he said. "This guy who's going out every day to do the right thing but he's got a sense of humor about things. And to me it's an ideal kind of character."
But not everything will be fun and games, as the show will explore some more serious elements. "Flash has very serious things in play in this show," Johnson explains. "The fact that he finds out that his father is missing and that how the catalyst for all this is he gets an opportunity to find his father that he thought he lost when he was just a kid. That's very serious stuff."
At the time we published this article, there was precious little information available about this new series. We haven't seen any artwork or photographs, and so far none are available. However, due to his show's accelerated schedule we won't have to wait long before the new series airs on the Sci-Fi Channel. With comparisons to Stargate, Indiana Jones, and the mention of Buffy's Hellmouth - the show is aiming high. Let's hope Sci Fi can bring the iconic adventurer into the 21st Century.