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The Corellian Engineering Corporation is a large space mining company with massive operations in the Kashyyyk space system. Introduced with the Rage of the Wookiees expansion pack, the CEC offers a long series of jobs to space pilots who wish to learn the methods of asteroid mining. Corporation tasks vary greatly from simple mining missions to sabotage and fleet escort, and should only be taken on by experienced pilots. The CEC asks a lot of its pilots and demands outstanding results, which can make it a difficult employer at times; however, the company is known for giving generous rewards to its veteran flyers, including the occasional granting of Y-8 Mining Ships to especially loyal pilots.

Mission To Talus[]

Level: 25

  • 149 XP
  • 1000 credits


Deliver a message for Flash Harrison on Kashyyyk.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Flash is a minor pilot in the employ of the CEC. He's somehow stranded himself in the city of Kachirho, on the first level of the tree.

/way -453 158 -19 Flash Harrison;

Conversation with Flash Harrison[]

Flash Harrison: Bah! Me, the best mining pilot in the Galaxy, stuck here on the lost planet of the furballs by Imperial order! This is no place for Flash Harrison, mighty pilot! Who are you, anyway?
PC: You look like you could use a hand.
Flash Harrison: Who, me? You really think you can 'give a hand' to Flash Harrison, greatest pilot in the Galaxy? Huh...I suppose you can. Between you and me, I'm working for the Corellian Engineering Corporation on a mining project in Kashyyyk, but the Imperials suspect that I'm a Rebel sympathizer!
PC: That's too bad.
Flash Harrison: Tell me about it! They took my ship, and I'm stuck here with these filthy, dangerous Wookiees. I'll get off this rock as soon as I can, but until then, can you get a message to our base of operations on Talus?
PC: Absolutely.
Flash Harrison: You may not be the best pilot in the Galaxy-- like me--but you'll have to do. Good luck, pilot!

Mission To Talus[]

Flash needs you to check in with his supervising officer for him. Head to Dearic, Talus, and talk to Thom Steele who is located in the Cantina.

Conversation with Thom Steele[]

Thom Steele: Yes? Look, I'm very busy...
PC: I come bearing a message from Flash Harrison on Kashyyyk.
Thom Steele: That windbag? Err...I mean....that valuable asset to our company? Flash can be a little overbearing. What's the message?
PC: He's stuck on Kashyyyk, and I don't think he likes Wookiees.
Thom Steele: The Wookiee phobia is his problem. Losing a mining pilot is mine. How am I going to come up with a quick replacement for that braggart? Hmm...you there, you look like you could hold your own out there. Can you fly a ship?
PC: Sure I can.
Thom Steele: I knew I could count on you...err...whatever you said your name was. Get in your ship and head up to Corellian space. There have been reports of rival mining vessels horning in on our business. It would be a shame if something happened to them.

Thom is Flash's commanding officer and doesn't think too highly of his pilot. Thom will offer to give you a job with the Corellian Engineering Corporation if you complete a small task for him.

Corellia System: Patrol Corellian Mining Route 42[]

Level: 0


This route is used for Corellian mining vessels. Patrol it carefully and clear any enemy mining vessels you find out of the way.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Mining Route 42[]

Launch into Corellian space (closest hyperspace: CorSec Wing) and patrol the waypoints given to you.

Corellia System: Destroy the Competition![]

Level: 0
Reward: none

Fight off the enemy mining vessels, then head back to headquarters in Coronet.

Surprise Attack! Destroy the Attack Ships[]

Destroy any hostiles you encounter, and be sure to visit every waypoint until the quest completes.You will be attacked by 3 Tier 3 Z-95's (Asteroid Bandits). After you kill the fighters there will be one more waypoint then you are finished.(thats when i did it).

Then, return to Thom to receive your first Class I Mining Laser and Small Cargo Hold (Starfighter Class).

Conversation with Thom Steele[]

Thom Steele: Ah, back from your patrol, eh...err...old friend! Did you give our competition the old white glove treatment?
PC: That's one way of putting it.
Thom Steele: Good job, old sport! You and I are going to get along just fine. Here, I have a present for you!
PC: Is it Life Day already?
Thom Steele: Haw! Good one! No, your reward for taking care of those thugs! This is a mining laser that we salvag...that was handed in by one of our last mining pilots when he retired without being blown completely to smithereens by pirates. I'm also giving you a cargo hold. You'll need to load this onto your ship before you can mine asteroids.
PC: Such is the life of a space miner.
Thom Steele: Don't get me wrong, pilot, it's dangerous out there! But you're better than them! You won't fall victim to space slugs, pirates, or any of the hundred other dangers mining pilots face every day! That said, ready for another task?
PC: Sure. What did you have in mind?
Thom Steele: An abundance of silicaceous asteroids have entered the Corellia system recently, and we'd like a piece of those minerals. Head up there and get us a sample. You can keep whatever you mine, we'll only scrape a bit off to test the quality. 250 units should be enough to get a proper sample.

Corellia System: Extract 250 Units of Silicaceous Asteroid[]


The Corellia system has a number of silicaceous asteroids in it. Mine 250 units of silicaceous asteroid to prove to Thom that you can fly mining missions for him.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Install your mining laser and cargo hold and head back into Corellian space. Be sure you know how space mining works, then find a Silicaceous Asteroid in your datapad and mine 250 units from it. Return to Thom. Be sure to empty your cargo hold after speaking with Thom.

Report to Captain Koh: travel back to Kachirho, to the third level of the tree village. Find Captain Koh.(/way -441 -76) Koh is the senior officer overseeing mining operations in the Kashyyyk area, though he also helps plan CEC operations in other sectors. He is located on the third level of the large tree. Turn right after arriving on the third level.

Kashyyyk System: Extract 500 Units of Organometallic Asteroid[]


The Kashyyyk system has a number of organometallic asteroids in it. Mine 500 units and return to Captain Koh on Kashyyyk.

Launch into Kashyyyk space and mine 500 units of Organometallic Asteroid. Return to Koh.

Lok System: Extract 750 units of Obsidian Asteroid[]


After finding evidence that rival companies have been operating in the Kashyyyk zone, Captain Koh has asked you to do some unauthorized mining in the Lok system.

Koh will give you a Large Cargo Hold with 1000 unit capacity. Head to the LOK Karthakk System and mine 750 units of Obsidian Asteroid. Return to Koh. Koh will give you a tractor beam.

Corellia System: The Damaged Freighter[]


Locate the damaged freighter in Corellia space, use your tractor beam to siphon the resources off the ship, and destroy it when you are finished. Fight off any attackers that might try to stop you.

Equip your tractor beam and head solo to the Corellian System. (Do not attempt this mission in a group, as the tractor beam update portion of the quest will not function correctly.) Find the target freighter and toggle your tractor beam while the freighter is targeted. Eliminate any opposition that arrives in the area.
Note: If you're having trouble with this mission, try installing your tractor beam in the second or third projectile weapon slot of your ship. Then fire the beam by pressing the 2 or 3 key on your keyboard, not by using the "toggle tractor beam" key. If you use a joystick with multiple keys (e.g., Logitech X3DPro, Saitex X52, et al) consider binding only the appropriate weapon slot to one of your joy controls.

Kashyyyk System: Broad Sample Part I / Endor System: Broad Sample Part II / Dathomir System: Broad Sample Part III[]


You are to complete a broad sample of the resources in several systems. Your first target are the organometallic asteroids of Kashyyyk. Harvest 125 units and proceed from there. / Sample 125 units of ice asteroid as part of a broad sample of several systems' resources. / On the final leg of your sampling mission, collect 125 units of crystal asteroid in the Dathomir system.

Gather 125 units of Organometallic asteroids from the Kashyyyk, 125 units of Ice asteroids from the Endor and 125 units of Crystal asteroids from the Dathomir systems. Completion of this mission earns you an additional reward of a Mark II mining laser.

Kashyyyk System: Protect the Y-8 Convoy[]


Meet up with the Y-8 Mining Vessel convoy, and escort them through a dangerous area of space to a convenient hyperspace beacon.

Launch into Kashyyyk space and rendezvous with a Y-8 Mining Vessel fleet. Communicate (backslash "\" key) with one of the ships to get them moving, then escort them until they leave the system.
Note: Don't hail the vessel multiple times before selecting 'close' on the comm conversation currently open to avoid stacking the conversation windows inadvertently. On the way, you will be attacked by MANY Tier 3 fighters, but they are fairly weak, so an average pilot with a Tier 3 ship and some decent parts should be able to handle this mission fairly easily.

Kashyyyk System: Intercept the Gilded Wookiee[]


Intercept the mining vessel 'The Gilded Wookiee' as it tries to use the path you cleared previously for the mining convoy to leave the zone.

Launch once again into Kashyyyk space and hunt down a Tier 3 Y-8 Mining Vessel with 6 Tier 4 escorts, specifically X-Wings and A-Wings. This mission can be tricky, so you may want to bring wing mates.
Note: If you fly this mission solo, you likely have a fairly heavy ship. Consider destroying the Wookiee first, then picking off her escorts, starting with the slower X-Wings. If she maneuvers beyond the boundaries of the zone with one of her escorts still close by, you will not be able to complete the mission, as she will be out of weapons range and may not despawn. As the above tip said, shoot The Gilded Wookiee first, unless you have brought friends. Then move on to the escort, consisting of 2-3 nasty little Tier 4 A-Wings and 3 Tier 4 X-Wings. This should also be easy if you've got good guns and a good shield generator.

Kessel System: Space Diamonds[]


Mine 500 units of precious space diamonds from the Kessel system. Watch out for pirates!

Use your faction's Deep Space Station to head to the Kessel System. Mine 500 units of Diamond Asteroid, fighting off occasional attacks from Tier 5 enemies. Return to Captain Koh for a Y-8 Mining Ship (a Master level ship) deed and a (Y-8 Class) Cargo Hold that holds 5000 units!
