Uhalisia (kutoka Kiarabu "halisi"; kwa Kiingereza Reality) ni hali iliyopo kweli, tofauti na matarajio au tafsiri za binadamu ambaye mara nyingi anashindwa kuipokea.[1]
Kwa upana zaidi, uhalisia unajumlisha hata mambo yasiyofikiwa na milango ya fahamu, vifaa na mawazo ya binadamu.
Wanafalsafa, wanahisabati, wanasayansi na wengineo wamejitahidi tangu zamani kuelewa uhalisia, wakitoa majibu mbalimbali.
Mara nyingi uhalisia unagonganishwa na ndoto na ndoto za mchana, maigizo na propaganda, pamoja na uongo wa kila namna.
- ↑ Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press, 2005. (Full entry for reality: "reality • noun (pl. realities) 1 the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. 2 a thing that is actually experienced or seen. 3 the quality of being lifelike. 4 the state or quality of having existence or substance.")
Viungo vya nje
- C.D. Broad on Reality
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Realism
- Video: Carl Sagan on the 4th Dimension Explanation
- Video: Animated version of the above with Dr Quantum - Flatland
- Phenomenology Online: Materials discussing and exemplifying phenomenological research
- Concept and Reality, a Meditatiion Perspective Archived 8 Agosti 2013 at the Wayback Machine.
- The Illusion of Reality by Jim AL-Khalili Archived 29 Desemba 2011 at the Wayback Machine.
- The Matrix as Metaphysics by David Chalmers Archived 9 Julai 2011 at the Wayback Machine.
- The Universes of Max Tegmark
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