Tokyo (東京?) is the capital of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. Tokyo appears in Street Fighter III: New Generation and Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact as Ryu's home stage. It is also is Ken's stage in New Generation, Ken later gaining his own stage in 2nd Impact.
First Part
The first round takes place in a traditional Japanese street near the entrance of an onsen. One of the buildings contains a souvenir (おみやげ omiyage?) sign, and there is a cherry blossom in the left side. Five persons are watching the fight.
This part of the stage is absent in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact.
Second Part
The second round onward takes place near an open-air onsen, where some people, monkeys, and a bear are bathing. The women are on the left side of the stage, while the men are on the right side. Chun-Li, Linn Kurosawa, and Felicia (with her blond pallette) have cameo appearances in the stage.[1]
This part of the stage returns in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact as a single part. Its graphics were improved, but the bear in the center of the stage and transitions are removed.
After not seeing each other for a long time, Ken wanted to introduce his student to Ryu, asking him to wait at the designated Japanese hot spring inn as the meeting place. Ken picked this location since Ryu would've chosen an abandoned dojo in the mountains. Ken wants Sean to prove himself as his best pupil by taking 1 round from Ryu. [2] While waiting, Ryu enters the hot-springs himself as it's been a while since he used the hot-spring water in Japan.[3]
- ↑ All About Street Fighter III: The Fighting Bible, page 127
- ↑ "Oh, here, here!" On the hill in front, you can see the hot spring inn designated as the destination to join Ryu. "Well, I guess it's okay. If you leave it to that bastard, he’d specify a closed school in the mountains." Ken turned around and called out to the boy walking behind him. "What's wrong, the inn is right in front of you, hurry up, Sean!" "Oh, I understand, Master" Way behind Ken, In addition to his own backpack, a Japanese-American boy with Ken's huge trunk and Boston bag comes with him. Ken thought while watching Sean climbing up the slope. "Well, how do you push this guy against Ryu ... Yeah, if you want to be my best pupil, how about not coming home until you take 1 round from Ryu? Yeah, let's go!" Ken walked up to Sean as he was alone. "What, you’re a sloppy one, here give me one." Ken says, as he snatched the smallest of Sean's backpack and started walking. (「おう、ここだ、ここだ !」目前の高台にリュウとの合流先に指定した温泉宿が見えてきた。「ちょっと、しょぼいがまあいいか。あの野郎にまかせると山んなかの廃校なんか指定してくるんだからな」「どうした、宿は目の前だぜ、さっさとこいよ、ショーン !」「は一い、わかりましたーっ、お師匠さま」ケンのうしろにだいぶ遅れて、自分のディパックに加え、ケンのでっかいトランクやボストンバッグをかかえた日系人らしい少年がついてくる。坂道をよたよたとのぼってくるショーンの姿を見ながら、ケンは考えた。「さてと、どうやってこいつをリュウに押しつけるかな・・・・・・。うん、俺の一番弟子になりたかったら、リュウから 1 本取るまで帰ってくるな、ってのはどうだ。そうだ、それで行こう!」ケンはひとりうなすくと、ショーンに歩み寄った。「なんだ、だらしね一ぞ、持ってやるからひとつ貸しな」ケンはそう言うと、一番小さいショーンのディパックをひったくって歩きだした。) from All About Street Fighter III: The Fighting Bible, page 240
- ↑ It was the first time in a while that Ryu used the hot spring water in Japan. Ken said, "There's someone I want you to meet" and designated a Japanese hot spring inn as the meeting place. "A proper hot spring inn is good once in a while." The hot water that hits the trained shoulders bursts violently as if it had fallen on the marble. "Ken is also the father of a three-year-old boy........ When you become a father、 I wonder if it's hard to go out with me and go camping in the mountains." As expected, Ryu could not help feeling the flow of time by using the hot springs in his hometown of Japan. (リュウ自身、 日本の温泉の湯につかるのはしばらくぶりのことだった。ケンが「会わせたいヤツがいる」と言って、合流場所に日本の温泉宿を指定してきたのだ。「たまにはちゃんとした温泉宿もいいな」鍛えられた肩にあたる打たせ湯が、 大理石にでも落ちたかのように激しく弾けている。「ケンも、もう3歳の男の子の父親か・・・・・・・。 父 親ともなると、俺に付き合って山籠ごもりするのも大変かな」故郷日本の温泉につかって、 さすがのリュウも時の流れを感じず��はいられなかった。) from All About Street Fighter III: The Fighting Bible, page 226