Street Fighter Wiki

Luke: Delinquent Turned Fighter


Delinquent Turned Fighter-1

Luke: The name's Luke Sullivan. Since quitting the army, I've taken up PMC work to pay the bills. But on the side I've been dipping my toes into the world of street fighting. Why's that, you ask? Heh. Heck of a question. Wish I had an answer for ya. Someone once told me the definition of a fighter. They said it was someone who decided to fight their battles on their own terms. I guess I wanted to meet people who live like that... and I figured street fighting was the best way to do it.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Jamie)

Delinquent Turned Fighter-8

Luke: I've been testing myself against the best of the best.... and I think I'm starting to get a glimpse of what it really means to fight on your own terms. I'm walking the walk, at least. But sometimes I feel like I'm the same old snot-nose punk. Let me tell ya, those days are the worst.

Luke & Jamie: ...Ow! ...Huh?

Luke: ...

Jamie: ...

Luke: Ya know, when you bump into someone, it's polite to say something...

Jamie: Yeah, so? I'm waiting. Go ahead, man. I mean, I don't care either way. I'm not the kind of guy to raise a stink over nothing,

Luke: Seriously bro? You must have gonads the size of grapefruits, acting like I gotta apologize.

Jamie: Haha. Maybe you gotta calm down and get outta my face before you really piss me off. Bro. Or I can give you a lesson in manners instead.

Luke: The hell you just say?

Jamie: You want some!?

Luke vs. Jamie

Jamie: Don't cry when you lose, okay?

Luke: Too late for apologies, man!

Jamie: Just getting warmed up, ya feel me?

Jamie: For real? Is that all you got, man?

Luke: Yeah! How'd that feel?

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Jamie)

Luke: Heh! And that's a win for me. Got anything to say, pretty boy?


Delinquent Turned Fighter-10

Luke: 'Fight your battles...on your own terms...' Anyone out there calling themselves a fighter is walking the same path and giving everything they've got. There's no doubt about that. And I intend to be takin' this every bit seriously as the next guy. That said...When I think of the kid I once was, gettin' into brawls in back alleys...I'm not sure that I've changed all that much. Heh heh...

Jamie: Peacekeeper



Jamie: Yun, Yang...Been a hot minute since I've seen either of ya, but don't worry. I'm doin' just fine all on my own. The name's Jamie Siu. This town's got all sorts of folks lookin' to stir up trouble, and you could say I'm somethin' of a peacekeeper.

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Jamie: Ah, hey dude.

Random Gang Member: Heh heh. Nice to see ya, Jamie.


Jamie: Some people are out here to [sic] tryin' to cause problems, while others just wanna prove how bad they are. But these are my streets, and I'm ready to knock some fools down a peg or three. It's all about nippin' problems in the bud, ya know? That's just the game, and player's gotta play.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Luke)


Not to sound too full of myself, but I'm damn strong. How'd I get that way? Wouldn't you like to know! That's just how I roll. Ha ha! But don't get it twisted. I don't try to go around makin' a show of it or nothin'. I'm not some kid lookin' to be the king of the jungle gym. All I wanna do is protect this city,  just like my bros. But sometimes...

Luke & Jamie: Whoops— —Huh?

Luke: ......

Jamie: ......

Luke: You bumped into me on purpose, didn't you!?

Jamie: The hell's your problem, man? Well!?

Luke: You lookin' to start somethin'?

Jamie vs. Luke

Luke: Don't go regretting this!

Jamie: Who do you think you're talking to, punk!?

Luke: I'm lovin' this!

Luke: You're not done yet, are you?!

Jamie: That's right! You just can't compete!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Luke)

Jamie: Next time ya see me, be sure to put some respect on my name. Got it, meathead?



Jamie: Sometimes...Every now and then...I'll run into someone who makes me forget all about the city. Someone I feel like I can't afford to lose to, no matter what. And just like when I was bustin' my buns to rule the back streets...My blood starts to boil. *sigh* If my bros caught wind of this, they'd never let me hear the end of it.

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Luke: What do you even mean, 'these are my streets'? Come on! No matter how you cut it, from about this street on, this city's mine!

Jamie: Say what!? A scrub like you can only strut around here actin' hard because Jamie Siu's keepin' you safe, ya know?

Luke: Oh, you walk into one win and now you think you're some kind of superhero!?

Jamie: How 'bout I super slap ya!?

Luke: Bring it on, ya punk!

Manon: Because I'm Strong


Because I'm Strong-1

Manon: 'Because you're strong, Manon.' Everyone's always said that to me.

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Girl #1: Manon's so strong!

Man: Go Manon!

Girl #2: Wow, Manon! You're the best!

Man: Manon's strong.


Manon: And they're right. I am strong.

Manon's Mother: 'Manon...Mommy won't be able to see you anymore...But you're a strong girl, so I know you'll be just fine.'

Manon: 'Just fine'? I'm more than just fine. Because I'm strong. Whether it's in the judo ring or on the runway. I'm always the best of the best. Even against other styles, I always come out on top...I'm doing just fine.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Marisa)

Because I'm Strong-4

Manon: That day, as I was standing in the Colosseo...She called out to me.

Marisa: Don't just stand there staring! Get down here and face me—let's do this!

Manon: Oh my. That's certainly the most direct invitation I've heard in quite some time.

Marisa: Well, I can tell...You and I are interested in exactly the same thing.

Manon vs. Marisa

Marisa: Haha! Feast your eyes on my strength!

Manon: A coincidence. I'm quite strong myself.

Marisa: This victory is mine!

Manon: Heh. I knew this would happen.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Marisa)

Manon: You enjoy fighting powerful opponents, do you? In that case, I'd be happy to go another round.


Because I'm Strong-6

Manon: And I claim victory yet again. As usual, I'm more than just fi—

Marisa: PHEW! Now that's what I call a good time!

Manon: Oh? 'A good time,' you say? Was this just a game to you?

Marisa: No, that's not it. Of course, I'm upset that I lost, but you know what? Getting to do battle with someone as strong as you was such a thrill!

Manon: ...... 'Strong'...Usually I hate when people call me that. I feel a pain in my chest every time I hear it. And yet...The way she said it so bluntly and plainly...It didn't bother me in the slightest.

Marisa: Next time we fight, the victory will be mine. In about a rematch right now?

Manon: Oh my. I'm quite confident I'll win the next time as well...After all...I'm strong, I'll have you know.

Kimberly: Chasing the Truth


Chasing the Truth-1

Kimberly: One crazy coincidence kicked it all off. There was this weird formula on an internet math forum, and well, long story short...I solved it. When I finished, someone by the name of 'Shaobing' sent a DM my way.

Shaobing (text message): 'NICEEE! MAYbe we can finally get this code cracked!'

Kimberly: So obviously, I'm thinking, 'What code?'

Kimberly (text message): 'What code?'

Kimberly: And let me tell ya, what came back had me TOTALLY floored.

Shaobing (text message): 'You're not gonna believe this, but there's a code that combines the formula and the Nayshalli language! :o'

Kimberly: 'Nayshalli!? For real?' Talk about blindsided!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. JP)

Chasing the Truth-10

Kimberly: The country of Nayshall and I...We got a bit of a connection, you see. My uncle was a great guy. He always looked out for me. And, well...he died after getting caught up in some trouble over there. The code I cracked that day was the start of it all. That's how I, Ninja Star Kimberly Jackson, made my first step on a journey to discover the truth behind what went down in Nayshall.

Kimberly: It's been a long road. I've met a lot of people, and kicked more tail than I can keep track of. As much as I'd love to gush about my adventure, that can wait for another time. First things first: There was this guy, right? I think he's the one who's been pulling all the strings.

JP: ...May I help you?

Kimberly: Yeah. You know Al Jackson? He used to work with you. He was my uncle. And I'll have you tell me everything you know about him, Johan Petrovic.

JP: ...Well, well.

Kimberly vs. JP

JP: Please. Be as you must.

Kimberly: You're going to tell me everything you know!

Kimberly: Ready to talk now?

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. JP)

Kimberly: My uncle died in that incident. I swear to you—I'm going to find out what really happened.


Chasing the Truth-16

Kimberly: I won...but I sure didn't feel like I came out on top. I beat him, but it's like I was the one on the ropes.

JP: There are few things more dangerous than unwarranted confidence in one's abilities. Were I you, I would endeavor to forget what transpired today. Farewell, Ms. Jackson.

Kimberly: ......I didn't manage to get anything out of him. One thing I did figure out, though—Is that I'm not nearly strong enough to chase after a monster like that. ......Seems like this Ninjastar still has a lot of training ahead of her. Om khili khili vajra hum phat!

Marisa: All of the Might


All of the Might-1

Marisa: Pankration. The world's oldest martial art, its orgins date back to ancient Greece. In the arena, no form of attack was taboo. Fighters would gouge each other's eyes out, if that's what it took. A pankratiast's pride was everything, with many choosing death over submitting in defeat. And their descendant. What am I doing, you ask? Heh. The same thing we pankratiasts have been doing for thousands of years. Fight, of course! And these are all I need.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Manon)

All of the Might-5

Marisa: That day, I could feel someone's eyes on me. It was the first time I had ever seen her face, but I knew it right away: She was just like me. Are you really satisfied just watching?

Manon: ......

Marisa: You can't fool me. I can tell—you're into exactly the same thing I'm into!

Manon: *chuckle*

Marisa vs. Manon

Manon: Such a kind invitation...

Marisa: Now then, let's do it!

Manon: I am strong you know.

Marisa: Are you satisfied?

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Manon)

Marisa: You're pretty strong! Thing is...So am I Gwahaha.


All of the Might-10

Marisa: WOOO! Now that's my idea of fun!

Manon: Heh. Enjoyed getting yourself a win, did you? Quite the simple-minded approach.

Marisa: Come again? No, that's not it. At times, a win can feel worse than defeat, after all. The fun part was having the chance to battle with someone as as strong as you!

Manon: ......

Marisa: Say, do you happen to know the meaning of 'pankration'? It means, 'all of the might." There are countless fighters all across the world to challenge with all my might...And I get so excited thinking about it that it keeps me awake at night!

Manon: *giggle* You know, I think I got it right the first time. You are simple-minded.

Marisa: And? Something wrong with that?

Manon: ...No. Not in the slightest.

Marisa: Thought so! My name is Marisa. And I'm a pankratiast who takes on every challenge...with all her might!

Lily: That's the Spirit


That's the Spirit-3

Lily: I love traveling. The spirit named Toyno'lkonoi is always by my side. And its voice calls to me on the wind. 'Go forth, Lily! There remains so much to be seen! Go forth, Lily! The world awaits! A long time ago, there was a Thunderfoot warrior just like me. He set out on a journey to save the tribe. And on that journey...He met many amazing warriors. I can only hope that's the kind of journey I've got waiting for me!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Dhalsim)

That's the Spirit-5

Lily: I do love traveling, but...I love coming home, too.

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Female Tribe Member: Welcome back, Lily.

Male Tribe Member: So, where did you go this time?


Lily: After all, I get to see Singing Wolf, and all the tribesfolk. It's nice to be welcomed by faces I recognize. It really makes me feel safe. Hmm? Now there's a face I don't know. Are you some kind of spirit?

Dhalsim: I am no spirit. I am called Dhalsim. Allow me to test your strength.

Lily vs. Dhalsim

Dhalsim: Is this the power I sensed?

Lily: The spirits guide me.

Dhalsim: Was I mistaken?

Lily: Did you get your answer?

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Dhalsim)

Lily: You float, and yet you're not a spirit. How odd...I want to know more.


That's the Spirit-6

Dhalsim (as a flashback): 'I sense a great power within you, Lily.'

Lily: That's what Dhalsim told me. I couldn't help but feel like...he must have been talking about Toyno'Ilkonoi. I'll meet all sorts of people and get even stronger. And once this spirit has more power...I'll show Dhalsim how much we've grown. I'm Lily, a Thunderfoot warrior. My journey is just getting started.

JP: Nayshall's Suval'hal Tournament


Nayshall's Suval'hal Tournament-1

JP: Nayshall. A developing nation of little significance, tucked away in a remote corner of Asia. There is but one reason I chose to support such a country by hosting a martial arts tournament: I required a front for my money laundering operation. And yet...

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Kimberly)

Nayshall's Suval'hal Tournament-6

JP: ...And yet, in an unexpected twist, the tournament placed a great many people on my path. Those who seek my acquaintance, those who seek to stop me...and those who seek to use me. It's rather fascinating.

Kimberly: ......

JP: Am I to count you among their number, young lady?

Kimberly: So you're Johan Petrovic. Mind if I ask you a thing or two about my uncle?

JP: ...Not in the slightest.

JP vs. Kimberly

Kimberly: My uncle used to work with you, didn't he?

JP: Hm.... I'm afraid I don't recall...

JP: Goodbye, Miss Jackson.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Kimberly)

JP: Your uncle encountered a little accident in Nayshall. Nothing more.


Nayshall's Suval'hal Tournament-10

JP: Prepare a crowd, an arena, and a prize...And people swarm in like moths to a flame. Come to think of it...Bison himself had a penchant for incorporating martial arts tournaments into his plans for world domination. Utterly illogical... And yet— ...I think I'm beginning to understand the appeal. Hahahahah... Ahahah, hahahahahaha...!

Juri: Occupational Burnout


Juri: There's this chump I'd always wanted to kill. And would you know it, the guy apparently went and kicked the bucket. But lemme tell ya...I don't feel even the slightest bit happy about it. He took one of my eyes! I'll bash his skull in! His organization can bite it too! I'll wipe it off the face of the Earth! I'll kill you so hard, nobody will recognize the corpse! Rot in hell, Bison! For the longest time, it was all I could think about. To make that a reality, I used every dirty trick in the book and then some. And yet...Why am I so freakin' PISSED OFF!? I mean, for real! God DAMMIT!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Chun-Li)

Occupational Burnout-2

Chun-Li: Juri Han. Even without the existence of Shadaloo, I see you can't help but find ways to get your hands dirty.

Juri: Pfft, like you're one to talk. Agent Chun-Li. Bison bit it, and that's it? Daddy's avenged, time to retire?

Chun-Li: If revenge is all you were after...You have no reason to continue down your path of wickedness. In a way...You, too, are one of Bison's victims. You must atone for the crimes you've committed, but it's not too late for you to change your ways and—

Juri: Jeez, I forgot how good you were at puttin' me to sleep. I ain't atoning for squat. If you're expectin' me to learn something', you're gonna have to lecture me way harder than that!

Juri vs. Chun-Li

Chun-Li: I'll have to bring you in. I don't suppose you'll come quietly.

Juri: Ugh... Let's see you try, little miss Retiree!

Chun-Li: What's got you so angry in the first place?

Chun-Li: I'll put an end to this!

Juri: Stick with teaching Kung Fu to brats! It suits you way better!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Chun-Li)

Juri: The case ain't closed yet. There's plenty more playtime in store...Betcha can't wait!


Occupational Burnout-3

Juri: ......

Chun-Li (as a flashback): You, too, are one of Bison's victims.

Juri: Feh! Man, I hate her so freakin' much...

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Stray Cat: Meooww!

Dee Jay: Inspiration Strikes


Inspiration Strikes-1

Narrator: There once was a man who could drive people into a state of frenzy with the power of his songs. Irresistible rhythms! Catchy lyrics! Fiery passion! His songs hypnotized the globe. One fateful day, he discovered the 'martial rhythm' that dwells in the very spirit of street fighting. From that, a new kind of music was born—a fusion of battle and beats. This man—Dee Jay—set out again today to sing, fight, and seek out brilliant new music to fuel his burning soul.

Dee Jay: Yow! I wonder what rhythm we've got waitin' for us today. Pump the brakes and hang tight, 'cause Dee Jay's on the way!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Kimberly)

Inspiration Strikes-3

Dee Jay: Hm... Flame... Future... Family... Hmm...

Kimberly: ...Flavor?

Dee Jay: Flavor? ...Flavor! O yeah, now we're cookin'!

Kimberly: Those are lyrics, right? Working on a new song?

Dee Jay: You know it! Know who I am, huh? Want an autograph?

Kimberly: Nice as that would be, there's something else I'd like more. Word on the street is that music's not your only talent.

Dee Jay: Hahaha! You're a fighter too, are ya? If ya think ya got what it takes to get my creative juices flowin', I'm more than down for a bit of scrappin'!

Kimberly: Glad to hear it! I'll show you what my ninjitsu can do!

Dee Jay vs. Kimberly

Kimberly: I wonder what kind of song you can make from this ninjastar speed.

Dee Jay: Just watch me weave in magic!

Kimberly: Heheh. Nice! I'm really feeling it now!

Kimberly: You're gonna go mute on me? I can't hear you!

Dee Jay: Yeah girl! You've got some real pop, girl!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Kimberly)

Dee Jay: 80s classics are bangin', but don'tchu sleep on my new single, yeah?


Inspiration Strikes-4

Dee Jay: All right, all right, all right! now I'm REALLY startin' to feel it! Talk about outta control! I can't remember the last time I felt a rhythm this fresh comin' on! YAHOO! It's all thanks to you, my ninja friend! We got a new kid on the block bringin' fresh new energy! Lemme hear some of that hot new music!

Cammy: The Investigation Continues



Cammy: Ha ha ha! Don't worry yourself, Juni. I'm doing just fine over here.

Juni: Well, I certainly hope so. You sometimes get so focused on your work that you forget to do basic things like eat, after all.

Cammy: It's all right, I'm not like I was back then. I have people looking out for me now.

Juni: Heh heh...

Cammy: What is it? Why are you laughing?

Juni: Oh, it's nothing. Do you remember that charm I gave you? It's still hanging off your phone, isn't it? I just pictured it and had to laugh.

Cammy: It is, actually! I'm rather fond of it. Thanks again, by the way.

Juni: Don't mention it. Anyway...good luck with your work.

Cammy: Juni says I'm paranoid, but frankly... I can't believe that Shadaloo has been truly eradicated. And I find it curious indeed that it's getting harder and harder to track down any traces of their remnants. This will require further investigation.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. JP)


JP: ...May I help you?

Cammy: Pardon the interruption. I'm investigating a criminal syndicate called Shadaloo. I heard there may be some leads here.

JP: Ah, I'm afraid I know nothing of that. Now, if you have no other business, a very hungry cat is awaiting my return.

Cammy: Wait...I mean— Freeze! Don't move! This feeling...I know it well. You possess Psycho Power, don't you?

JP: ......

Cammy: You will tell me what you know. I'll use force if I must.

Cammy vs. JP

JP: Cybele, my apologies. You’ll have to wait a little bit longer.

Cammy: Why do you have Psycho Power?

JP: How annoying....

JP: Shall we end this now?

Cammy: I won, but… something’s amiss.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. JP)

Cammy: "Time to talk! Shadaloo's gone. So what in the bloody hell are you plotting?"



Cammy: Who was that man? He got away from me, but I'm certain he knows something. I've found no answers, but more things now close in around me... I wonder if I can truly put an end to all this... ...No, you're right. Of course I can. Forgive me. I had lost sight of myself. Thank you. This fight is not just mine alone. It belongs to all of us. And I will succeed...for all our sakes.

Ryu: The Path


Ryu: I'm Ryu, a martial artist. I've crossed paths with many during my journey for true strength. Take Ken, who trained alongside me under the same master. He has always been my greatest friend and rival. Guile, Chun-Li, Dhalsim... I've been saved time and time again by those who walk my same path. I've also met my share of enemies...Opponents I had to overcome...And sometimes, that opponent was my own self. My journey knows no end. I will continue to do what I have always done. Search for those stronger than myself.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Luke)

The Path-1

Luke: Oh! You must be Ryu. Hey there. The name's Luke Sullivan. Sorry to spring this on you out of nowhere, but what do you say we throw down?

Ryu: ...For what purpose?

Luke: 'Scuse me?

Ryu: Purpose. What are you trying to achieve? Why do you fight?

Luke: Purpose, huh? Well, uh... Honestly, haven't got one. If there's someone out there stronger than me, I want a shot at 'em. Is that not a good enough reason?

Ryu: Hmph... It'll do.

Ryu vs. Luke

Luke: The legend himself, huh? This is gonna be something.

Ryu: Show me what you got!

Luke: Hey, hey, come on! You still got more left in the tank, right!?

Luke: Oh, man! Am I too good at this!?

Ryu: A new generation... Huh.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Luke)

Ryu: Your fists show you the path forward. I see my younger self in you.


The Path-3

Luke: Woof, talk about tough... Guess I need to step up my training. Ryu just up and disappeared the second it was over. I wanted to get a picture with him, but this is the best I could do... Actually, you know what? Maybe this ain't so bad.

E. Honda: Chanko House Edomon


Chanko House Edomon-1

E. Honda: Things're lookin' up! I'm openin' a chanko restaurant in Metro City! And I've poured my heart and soul into makin' darn sure it's got everything I want the world to see! Most importantly, we've got a stage so patrons can spectate some sumo with their stew! We've even got genuine sumo wrestlers workin' the joint! We'll Sumo Headbutt yer order straight to yer door! And o'course we can't forget about the ol' Japanese spirit, which is where the adorable little tanuki statues come in! But it wasn't easy gettin' here. I had a heck of a time decidin' on this location. I literally traveled the globe lookin' for the perfect place to set up shop.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Manon)

Chanko House Edomon-4

E. Honda: What a city! It's every bit as dazzling as folks say. And what better place to plop down a sumo restaurant than here in this theme park?

Manon: Oh my! Sumo, you say?

E. Honda: Right on the money, eh? A trendy eatery would suit this place like broth in a hot pot!

Manon: Putting aside the dubious trendiness of a chanko restaurant...I'm not quite convinced this is the ideal location.

E. Honda: What!? Sounds to me like ya don't get what makes sumo so great. Whaddaya say I give ya a little demonstration, here and now?

Manon: Ooh, a cross-style match? You're on.

E. Honda vs. Manon

Manon: Hehe. I'm expecting something different from you!

E. Honda: You'll see everything that sumo has to offer lady!

Manon: Shall I give you a taste of what I'm capable of?

Manon: I hope this could've been more.... Splendor....

E. Honda: This is what sumo's all about!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Manon)

E. Honda: Watchin' you is downright enchanting! Makes me wanna step up my show-off game too.


Chanko House Edomon-5

E. Honda: What'd ya think of my sumo!? Perfect fit for a place like this, wouldn't ya say?

Manon: *chuckle* You misunderstand me, silly man. This is a traveling carnival. Before long, it'll be torn down and headed elsewhere.

E. Honda: What the...So that's whatcha meant, was it? Well, shucks. I'm runnin' out of ideas for good spots.

Manon: Is the location truly so important? I'm a judoka and a model both. Whether I'm on the mat, on the runway, or anywhere, really...I try to be the version of myself that I want the world to see. Is that not what matters most?

E. Honda: The me that I want the world to see, eh? So that's why I went ahead and picked this spot. Then I made just the kinda restaurant I had in mind! Gwah hah hah hah! We'll be open before ya know it! Chanko House Edomon, in Metro City! And the star attraction...IS ME! The one and only, Edmond Honda!

Blanka: Real-life Cryptid


Real-life Cryptid-1

News Headlines (onscreen only/no audio): A mysterious sprite, found deep in the jungle in Brazil!?

???: *chuckle* Glad to see someone hasn't changed a bit. Perhaps we should pay this 'sprite' a little visit.

???: Hmm...a sprite? I wonder if it's something like Toyno'Ikonoi...If it is, you're right. We should go check it out.

Blanka: Ugaah! It's me, king of the jungle, Bla—Um, the mysterious jungle sprite! Uwo, uwo! I'll be waiting for the jungle!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Lily)

Real-life Cryptid-4

Blanka: Uwo! It's me, the mysterious jungle sprite! Handshakes welcome! Pictures are A-OK too! You there! Don't be shy! Uwo!

Lily: Hiya! I'm Lily.

Blanka: Hi I'm Blanka. Er, I mean, Blanka-chan! The mysterious jungle sprite! Do you...want to shake hands?

Lily: Ha ha! You're funny, Blanka. My spirit says it wants to see more too!

Blanka: Ugah?

Blanka vs. Lily

Lily: I can sense it. The spirit of the trees.

Blanka: I'm the jungle's protector Sprite, Bla- Wait. Spirit?

Lily: Wow, you're a great warrior Blanka!

Lily: My spirit wants to show you its power.

Lily: Are you okay, Blanka?

Blanka: Sprite beats spirit!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Lily)

Blanka: Plenty of voices in the jungle. The wind, water, and trees are always whispering!


Real-life Cryptid-7

Blanka: Uwo...I'm sorry. I'm not really a jungle sprite. But so many dreams would be crushed if people found out, so...

Lily: What are you apologizing for? It makes no difference whether you're wearing that thing or not. The spirit of the jungle is with you right now!

Blanka: Ugah...It is?

Lily: Yep, it is. The power of all the trees and animals here...You have it inside of you! That's the 'sprite' you're talking about, right?

Blanka: That's right! I'd forgotten! The power of the jungle is real! That means Blanka-chan is real, too! And I'm Blanka, king of the jungle, and I'm real too! Uwooooo!

Guile: In-Laws


Luke: If it's training like this you're looking for, I'm happy to help out any time, sir!

Guile: Heh. The occasional round with young blood keeps me from getting rusty, I can say that much.

Luke: So, uh, you wanted to talk?

Guile: Right. You were in Nayshall when everything transpired, weren't you? What do you make of Ken Masters being involved?

Luke: Masters? He's innocent. If you're asking whether he was assisting the terrorists, the answer is no. He was set up.

Guile: Looking to provide Nayshall with aid in its development, Ken gets saddled with the suspicion of abetting terrorists. He then resigns from his position at the foundation and disappears from the limelight. I know he's not the type to likely to cash in his chips if left unattended but...Time to start the search. Only question is where...

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Ken)

In laws-3

Guile: To think you were right under my nose the entire time. I get the picture. So you thought to maintain a low profile...To keep an eye on those who attempted to approach the foundation. Is that it?

Ken: What's the big idea? You come here just to scold your loser of a brother-in-law?

Guile: 'Scold'? Heh. If only. The only scolding my brother-in-law understands involves fists.

Guile vs. Ken

Ken: This isn't your problem!

Guile: I'm making it my problem!

Ken: Why are you doing this?

Ken: Are we done here?

Guile: Now, let's hear your side of the story.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Ken)

Guile: That incident shook you up...I gotta figure out what's actually going on here.


In laws-4

Guile: Julia told me everything. Eliza's worried about you too.

Ken: I can't go back yet.

Guile: If you're worried about what happened in Nayshall, don't be. We know you were set up.

Ken: I...I'm not even sure what I'm fighting for anymore. And I've got no business seeing anyone until I sort myself out. I'm sorry, but just...leave me be.

Guile: Hmph. Guess that means he doesn't want my help. Time to take matters into my own hands. If Ken Masters himself has been driven to the edge...It's probably worth looking into this Nayshall business.

Ken: Questions Without Answers


SF6-Ken Arcade-2

Online Video Headline (text only/no audio): Funds Misappropriated


Online Video Headline (text only/no audio): NGO Employee Missing

(offscreen/not transcribed)

News Anchor #1: According to the announcement, the man—

News Anchor #2: —the suspicion surrounding the embezzlement of funds intended for the martial arts stadium—

News Anchor #3: —the company's representative, Johan Petrovich, made in a statement released today—


Photo Caption (text only/no audio): Who's Behind the Terrorist Bombings? Questions Surrounding the Champ

Ken: Man, talk about pathetic. I got totally played. The foundation was just supposed to be doing a little support work. And the next thing I knew, I was being framed for terrorism.

Ken: My name was cleared...But it's not like things can just go back to the way they were. Since then...My reason for fighting has been totally flipped on its head.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. JP)

Questions Without Answers-6

Ken: .....

JP: Well, well...If it isn't the former national champion. Fighting still makes you feel alive, does it not? How truly splendid. What say you, Ken? Why not forget all about what happened in Nayshall...and become a thrall to the ecstasy of combat once more?

Ken: ......

Ken vs. JP

JP: Oh my, did I strike a nerve?

Ken: *Snarls*

JP: Satisfied yet?

JP: Let's put an end to this.

JP: I'd recommend you stay down.

Ken: I... will finish this.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. JP)

Ken: Until I settle things with you, I'm never gonna be able to move on.


Questions Without Answers-10

Ken: ...... I can't move forward until I settle things once and for all. But...What should I do? Do I kill him? With my own two hands? I just don't know.

Chun-Li: An Agent's Day Off


An Agent's Day Off-1

Chun-Li: My name is Chun-Li. As an Interpol agent, I spent many years in pursuit of the leader of the Shadaloo syndicate... A man named M. Bison. But thanks to the assistance of numerous great martial artists, Shadaloo was destroyed, and M. Bison was defeated for good. For now, I'm on a sabbatical from work. I've been spending my time teaching kung fu in the city. Sabbatical or not, a martial artist is always on active duty. I mustn't neglect my daily training!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Juri)

An Agent's Day Off-3

Chun-Li: ...How about you stop sneaking around? Show yourself, Juri Han.

Juri: Well, look at that. I heard rumors you'd retired, but I guess your senses are still working, at least.

Chun-Li: Did you honestly think you would go unnoticed? Stealth has never been your specialty.

Juri: Don't I know it. How about we do something a little more my speed, then?

Juri: Oh HELL yeah! That's the stuff! I was worried you'd be losing your touch.

Chun-Li: Your concern is touching. Well? are we done here?

Juri: Damn, what's your rush? Just thought I'd give you a little warning, is all. If you think now the Big Bad's dead, this whole thing's over... Think again.

Chun-Li: Exactly what do you mean?

Juri: If you really wanna know, you're gonna have to beat it out of me!

Chun-Li vs. Juri

Juri: Let's see if little miss Retiree's still got it!

Chun-Li: I have more than enough for you!

Juri: I think it's about the time we have some REAL fun!

Juri: Hah?! Done already?

Chun-Li: This time I win. But.....

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Juri)

Chun-Li: Didn't you exact your revenge? You can't let it consume you forever.


An Agent's Day Off-5

Chun-Li: I didn't manage to get any info out of Juri... Even after Bison's death, if there's any chance of something still lurking in the shadows... I have no choice but to uncover the truth. I guess I really am a workaholic.

Zangief: The Ultimate Tag Partner


The Ultimate Tag Partner-2

Flyer (onscreen only/no audio): Looking for a partner! In the Colosseo! Everyone is welcome!

Zangief: Oh? Someone is looking for a the Colosseo? Hmm. They must be seeking a helping hand for a tag team match! Of this, there can be no doubt! Khorosho! I've always wished to have a bout in the Colosseo! Just you wait! The Red Cyclone shall be on your doorstep before long! Gwahahaha!

Flyer (onscreen only/no audio): Warning! Those not serious about marriage need not apply! Applicants will be vetted via trial by combat! —Marisa

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Marisa)

The Ultimate Tag Partner-3

Zangief: So it is you who wrote that flyer! I, Zangief, shall be your partner!

Marisa: Ah, now there's the enthusiasm I've been looking for! I've heard talk of the Red Cyclone, but you're an even tastier looking slab of meat than the rumors say!

Zangief: Indeed! This body of muscle won't quit until its dying day! Hahahah!

Marisa: Glad to hear it...But enough talk! It's about time I have myself a taste!

Zangief: I wouldn't have it any other way! Come, then!

Zangief vs. Marisa

Marisa: Yes! Show me your worth!

Zangief: Have a taste of what my muscles are capable of!

Marisa: Is this all you're capable of?

Zangief: Well!? You must be satisfied!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Marisa)

Zangief: Y-You want me to be your partner? Somehow, I doubt you're talking about a tag team match...


The Ultimate Tag Partner-5

Marisa: Phewww! Talk about a great time! You're every bit as good as they say you are, Zangief. Though I suppose I should have expected no less from someone who wishes to be my partner for life.

Zangief: For life? Were you not recruiting a partner for a single tagteam match?

Marisa: No, you fool—we are to be wedded! Till death do us part!

Zangief: ...Wedded?

Marisa: You're here because you saw the flyer, aren't you? It says so right here.

Zangief: 'Those not serious about marriage need not apply'!? N-Now wait a moment, I thought this was a tag match!

Marisa: You're not seriously going to back out on me now, are you? Or is it that I'm not to your liking?

Zangief: I, erm...Of course you are! It's just that these kinds of things require careful consideration, and, uh...Oh heavens! I just remembered I have a match today! Yes, that is something I definitely have! My apologies, but I must rescind my offer to assist with you tag match. The ring calls for the Red Cyclone!

Marisa: What!? Hey! Heh. Not sure what I expected. I half-jokingly spread those flyers around hoping somebody strong would show up. But never in my wildest dreams did I expect such a catch. May we one day cross paths again, Zangief!

Dhalsim: An Omen


An Omen-1

Dhalsim: I am called Dhalsim. I walk the path of yoga. In changing times such as these, there are many who stray from their path. Guiding those who are led astray is but one of yoga's many purposes. To that end, I have fought many battles myself. Conflict waged so that conflict might be avoided...This contradiction is one I have yet to resolve. I, too, am led astray. Yet I will fight on all the same. With yoga as my guide.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Lily)

An Omen-5

Dhalsim: I incredible power. Has it simply been dormant this whole time? Much is yet unclear...This bears investigation.

Lily: ...Are you some kind of spirit? My name is Lily Hawk. I'm a Thunderfoot warrior!

Dhalsim: I am no spirit. I am Dhalsim, a monk.

Lily: Something about you reminds me of Singing Wolf. Do you have a message for me or something?

Dhalsim: A message? I suppose I do. I am brought here by a desire to better know your strength.

Lily: Does that mean you're looking to fight? Works for me! I'm game.

Dhalsim vs. Lily

Lily: I won't hold back.

Dhalsim: Hmmm.... let's see this power of yours.

Lily: You are a fine warrior, Dhalsim.

Lily: Are you holding back?

Dhalsim: I sensed no evil within you...

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Lily)

Dhalsim: For now, let your wind flow wild and free.


An Omen-6

Lily: Woah, you can float? You sure you're not a spirit? This definitely looks like something a spirit would do...

Dhalsim: A tranquil breeze cradles this child. The power I felt before is no more...

Lily: Hey, Dhalsim, maybe you should meet Singing Wolf. I have no idea what you're talking about, but I bet the two of you'd be on the same wavelength.

Dhalsim: Hmm...Very well. That power seemed to be the Satsui no Hado ...Was it simply a trick of the senses? Perhaps in this case...I should hope I was mistaken.

Rashid: Where the Wind Takes Me


Rashid: My name is Rashid. But I'm also known as 'Rashid of the Turbulent Wind', and 'The Soaring Eagle of the Desert'. You can pick whichever you like—they both sound pretty good to me! Hahahah. A while back I got myself in a little...Ah...bad choice of words. It wasn't little. I got myself caught up in something big. I lost a close friend in the process...But I also helped take down a gigantic criminal organization...Long story short, there was a global-tier terrorist attack in the works, but we managed to stop it. In the thick of it all, I came face to face with tons of top fighters. Some I fought alongside, and some of them I had to butt heads with. But that's how life goes. Up until that point, you could say I went wherever the wind took me. But everything that happened got me thinking about my future. My own path in life. What I want to do. And what only I can do. And then it hit me. Travel the world. Seek out top class fighters...And then vlog all our awesome fights! I mean, think about it! There are plenty of strong fighters out there. But only cool, flashy moves like mine have the mass appeal to pull in those viewers and subscribers! So, I busted out the wallet and got a new camera...And I'm just about to get this party started!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Ryu)

Rashid: Now... next up... My informants told me that there was a certain legendary fighter around here somewhere... Man, I'm so excited! I'm gonna get some awesome footage!

Rashid: ...

Ryu: ...It's been a while.

Rashid: Ah...yeah... I came here for a rematch, Ryu. ...Will you do me the honor?

Ryu: ...

Rashid: ...

Ryu: Of course.

Rashid vs. Ryu

Ryu: You're usually recording fights.

Rashid: Ah. Today I'd like us to go all out. No distractions.

Ryu: You've got much better.

Rashid: Whew. Good fight.

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Ryu)

Rashid: It's always a sobering experience fighting you. I learn something new every time.


Rashid: Would you believe it. As soon as my battle with Ryu began...The thought of filming the whole thing didn't even cross my mind. I don't know how to explain it exactly...But it was like only the fight mattered. Just a pure desire to fight with no distractions. ...It gave me something to think about. I might end up being like that someday. No videos, no streaming. No distractions. Nothing but the fight. One day, I might walk down a similar path. That said... I just bought THIS thing, so I guess I've gotta get my money's worth. Next up—battle videos taken from a DRONE camera! Hahaha!

A.K.I.: Time to Work


A.K.I.: Eeheeheehee! Time to work, time to work. The master has given me an assignment. Investigate what the remnants of Shadaloo are up to... and send out a warning if I encounter any interference. It'd be far easier to just eliminate them...But the master's orders are absolute.... First thing's first...

Chun-Li: Oh, sorry to...

A.K.I.: Dajie, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to return to action.

Chun-Li: ...Who are you?

A.K.I.: I am no one. But, if you go sticking your nose where it doesn't belong...You may end up losing your whole face.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. JP)

JP: ...Pardon me. I don't believe we've been introduced. And how did you slip past my security detail, may I ask?

JP: ...

A.K.I.: The remains of Shadaloo, experimental subjects like Ed... We know where all that money you have laundered is being funneled. But what are you planning, hm?

JP: ...

I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. I am merely acting as a treasurer of sorts. And all I've done is distribute the funds left by that organization accordingly.

A.K.I.: A treasurer, you say? What a convenient excuse.

A.K.I. vs. JP

JP: I hope you're not one to bully the elderly.

A.K.I.: I'm no bully, but this will hurt.

JP: Shall I do the honors?

JP: This old man is tired... Could we stop now?

A.K.I.: A treasurer should stick to what they know!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. JP)

A.K.I.: I can end your life whenever the master so desires.


A.K.I.: I would not plan too far in advance. Leave the revival of the organization to the master.

JP: I see. You must be F.A.N.G.'s apprentice.

A.K.I.: Indeed, and I come and erase your existence whenever he commands it. Never forget that.... the assignment is complete. I must report back to the master. I'm sure he'll shower me with heaps of praise! Master, I cannot wait for your adulations!! You know that your wonderful A.K.I. has done everything you've asked of her, and gotten rid of anyone who dares to interfere! I could have erased them all but NO, I followed your orders to the letter. No killing, just pain and unbridled fear!... ahh... Master! Recognize your A.K.I.'s brilliance! Hahaha!!

Ed: Neo Shadaloo


Ed: Making the most of the chaos from Shadaloo's fall... I went around and released a bunch of the other test subjects just like me. I wasn't looking to make friends or anything, but... I wanted to give them a taste of freedom, like I'd had. I knew though. The moment I first met them, I knew. Something had brought all of us together. A deeper Connection. Friends, team, partners, bonds... whatever you wanna call it. There was something between us that only we could understand. And that kept us together. We knew there were still more of us out there though. And there was only one thing for us to do. We've split up, searching for others just like us. But Shadaloo had a ton of those messed up hideouts all over the place. It wasn't gonna be easy. No doubt we'll have to take care of the trash leftover from Shadaloo's fall along the way. Heh. Guess the ties that bind aren't so easily severed, even in death.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. JP)

Ed: As I kept searching... I realized something was off. Something, or someone was moving behind the scenes.

Ed: Who the hell are you?

JP: Ah yes. I suppose our paths never truly crossed. I was in control of Shadaloo's financial affairs. The pleasure is all mine, Ed.

Ed: I heard all of Shadaloo's top brass turned tail after Bison died. But you still swear loyalty to a hollowed-out shell... what the hell are you planning?

JP: ...Since you asked so nicely... among the scattered remnants of Shadaloo... A movement has started, that would place you as the new head of the organization

Ed: What!?

JP: Neo Shadaloo, was it now? Heh... suffice it to say, you do meet the requirements. To be the heir to Bison's throne.

Ed: Cut the bullshit! Why the hell would I want that!?

JP: ...

Ed: Say something! I'm not gonna be anyone's pawn! You hear me!? I- We, are gonna live our lives, our way!

Ed vs. JP

JP: I am not your enemy, Ed.

Ed: I don't know what the hell you're planning!

JP: Hmm... I suggest you listen to reason.

JP: This experiment... is a failure.

Ed: I don't want any part of you, old man!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. JP)

Ed: No matter what you're planning, you better believe that I'm gonna stop ya!


Ed: All of a sudden, we had a name. They call us Neo Shadaloo. The leftovers of the original Shadaloo are dead set on making me Bison's successor... Then you have punks like JP, scheming away in the shadows. But I say bring it on. If that's their game, then we'll give this Neo Shadaloo thing a go. But we'll run the table. We'll set the rules. If we're doing this, we're doing it my way!

Akuma: The Sound of Chiseling


(Sounds of Wood Carving)

Hundreds of opponents. All felled by his hand. Thousands of strikes exchanged. They forged his spirit. Every moment of every fight, accumulating overtime... Engraved into his very being.

(Sounds of Wood Carving)

Akuma: ...Hmm... Hmph.

(Sounds of wood carving) how he remembers each battle.

(Sounds of wood carving)

Savage demon gods, innumerous.

(Sounds of wood carving)

Their deafening silence. It speaks of the ferocity...of a fight to the death.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Ryu)

(Sounds of fighting and explosion is heard)

Akuma: ...You seem to revel in this.

Ryu: ...

Akuma: Again, that smile. You make light of our fight to the death!?

Ryu: You must feel it through my fists. How every ounce of my being is going into this. ...Am I wrong?

Akuma: ...

Ryu: And I... ...I sense it in you too. From the moment we clashed... You're also reveling in this fight.

Akuma: ...Hm? You shall not make a mockery of me! Uraaaaagh!!!

Akuma vs. Ryu

Ryu: I shall not falter in this fight!

Akuma: You will regret those words!

Ryu: I will surpass the Satsui no Hado!

Akuma: Still not enough...

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Ryu)

Akuma: This is it? Get up!


(Sounds of Wood Carving)

The man known as Akuma. Fists with ambitions so great, they seek to soar beyond the very heavens. Where will this path of strife take him?

(Sounds of Wood Carving)

Akuma: ...Hmmm... Hm!

M. Bison: An Unquenchable Thirst


Nameless Man: ...Ugh...

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Thug #3: Hehehehe!

Thug #2: Hey! What's the big deal?

Thug #1: No bro. Bro way!


Thug #1: Check it out, some old geezer's sleeping by the dumpster!

Thug #2: Oh gross, the dude's naked too. Hahaha!

Thug #3: Must've gotten mugged or something. What a loser!

Nameless Man: ...Hm?

Thug #1: What's your deal old man?

Nameless Man: Hmm...

Thug #2: H-hey..hang on, we didn't....

Thug #3: We weren't looking for trouble, p-p-promise!

Nameless Man: ...

(M. Bison beats up thugs offscreen)

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Thug #2: Hrrrgh.... Holy fu...

Thug #1: *Coughs*


Thug #1: Who...the hell are you...!?

Nameless Man: ... Who am I...? ...Heh. Who I am... I do not remember who I am. That being said... No matter how many street rats like you I crush... My hunger cannot be satiated...

(offscreen/not transcribed)

Thug #1: No-


Nameless Man: I may not know who I am. But what I desire is crystal clear. So long as I follow this hunger inside of me... I will eventually find the one who will fulfill me. I will be whole again.

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Juri)

Nameless Man: I...? And what is this place? Why have I been drawn here? What is this yearning? This power? Battle after battle, and yet the urge still rages on. What is it!?

Juri: ...Well well... What have we here... What the hell are you doing here?

Nameless Man: ...

Juri: Ugh...What are you!? ...Bison?

Nameless Man: ...Bison. Who is that?

Juri: Haha. Lemme tell ya. Bison's the lowest of the low. But he was supposed to six feet under by now!

Nameless Man: Hmm... I see, Bison was supposed to have died. You shall tell me more.

M. Bison vs. Juri

Juri: Don't know who you are, but I just hate your face.

M. Bison: Hmph.

Juri: So you were a fake!

Juri: I'm gonna kill you either way!

M. Bison: I will make you talk!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Juri)

M. Bison: Kill me? Someone like you couldn't even kill a worm if it was in front of you.


(M. Bison holds Juri by the throat)

Juri: Guh...Ack...

Nameless Man: Do I resemble this man you call Bison?

Juri: Guh...God, you're really pissing me off right now.

Nameless Man: If I was this Bison you speak of, what would you do?

Juri: You really wanna know what I'd do? I'll make you remember everything ya ever did... And then I'm gonna make sure you suffer and die again! That what you wanna hear?

Nameless Man: Hmph.

(M. Bison drops Juri to the ground)

Nameless Man: Kill me? Hehehehehehe... Impossible for the like of you. You are nothing but a squawking crow.

Juri: ...

Nameless Man: However...Bison... Yes, that will do. I shall take that name for myself.

Juri: What...!?

Nameless Man: Bison is what you shall call me now. Although I have no desire to know your name. Satisfy my hunger, that is all I need from you. Now dance for me, crow. Hahahaha...

Nameless Man: Kahahaha!

Terry: The Journey


(Train sounds are heard)

Terry: I'm on a journey. Always have been. Don't ask me why though. It's just the way I am. Traveling to new places, experiencing new things, meeting new faces, and having good fights... And if I can find an awesome place to chow down, hehe... that's a bonus... Life isn't something to throw away. That's what I think anyway.

(Train moves away)

Terry: Now, where to today?

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. Ken)

Terry: Then one day... The management of Pao Pao told me they were setting up a new shop, so I decided to visit Metro City...

Terry: Whoa, hold the phone... Ken Masters right? It's been what, over 20 years?

Ken: Terry...? H-Hey man!

Terry: Bro, what's with the getup? You go bankrupt or something?

Ken: ...

Terry: Nevermind, I'm just happy I got to see you again! How about we celebrate with a quick fight, whaddya say?

Terry vs. Ken

Ken: Aw man... Let's get to it!

Terry: Hope you're not as rusty as you look.

Ken: Don't get too cocky!

Ken: Really? You're letting me win?

Terry: Heh. Alright!

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. Ken)

Terry: What's wrong? Your attacks are lacking their usual fire. In fact, they're lukewarm.


Terry: OK!

Ken: ...

Terry: Ahhh... Call me crazy Ken, but I get the feeling you aren't on your A game right now. Usually your strikes are red hot. This time they're...a little bit soggy, you get my drift?

Ken: (Sigh) I got a lot on my mind. Sorry if I disappointed you man.

Terry: Nah dude... Your flame hasn't completely died out. Knowing you, you'll rise from the ashes of whatever's got a grip on you.

Ken: ...

Terry: I know, because we got the same fire burning inside of us, right?

Ken: ...Heh.

Terry: I don't know what kind of trouble you got on your mind, and it's really none of my business... But never forget that there's always someone that wants to give you the fight of a lifetime. Someone like me, y'know! Hahaha.

Ken: You haven't changed, man. Knowing guys like you who just keep at it, without changing a thing... You're a good guy.

Terry: Glad to hear it. ...So that means next time we meet, you're gonna bring the extra hot stuff, right?

Ken: You got it.

Terry: Alright! See ya, Ken.

Ken: Right, see you around, Terry.

Terry: I'm still on a journey... Fight, drink, eat, sleep, repeat... hehe... Seriously, it's a good life. Now, where to tomorrow? Hahaha!

Mai: Where's Pao Pao Cafe?


Andy: ...Dearest Mai: An important matter came up, and I shall attend to it. I shall be away for some time. My deepest apologies - Andy

Mai: ...This guy! I bet he went off to see Terry again! Why can't he say anything in person first!? An important matter huh...If it's a big event, then it must be in Metro City. Apparently Metro City's the latest location for Pao Pao Cafe to open up shop. Yup. He's definitely, definitely going to Metro City.

Mai: Hmm...where could he be...? Any fighter worth their dango would know Pao Pao Cafe. That means...I need to find someone that looks like they can handle themselves in a fight. And as luck would have it, there's someone that looks pretty tough! I hope she can help me. Sorry, miss! Excuse me!

Juri: Hah!?

Mai: You wouldn't know anything about Pao Pao Cafe, would you? It's pretty well known for its food and fights!

Juri: Do you know who you're talking to!? Go bother someone else, butterface.

Mai: What!? Where are your manners!? Haven't you been taught to show people respect!? You need a good talking to, and I know my fans would want me to set you straight!

Juri: ...Are you for real? No one cares for you little nursery school lessons!

Pre-Boss Fight (vs. E. Honda)

Mai: This place has a ton of amazing fighters, it's just as crazy as South Town. No doubt everyone here can put up a fight... But I wonder if any of them know about Pao Pao Cafe?

Heeeey! There you are!

Shadow: I asked around about ya. Yer lookin' for a place that has delicious eats and judicious beats, ain'tcha?

Mai: Oh, yeah, that's right! You know it?

E. Honda: Haha, know it? I run it! I just opened up shop! And business is boomin'!

Mai: Food and fights... just opened up...It fits the bill, but why is the owner a sumo wrestler?

E. Honda: If ya gimme a good fight, I'll gladly extend a special invitation to ya!

Mai: Hm, it can't hurt to try. You're on!

Mai vs. E. Honda

E. Honda: Show me that you have what it takes to be in this ring.

Mai: Ugh... The humidity is a killer... I'll end this quickly.

E. Honda: I'm still the best around!

E. Honda: This is MY ring!

Mai: Good enough for you, big guy?

Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. E. Honda)

Mai: You may have bad taste in restaurant decor, but...your food isn't bad.


E. Honda: Hot chanko caming atcha!

Sumo Wrestlers: Hot chanko!

E. Honda: Now let's get into the ring and show everyone what sumo's really about!

Sumo Wrestlers: Dosu koi!

E. Honda: And now, here's our special guest of the day!

Mai: Huh? What the heck?

Sumo Wrestlers: Irasshai!

Mai: Wait...what? What is this place? This isn't Pao Pao Cafe!

E. Honda: Haha, what are yer talking about?

E. Honda: This is Edomon, the best place in the city! We're serving up chanko AND sumo wrestling for our customers! This is the kinda cafe you were looking for, yea?

Mai: No, it's not! I was looking for a real cafe! You know...

E. Honda: Huh? Ya can't be yokozuna if you get all fussy with the details!

Mai: Who said I wanted to be a yokozuna!?

E. Honda: Haha, alright alright, settle down!

Mai: I'm just saying this isn't the place I was looking for!

Sumo Wrestlers: Cafe! Cafe!

Mai: Shouting "cafe" won't make this one...

E. Honda: Hahaha!

Mai: Maaaan, what's with these guys!?

Elena: TBA



Pre-Boss Fight (vs. TBA)


Elena vs. TBA


Post-Boss Fight/Win Quote (vs. TBA)

Elena: TBA


