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Street Fighter Wiki

This is a list of quotes used by Sean.

Street Fighter III games

New Generation

In Battle

  • " I did it!"「やったぜ! 」('Yatta ze!')
  • "Hyper ... Tornado !! Shoot!"「ハイパー、、、 トルネード!! シュート! 」('Haipā,,, torunēdo! ! Shūto!')
  • "Eat this! Shoryu, Cannon!"「くらえ! ショウリュウ、、キャノン! 」('Kurae! Shouryuu,, Kyanon!')

Win Quotes

  • "Shoryu-reppa! I'll perfect it next time!"
  • "Hado-power! I think I've come to understand it!"
  • "You lack strength of purpose. Don't despise me!"
  • "I'm as quick as the wind, fierce as fire, and solid as a rock!"
  • "I did it, master! I beat my first opponent!"
  • "When it comes to the fighting spirit, I can not lose!"
  • "I've reached my potential!"
  • "Don't call me Dan!"
  • "I like close fights. It makes me stronger!"
  • "I must learn more. Where is Ken?"
  • "I can't lose! I must defeat everyone!"
  • "Rule #1: Never give up! Rule #2: Don't fight me! Rule #3: Don't be like Dan!"

Win Quotes (character specific)

  • "I could tell when you were going to execute your move. It was too obvious!"
  • "My fist is my soul! You can't defeat me with that spiritless punch!"
  • "When it comes to the sense of rhythm, you can't beat me!"
  • "Great! Are you a real Ninja?"
  • "Master! One more match please!
  • "You are a man right? Don't be so slow!"
  • "I'm too desperate to win to be deluded by your strange moves!"
  • "You're great old man. You've shown me how it feels to defeat a worthless opponent."
  • "Please show me that move again! This time I'll watch your hands!"
  • "Kung Fu is supposed to be the best, right?"
  • "Unlike you, I always try to defeat the opponent with one punch!"

2nd Impact

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Win Quotes

Super Arts Quotes

Hadou Burst: Hadou-burst! All right!!!

Hadou Burst: Wave Motion Burst! This rocks!

Shoryu Cannon: Yes, I won with the Shoryu-cannon! I'm the best!

Shoryu Cannon: Yes, my Shoryu-cannon rules all!

Hyper Tornado: Hyper Tornado! You fell for it!

Hyper Tornado: Hyper Tornado! I did it!

Win Quotes (character specific)

to Akuma: Master! What's up with this? Who is this ugly guy? He isn't Ryu!

to Alex: My fighting spirit can't lose! Ken will be proud!

to Dudley: Take off your gloves! This is a real fight!

to Elena: Stay in the carnival, you sideshow freak!

to Gill: Someday I will be able to throw fire and ice!

to Hugo: Just because you're big, doesn't mean you're somebody!

to Ibuki: Yes! I beat the ninja girl! I feel like a super hero!

to Ken: My master! I can still beat you!

to Necro: Yes, I'm knowledgable about electricity! I fixed you just like I fixed my TV!

to Oro: You remind me of my neighbor, old man! Weird and smelly!

to Ryu: I won! I really beat Ryu!

to Sean: You fight like Dan! You ARE Dan!

to Urien: My fighting spirit will always beat you! Even if I have a sore hand or a swollen foot!

to Yun: Chinese Kung Fu will never beat me! I won't allow it!

3rd Strike

In Battle

  • "Hi! Nice to meet you! Huh?"「おっす! よろしくお願いします! あれ? 」('Ossu! Yoroshikuonegaishimasu! Are?') (Intro)
  • "Don't hold back!"「手加減なしっすよ! 」('Tekagen nashissu yo!') (Intro)
  • "Seriously?" 「まじ」("Maji?") (Hyper Tornado Miss)

Introductions, Conclusions and Attacks

Win Quotes

  • "Call the fire department, cause I'm on fire, baby!"
  • "Wow! That actually worked?! Next time I'll do it with skill!"
  • "My master was right... I have to improve myself with every battle!"
  • "Now I understand why they fight! This feeling is incredible!"
  • "With every match, my timing becomes more precise!"
  • "Oh yeah! I'll start using that move more often now!"
  • "Tell me who just rocked your world with skill!"
  • "I'm so eager to try out new and different things! This is great!"

Win Quotes (Japanese)

  • "Alriiiiight! I've come up with a new technique!"「よぉぉし! 新しい技を思い付いた!」
  • "Fire! I'm on fire right now, baby!"「熱い! 今の俺、熱いぜっっ!!」
  • "High might alone doesn't decide a technique being worthy of having the title of a finishing move! (...That's what my master said.)"「���力だけじゃ必殺技とは呼べない! (‥‥って師匠が言ってたな)」
  • "How was that!! I finished this one perfectly!!"「どうだ!! バッチリ決まったぜ!!」
  • "I levelled up a few times during this fight!"「いまのファイトで 数段レベルアップしたぜ俺!」
  • "It seems I screwed up with my initial offense and defense... Guess that'll be my homework for next time."「最初の攻防でしくじったか‥‥ 今後の課題だな」
  • "Allllllright! My reads are looking even more UP!"「よっしゃあああっ! 読みの的中率UPだっ!」
  • "Uwooooh!! I'm turning into a fighting machine!"「うおおおおっ!! ファイティングマシーンと化すぜ!!」

Win Quotes (character specific) (Japanese)

  • "Could I have... possibly won? N-no way!?"「ひょっとして・・・・俺、勝った?マ、マジに!?」
  • "Wrestling moves are easy enough! I research them every week on TV!"「プロレス技なんてチョロイぜ!毎週TVで研究してるしな!」
  • "I've heard about your feats from Master Ken! It was an honor to fight you!!"「ご活躍はケン師匠から聞いてました!闘えて光栄ッス!!」
  • "Your punches were incredibly fast. I could only dodge them on pure instinct alone." 「メチャッ速のパンチっすね カンで避けるしかないスよ」
  • "Dammit! I hate how you're just smiling there! Aren't you the one who's getting hit!" 「くっそお! ニコニコしやがって! 殴りにくいじゃないかよお!」
  • "Holy crap! Did I just beat God!?"「・・・・ヤ、ヤベェ!おれ、神様ブッ倒しちまったのか!?」
  • "So what if you're huge! I'm an unpolished diamond in the rough!"「デカイのが何だ! 俺は未完の大器ってヤツさ!」
  • "Where in the world are you hiding those blades!?"「あんたいったい どこにその刃物隠しもってんだ!?」
  • "Otsukaresama![1] I'm looking forward to the next time we can fight!" 「お疲れ様ッス!またよろしくお願いしますッ!」
  • "So, you can do "that?" You know, breaking 30 roof tiles with your forehead!"「おまえって、アレ、できるのか? 瓦30枚、額で割るやつ!」
  • "I've still got a ways to go with my training!"「まだまだっ!修行が、足りないぜっ!!」
  • "My burning passion can't be stopped by anyone!"「俺の熱いスピリッツ、誰にも止められるもんかっ!」
  • "Is it no good for you to pick me up while I'm already a disciple belonging to someone else? I wanna learn those strange moves you have!"「弟子のかけもちってのは、駄目スか?俺も変な術、習いたいス!」
  • "Are you one of the members of that top-secret organization I've been hearing about the place recently?" 「あんたって、最近よく聞く秘密組織とかの構成員じゃないのか?」
  • "We men aren't valued for what we look like! It's about our hearts and strength!" 「男はな、外見じゃないんだ! 心と腕っぷしなんだよお!」
  • "You won't believe how overjoyed I am for winning against you right now!" 「今はもう勝った嬉しさでメイッパイす!!」
  • "Is there some other reason apart from supposedly keeping law and order as to why you guys are up and about?" 「こういうのがウロウロしてるのは 治安上どうなんだ?」
  • "Geh! I can't take it! If only I had a blindfold at hand right now." 「ゲッ・・・・! 俺、だめなんだ! そういう濃い目のマスクはどうにも」
  • "I was able to overcome your style thanks to my own experience of practicing fake kung-fu!" 「ニセカンフーのめっきも すっかりはがれちまったな!」
  • "It isn't that surprising, you know? This is the peak of America, and the world!"「そんなに驚くことはないだろ?これがアメリカ、世界の壁ってやつだ!」

Pre-battle quotes

  1. Translation: "Thank you for your hard work!"