Street Fighter Wiki

M. Bison stands among one of the most recognizable villains in the video game industry, and is often seen as the main antagonist of the Street Fighter series, and has been referenced many times in pop culture ever since his introduction in Street Fighter II.

Street Fighter series

  • Bison's over-the-top characterization in the live-action movie and the subsequent cartoon has proven popular, with most of the movie's scenes (especially those featuring Bison) being lampooned frequently on sites like YouTube, and his "But for me, it was Tuesday" speech inspiring a trope on TV Tropes due to the high camp factor.
    • This quote is eventually used by Bison himself when he taunts in Street Fighter X Tekken ("For me, it was a Tuesday"). Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono also once used this quote during an interview for fun (and was specifically asked to do so).
    • Both the teaser and the full reveal trailer for Bison in Street Fighter V were released on a Tuesday; a possible reference to this line in the movie.
  • Bison is also the subject of a popular internet meme. In an episode of the U.S. Street Fighter cartoon, Bison watches as the Street Fighters are beaten up in the ring by his mutant fighters via a portable television, which prompts him to laugh and say "This is DELICIOUS!" This memorable line is often used when showing great approval over something. After watching Guile get beaten some more, overly dramatic music starts playing as Bison yells "YES! YES!" This even more popular line is referenced whenever showing great approval or celebrating something.
    • His win quote upon defeating Hugo in Street Fighter X Tekken contains reference to this, as it has him declaring his love of hearing bones cracking and shouting "Yes! This is delicious!".
    • ​Coincidentally, in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Evil Ryu would yell "YES! YES!" whenever he makes a first attack in Arcade Mode.
    • In Street Fighter V's story mode, this is also referenced; when Bison appears before F.A.N.G, Balrog and Vega, he says "My generals are all killing each other? This is delicious entertainment!"
    • In Street Fighter X Tekken, M. Bison references both the 1994 live-action movie and the 1995 cartoon series at various points in his win quotes. Said lines were popular enough to become internet memes.
    • His English voice taunt is "For me, it was a Tuesday,". This references his reply to Chun-Li's accusation of destroying her village in the live-action movie ("I'm sorry. I don't remember any of it. [...] For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.").
    • His win quote against Chun-Li is "All you women ever do is whine! I killed my father too, and you don't see me crying about it!". In the American cartoon's final episode Cammy Tell Me True, he responds to Chun-Li's angry shout with the line "Yes, yes, I killed your father! What is it with you women, anyway? I killed my father too, and you don't hear me whining about it!". This confession reinforces the notion that M. Bison can be compared to a real-life psychopath, and in some case, misogynistic.
  • In his win quote against Blanka, M. Bison says "I have done many things, but I'm certainly not responsible for creating something as ridiculous as you." This refers to how Charlie and Blanka were combined into one character for the live-action movie and the American cartoon series.
  • M. Bison's win quote against Guile ("What's the matter, Guile? Came here expecting to fight a mere mortal? Bison is beyond you!") is a rewording of the former's taunt to the latter during their final battle in the live-action movie ("Something wrong, Colonel? You've come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god!?").

Capcom games

  • Derek C. Simmons from Resident Evil 6 uses Bison's "Yes! Yes!" quote when Carla Radames is reborn as a doppelganger version of Ada Wong by the C-Virus experimentation ("Yes! Yes! This is it! She may have left me! But now I have her back! Happy Birthday, Ada Wong!").

Other video games

  • Heihachi Mishima's role in Tekken 8 as a playable DLC and the DLC story of Unforgotten Echoes, is similar to M. Bison's role in Street Fighter 6 with both men became amnesiacs after being defeated by their respective enemies (Kazuya Mishima and Ryu). Both men eventually regained their memories in different circumstances, M. Bison regains his memories when he absorbs his phantom version using his Psycho Power during World Tour while Heihachi regains his memories when he headbutts the meteorite which is a comet's debris caused by both Jin and Kazuya who fought in their respective angel and devil forms causing a massive explosion during his final stage of the Star Crusher trial with the Tekken Monks and kills them during his rampage afterwards.
  • Brocken from the World Heroes series is very similar to Bison in terms of appearance and moves. This may have been an attempt by rival company ADK to imitate Street Fighter, similar to Hanzo and Ryu. It must also be noted that Brocken also bears a resemblance to Brocken Jr. from the manga/anime series Kinnikuman, which ran from 1979–1987, predating M. Bison's debut.
  • In the popular free-to-play FPS Team Fortress 2, there is a community-made hat named the "Team Captain", which is M. Bison's hat. The description for the item is "Our lawyers say YES! YES!", referencing the previously mentioned Internet meme.
  • Gaia from the Battle Arena Toshinden series is similar to Bison in the very first game (up until Battle Arena Toshinden 3) as he was the one who had hosted the first Toshindaibukai tournament while Bison had hosted the second World Warrior Tournament. Both men are shown as boss characters who can overpower the player with their powerful skills and abilities. Both of their damage became toned-down and well-balanced like the rest of the characters in later sequels.
  • Koga Shuko from Double Dragon (Neo Geo) is somewhat similar to Bison and both men are known to remove their capes during fights. Shuko also possesses some of Bison's moves such as his Head Stomp and a powerful chop that was embedded in flames and can teleport against his opponents. One of his moves, Byakko, bears a close resemblance to Bison's Psycho Punisher Ultra Combo in Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV but in a slower execution and the flames are orange.
    • Amon from Double Dragon (Neo Geo) also utilizes two of Bison's moves from his ninjutsu fighting style such as both his Head Stomp and his Sliding Kick which has a slow start-up execution. His super finishing move, Onmyo Bakuen Satsu resembles Bison's Psycho Punisher Ultra Combo in Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV only the difference with Amon doing ninjutsu hand signs before executing a massive fire explosion to deal heavy damage on the opponent.

Comics and Manga

  • Orochimaru from the Naruto franchise has some similarities to M. Bison, as both characters are capable of switching to different bodies, both are responsible for the sinister machinations that had happened throughout their respective series and will do whatever it takes to achieve their malevolent goals no matter the consequences of their own destructive actions, and that both M. Bison and Orochimaru have taken an interest to the main protagonists and their own special powers (the Satsui no Hado that lies within Ryu and Kurama who lies within Naruto).


  • M. Bison appears in Wreck-It Ralph, where he makes a speech in Bad-Anon (Ralph's villains support group) alongside Zangief. Gerald C. Rivers reprises his role in the film, while Taiten Kusunoki voices him in the Japanese version. One of his few lines in the film is "You're not going Turbo, are you?". Like the other members, his villain status is portrayed as more of a regular in-game job.
    • M. Bison has also a small appearance in the sequel, though he have no lines this time.
FoodWars StreetFighter
  • In the fourteenth episode of Food Wars, the intermission card features parodies of the some characters dressed as Street Fighter characters. The Egg figure is dressed as M. Bison.
    • This is also featured in the manga's title page of the twenty-ninth chapter.
  • In the sixteenth episode of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Saiki Kusuo tries to sabotage his "date" with Kokumi Teruhashi. One method includes defeating and humiliating her in an arcade fighting game, which is a parody of Street Fighter. Saiki is dressed as M. Bison, while Teruhashi appears to be dressed as Sakura.


  • In an episode of How I Met Your Mother, when Marshall sees a contract that Barney's company has with Portugal that states if they "are not executed precisely, [they] will be at war with Portugal", Barney responds, "Please, that's a Tuesday for me".
  • Coincidentally, former WWE superstar and AEW superstar Bryan Danielson during his time as Daniel Bryan popularized the "Yes!" chants ever since he won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from the Big Show in 45 seconds in 2011. This chant grew in popularity, and has been even heard outside WWE events, including games within the MLB, NHL and NBA and even at music concerts (in particular at Andrew W.K. concerts in both Glasgow and Manchester, U.K.).
    • Coincidentally, after his heel turn (or after becoming an anti-hero/villain) was solidified in 2012 due to losing his title to Sheamus in 18 seconds and a few months later being left at the altar by on-and-off girlfriend AJ Lee, Bryan began chanting "No!" while the crowd mocked him by continuing his "Yes!" chants, much to his annoyance. Shortly after the formation of Team Hell No with Kane, Bryan began saying "Yes!" again on occasion, but still used "No!" as his main catchphrase.
    • His "Yes!" chants returned as his main catchphrase after he turned face (became good) and opposed the former faction, The Authority led by the real-life couple Triple H and Stephanie McMahon after they screwed him out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam 2013 and became abusive in their power.
      • The Authority bears some similarities to M. Bison's Shadaloo. One such example is that both factions have main goals that are notably similar. Shadaloo's main goal is concerned with global domination while The Authority's main goal is to take control of the 'WWE Universe' (the WWE brand and its assets, including both their fans and viewers). Both Shadaloo and The Authority have also notably attempted to manipulate other characters (fighter and wrestlers, respectively) into joining their organization, as well as having some other characters that had also willingly joined forces with them.
    • Seth Rollins (who was a former member of both The Shield and The Authority) also imitates Daniel Bryan's "Yes!" chants after he and Roman Reigns (former teammates of The Shield along with Dean Ambrose) had successfully put Kevin Owens inside a shark cage along with Chris Jericho during an off-air segment on WWE Raw in 2016 before the year of 2017.
    • In 2018 during the reunion of Team Hell No on WWE SmackDown Live, Daniel Bryan's "Yes!" chants became his main catchphrase once again after returning to WWE as a wrestler (when he was forced to retire due to severe concussions), as well as teaming up with Kane (who was formerly the second-in-command in The Authority, before being fired from his role) during their feud against the Bludgeon Brothers ((Erick) Rowan and (Luke) Harper), who were former members of the villainous Wyatt Family, alongside former members Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman, which culminated at SummerSlam 2018.
    • Daniel Bryan's real-life wife, Brie Bella had adopted his "Yes!" chants as she had teamed up with him against The Miz and his real-life wife, Maryse for their Mixed Tag Team Match at Hell in a Cell 2018.
    • On November 13, 2018, his "Yes!" chants had returned as his main catchphrase after he'd solidify his heel turn by defeating A.J. Styles to become the WWE Champion. Being defeated by Kofi Kingston a few months later in their WWE Championship match at WrestleMania 35 and breaking away from Erick Rowan after learning he was the culprit behind the dangerous attacks against Roman Reigns, Bryan had at first claimed that the Yes! Movement was dead after becoming an Eco-Planet Champion during his feud with both Styles and Reigns, but he had later stated that the WWE Universe had brought the "Yes! Movement" back to life before being attacked by Bray Wyatt, who was now utilizing his "Fiend" gimmick, creating a feud between them. Bryan would later attack Wyatt after the latter had defeated The Miz at TLC 2019 while the audience chanted the "Yes!" chants.
    • Prior to his departure in AEW on 2021, his "Yes!" chants were used one final time when he battled against Roman Reigns at Fastlane 2021 and later at WrestleMania 37 alongside Edge via a Triple Threat Match. Altogether, he lost at both pay-per-views with Reigns retaining his Universal title.
    • The "Yes!" chants were used again in his main appearance in AEW as Bryan Danielson where he had a one-on-one match against Jon Moxley (formerly known as Dean Ambrose in WWE) at the AEW Revolution 2022 pay-per-view until the arrival of William Regal within his AEW debut following his release in WWE and as the General Manager of WWE NXT to stop both of them from brawling by slapping their faces, resulting in both Danielson and Moxley teaming up in reluctance which later forms their main faction called The Blackpool Combat Club.


  • Internet reviewer Douglas Darien Walker (The Nostalgia Critic) turned Bison's desire of world domination into a running gag on his own: Whenever a character in the movie he reviews is revealed to have the ambition to take over the world, he would cut to a clip from a scene in the Street Fighter movie wherein Bison yells out "OF COURSE!".
    • For its two-year anniversary, entertainment website That Guy With the Glasses (where the aforementioned Douglas Walker's reviews can be found) produced a web-movie called Kickassia, wherein the site's talent take over a micro nation. During the takeover, Walker was dressed as M. Bison, complete with an altered Shadaloo logo on his hat, displaying the website's logo with wings instead of a skull. The above mentioned running gag returned in Kickassia, when another member of the site interviews him with various questions about his desire to take over the micro-nation of Molossia (located on the Nevada-California border near Reno) with the intention of getting Walker to say the line, only to be responded with comedic variations like "NATURALLY!" and "EVENTUALLY!". It wasn't until he was asked one final unrelated question that he says it.
  • M. Bison was chosen by video game website ScrewAttack as a combatant in its original web series, DEATH BATTLE! which pits characters from video games and popular culture against each other in a battle to the death. M. Bison fought Shao Kahn from the Mortal Kombat games and lost. The fight ends with Shao Kahn ripping Bison's body in half and using a soulnado to absorb Bison's soul and gains his Psycho Power ability.
    • Whilst M. Bison ultimately loses the fight in the official episode, members of the Advantage program can view an alternate ending in which M. Bison becomes friends with Shao Kahn instead, ending with the two travelling the World together and teaming up to destroy their respective enemies.
  • Ming-Na Wen (the actress who played Chun-Li in the Street Fighter film) is well aware of the famous "Tuesday" line that spawned into a meme.