Street Fighter Wiki
Street Fighter Wiki




Move Name Input
Gohadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shakunetsu Hadoken Half circle back+Punch
Zanku Hadoken Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forward+Punch
Goshoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Zankukyaku Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle back+Kick(perform 4 times)
Zenpou Tenshin Quarter circle back+Punch
Ashura Senku Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Guard Break: Gouha Ken Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Messatsu Gohado Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch
Super Combo: Messatsu Goshoryu Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Punch
Super Combo: Tenma Gozanku Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Max Super Combo: Shun Goku Satsu Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch

Allen Snider[]



Move Name Input
Soul Force Quarter circle forward+Punch
Rising Dragon Shoryuken motion+Punch
Justice Fist Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Vaulting Kick Half circle back+Kick(close)
Guard Break: Jumping Knuckle Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Fire Force Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Triple Break Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle back+Kick

Blair Dame[]



Move Name Input
Shoot Upper Shoryuken motion+Punch
Lightning Knee Shoryuken motion+Kick
Sliding Arrow Quarter circle forward+Kick
Shoot Kick Quarter circle back+Kick (can be performed up to three times in a row)
Guard Break: Trick Kick Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Mirage Combo Kick Quarter circle forward|Quarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Spin Side Shoot Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle back+Kick

Bloody Hokuto[]

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Bloody Hokuto

Move Name Input
Chuugeki Hou Quarter circle forward+Punch
Chuugeki Hou > Shourin Geki Quarter circle forward+Punch>Quarter circle back+Punch
Kyaku Geki Quarter circle back+Kick
Kyaku Geki > Shourin Geki Quarter circle back+Kick>Quarter circle back+Punch
Ryuusui 360+Punch
Gokyaku Kou Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Guard Break: Bukyaku Zan Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Renshou Geki Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Kiren'eki Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch,(HoldPunch to delay)
Super Combo: Kyaku Hougi Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Renbu Light punchLight punchRight motionLight kickHard punch




Move Name Input
Hyakuretsukyaku TapKick
Hienshu Quarter circle back+Kick
Spinning Bird Kick Quarter circle forward+Kick
Guard Break: Sen'en Shuu Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Senretsukyaku Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Kikosho Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch

Cracker Jack[]


C. Jack

Move Name Input
Dash Straight Charge backRight motion+Punch
Dash Upper Charge backRight motion+Kick
Batting Hero Half circle forward+Punch
Soccer Ball Kick Half circle forward+Kick
Final Punch Hold Punch x3 or Kick x3 and release
Guard Break: Double Arm Punch Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Crazy Jack Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch (Hold or release Kick)
Super Combo: Raging Buffalo Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick
Super Combo: Home Run Hero Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch

Cycloid Beta[]



Move Name Input
Beta Shoot Upper Shoryuken motion+Punch
Beta Purim Kick Shoryuken motion+Kick
Beta Justice Fist Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Beta Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Quarter circle forward+Kick
Beta Hienshu Quarter circle back+Kick
Guard Break: Beta Skullo Punch Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Beta KILL Blade Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Punch
Super Combo: Beta Kienshou Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Kick, TapPunch/Kick/any direction
Super Combo: Beta Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick

Cycloid Gamma[]

Sfex c


Move Name Input
Gamma Skullo Crusher Charge backRight motion+Punch
Gamma Sliding Arrow Charge backRight motion+Kick
Gamma Head Press Charge down then up+Kick
Gamma Somersault Kick Charge down then up+Kick
Gamma Hyakuretsukyaku TapKick
Gamma Final Punch Hold Punch x3 or Kick x3 and release
Guard Break: Gamma Ganges Chop Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Gamma Gouga Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch (Hold or release Kick)
Super Combo: Gamma Knee Press Nightmare Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick
Super Combo: Gamma Reswal Kahna Charge down-back motionDelta motion+Punch
Super Combo: Gamma Double Somersault Kick Charge down-back motionDelta motion+Kick

Darun Mister[]



Move Name Input
Lariat Shoryuken motion+Punch
Ganges DDT Shoryuken motion+Kick
Darun Catch Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Brahma Bomb 360+Punch
Indra Bashi 360+Kick
Guard Break: Ganges Chop Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Tasogare Lariat Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Indra~ Bashi Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Chouzetsu Kishin Bomb 360360+Punch




Move Name Input
Yoga Fire Quarter circle forward+Punch
Yoga Flame Quarter circle back+Punch
Yoga Blast Quarter circle back+Kick
Yoga Teleport Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Mid-Air Float Arcade Modifier AirRight motionUp-right motionUp motionUp-left motionLeft motion+Kick
Guard Break: Yoga Shock Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Yoga Inferno Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Yoga Legend Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Yoga Drill Kick Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Super Combo: Yoga Drill Kick > Kidou Shuusei Up motion or Down motion

Doctrine Dark[]


D. Dark

Move Input
DARK Wire Quarter circle forward+Punch
DARK Wire > DARK Spark Quarter circle forward+Punch>Wait a moment after DARK Wire connects
DARK Wire > DARK Hold Quarter circle forward+Punch>Left motion+Punch
KILL Blade Shoryuken motion+Punch
EX-plosive Quarter circle forward+Kick
Guard Break: SHUDDER Blade Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: KILL Trump Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Punch
Super Combo: DARK Shackle Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Kick

Evil Ryu[]

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Evil Ryu

Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shakunetsu Hadoken Half circle back+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Quarter circle back+Kick (perform 3 times)
Ashura Senku Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Guard Break: Sakotsu Wari Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Shinku Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Messatsu Goshoryu Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Punch
Super Combo: Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Arcade Modifier (Air)|Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Max Super Combo: Shun Goku Satsu Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch




Move Name Input
Shuuga Quarter circle forward+Punch
Gouga Half circle forward+Punch
Kizan Shoryuken motion+Punch
Raiga Shoryuken motion+Kick
Jazan Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Bu Shoryuken motion+Punch x3
Maborodhi Punch x3 when damaged (CPU Garuda only)
Guard Break: Saiga Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Kienshou Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch, TapPunch/Kick/any direction
Super Combo: Kienbu Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+PunchArcade-Button-Punch.png, move in any direction




Move Name Input
Sonic Boom Charge backRight motion+Punch
Somersault Kick Charge down then up+Kick
Guard Break: Elbow Stamp Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Opening Gambit Charge backRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch
Super Combo: Double Somersault Kick Charge down-back motionDelta motion+Kick




Move Name Input
Chuugeki Hou Quarter circle forward+Punch
Chuugeki Hou > Shougeki Ha Quarter circle forward+Punch>Right motion+Punch
Shourin Geki Quarter circle back+Punch
Shourin Geki > Shin Quarter circle back+Punch>Left motion+Punch
Shinkyaku Geki Quarter circle back+Kick
Shinkyaku Geki > Shin Quarter circle back+Kick>Left motion+Kick
Ryuusui 360+Punch
Gokyaku Kou Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Guard Break: Bukyaku Zan Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Kiren'eki Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch,(HoldPunch to delay)
Super Combo: Kyaku Hougi Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick




Move Name Input
Shinki Hatsudo Quarter circle forward+Punch
Mouryou Kasen Quarter circle back+Kick (perform 3 times)
Maryu Rekko Shoryuken motion+Punch
Guard Break: Bukyaku Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Sairo Kyoshu Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch
Super Combo: Shinki Hatsudo Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Garyu Messhu Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Super Combo: Kyoja Renbu Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch




Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Quarter circle back+Kick (perform 4 times)
Zenpou Tenshin Quarter circle back+Punch
Guard Break: Inazuma Kakato Wari Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Shoryureppa Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Punch
Super Combo: Shinryuken Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Kick,TapPunch/Kick

M. Bison[]


M. Bison

Move Name Input
Psycho Crusher Charge backRight motion+Punch
Double Knee Press Charge backRight motion+Kick
Head Press Charge down then up+Punch (move Left motion or Right motion)
Head Press > Somersault Skull Diver Charge down then up+Punch (move Left motion or Right motion)>Punch)
Bison Warp Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch x3 or Kick x3
Guard Break: Psycho Crush Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Psycho Cannon Charge leftRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Punch (hold Punch to delay)
Super Combo: Knee Press Nightmare Charge leftRight motionLeft motion then right motion+Kick

Pullum Purna[]



Move Name Input
Drill Purrus Quarter circle forward+Kick
Air Drill Purrus Arcade Modifier AirQuarter circle forward+Kick
Purim Kick Shoryuken motion+Kick
Ten'el Kick Quarter circle back+Kick
Guard Break: Arakul Ankle Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Res Arcana Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Super Combo: Praec Larm Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick




Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle back+Kick (perform 3 times)
Guard Break: Sakotsu Wari Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Shinku Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick




Move Name Input
Hadoken Quarter circle forward+Punch(hold to change effect)
Shouoken Shoryuken motion+Punch
Shunpukyaku Quarter circle back+Kick
Chouhatsu Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightLeft motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch
Guard Break: Flower Kick Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Shinku Hadoken Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Midare Zakura Quarter circle forwardDown-diagonal forward motion+Kick
Super Combo: Haru Ichiban Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Shun Goku Satsu Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch




Move Name Input
Skullo Back Dash Left motion,Left motion
Skullo Dash Right motion,Right motion
Skullo Dash > Skullo Tackle Right motion,Right motion>Dash into opponent
Skullo Crusher Quarter circle forward+Punch
Skullo Slider Quarter circle forward+Kick
Skullo Head Shoryuken motion+Punch
Skullo Dive Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch
Skullo Dive > Skullo Stealer Reverse Shoryuken motion+Punch>Dive onto ground
Skullo T'katchev Reverse Shoryuken motion+Kick
Skullo T'katchev > Tensuu Hyouji Reverse Shoryuken motion+Kick>Light punch+Medium Punch+Hard punch
Skullo Shock 360+Punch
Guard Break: Skullo Punch Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Super Skullo Crusher Arcade Modifier (Air)Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Punch
Super Combo: Super Skullo Slider Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Super Combo: Skullo Ball Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Punch (can be performed twice)
Super Combo: Skullo Energy Quarter circle backQuarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Skullo Dream Sf3 punch lightSf3 punch lightRight motionSf3 kick lightArcade-Button-HPunch
Super Combo: Skullo Dream Alternate Down motion+Light punch+Medium kick
Super Combo: Skullo Dream Final HoldDown motion+Light punch+Medium kick, then enter Down motionLeft motionRight motionRight motionDown motionLeft motion per frame




Move Name Input
Spinning Piledriver 360+Punch
Double Lariat / Quick Double Lariat Punch x3 or Kick x3
Russian Suplex 360+Kick
Guard Break: Russian Headbutt Same strength Punch+Kick
Super Combo: Super Stomping Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick
Super Combo: Super Stomping > Chuudan Quarter circle forwardQuarter circle forward+Kick>Quarter circle back+Kick
Super Combo: Final Atomic Buster 360360+Punch
Max Super Combo: Final Atomic Buster (Level 3) 360360+Punch x3