Final Fight series
"Andore" artwork from Final Fight
"Andore" artwork from Mighty Final Fight
"Andore" in Final Fight 2
"Andore" in Final Fight 3
"Andore" in Final Fight: Streetwise
North American arcade flyer for Final Fight, with Hugo being knocked down and bleeding on the floor.
Street Fighter III series
Secret File #10: Street Fighter III: New Generation.
Hugo as he appears in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact
Hugo's portrait for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Hugo's costume colors as they appear in Street Fighter III: New Generation (unused character).
Street Fighter IV series
Hugo in the background of the Metro City stage in Super Street Fighter IV.
Official character artwork for Ultra Street Fighter IV.
Street Fighter V series
Shadaloo C.R.I. profile art
Secret File #28: Street Fighter V: Champion Edition
Hugo's appearance in TEPPEN
Namco's Cross series
Street Fighter X Tekken official promotional artwork 1.
Hugo's swap costume.
Hugo vs King in a SFxTK trailer.
The 1995 cartoon.
Street Fighter III: Ryu Final: Poison & Hugo
Hugo and other Final Fight characters on the cover of Street Fighter II Turbo #6 and #7. Art by Alan Wang.
Art by Motoki Yoshihara