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The Canterbury Blue is one of Eagle's special attacks in Capcom vs. SNK 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3.

All appearances Arcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Punch (Punch hold to delay)


Executed by performing a quarter-circle forward motion and pressing punch, Eagle holds up his leading-handed stick to automatically block an incoming attack before countering with his following-handed stick with a back-handed leaning strike. This move can be held down to have Eagle delay the attack, where he'll continue his auto-guarding stance as he rapidly twirls his other stick.

The height of attack countered is determined by the punch button pressed: light punch version counters low-hitting attacks; medium punch version counters middle-hitting attacks; and heavy punch version counters high-hitting attacks.


This move is good against low and sweeping attacks, and acts akin to the staple 3-way directional attack. It can even be used to block Super Combos and projectiles, but it only blocks until he cannot delay any longer (usually the delay can be kept for about 1 or 2 seconds).
