

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


"They're executing King Dendup tomorrow in Yolahn Square."
"Where did you hear this?"
"Malgan Market. The merchants."
―Dono and Steela Gerrera[1]

Malgan Market[4] was a market located in the city of Iziz[1] on the Inner Rim jungle planet Onderon. As a central hub in the city, merchants and traders sold goods, including many types of fruit, in the market. Many stands had colorful canvases set up on poles to provide shade for the merchandise and the sellers.[2]

During the Onderonian Civil War, the city of Iziz, including Malgan Market, was taken over by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When the Onderon rebels began their efforts to retake the city, the rebel Lux Bonteri and the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano destroyed several battle droids in the market.[2] Shortly after a public demonstration by the rebels, the human rebel Dono reported to their leader, Steela Gerrera, that she had overheard that King Ramsis Dendup was going to be executed the following day.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Malgan Market first appeared in "Front Runners,"[2] the the third episode of the fifth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The episode premiered on October 13, 2012.[6] The market was first identified in the ensuing episode guide on StarWars.com, which released on the same day.[4]



Notes and references[]

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