English: Kendo (fencing) at an agricultural school in Japan.
日本語: 大正9年(1920年)、学校で稽古をしている様子
Photo is from circa 1920
English: Project Gutenberg Photo from "The Foundations of Japan: Notes Made During Journeys Of 6,000 Miles In The Rural Districts As A Basis For A Sounder Knowledge Of The Japanese People", by J.W. Robertson Scott, published 1922
J.W. Robertson Scott
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Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
Kendo at an agricultural school in Japan around 1920.
Kendo at an agricultural school in Japan around 1920. The man in right foreground is in Chūdan-no-kamae.
Photo from "The Foundations of Japan: Notes Made During Journeys Of 6,000 Miles In The Rural Districts As A Basis For A Sounder Knowledge Of The Japanese People", by J.W. Robertson Scott, published 1922 Source: [http://www.gutenberg.net Project Gutenberg