Ferran Rodriguez is a Spanish artist who worked for Sonic the Comic during its earlier years. Sonic the Comic was Rodriguez's first "non-wildlife illustration" work and drew lead Sonic the Hedgehog strips for two years. His style was particularly characterised in Sonic's face, with the hedgehog almost constantly wearing a smug grin. After this, he became more well-known for a large number of Badnik pin-ups he produced. Away from Sonic the Comic, Rodriguez has done art for Disney and other minor comics.
Fleetway Editions[]
- Sonic the Comic:
- Sonic the Comic #6 ("Attack on the Death Egg")
- Sonic the Comic #20 ("Hill Top Terror")
- Sonic the Comic #29 ("The Sentinel")
- Sonic the Comic #39 ("Sonic No More")
- Sonic the Summer Special ("Doctor Sun")
Fleetway Editions[]
- Sonic the Comic:
- Sonic the Poster Mag:
Fleetway Editions[]
- Sonic the Comic:
- Sonic the Poster Mag: