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Dead Line (Sonic)
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Dead Line (Blaze)
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Dead Line (デッドライン Deddorain?) is a Zone in Sonic Rush. It is the seventh Zone for both Sonic and Blaze. Like most other Zones in Sonic Rush, Dead Line consists of two normal Acts and a separate Boss Act devoted to the local boss. It takes place onboard a space station built in the image of Dr. Eggman's face.


This Zone has a feature seen in previous recurring levels set in outer space. Like previous space stations, such as the Death Egg, this space station is built in the shape of Eggman's face.



Having followed Blaze to Dr. Eggman's space station, Sonic makes his way through the Zone within the massive space station and eventually comes face-to-face with Eggman Nega once more. Sonic tells him that he is not getting away this time, but Eggman Nega calmly insists that he does not have time for this. However, it is then that Blaze intrudes on the scene, who gets reacquainted with Eggman Nega, who expresses surprise over seeing Blaze in this dimension and reasons that Dr. Eggman has made a mistake. Putting the pieces together, Blaze realizes that Eggman Nega was the one who brought Eggman to their world and had him steal the Sol Emeralds for him. Admitting this, Eggman Nega reveals he let Eggman do the dirty work for him and that he could not care less about what happens to Blaze's world. Furious, Blaze proclaims that she will destroy Eggman Nega, which Sonic thinks is pretty harsh. Blaze insists that she handles him alone, but Sonic notes that he owes him a few things as well. Blaze, however, yells that she will resolve this without help for the sake of her world, and Sonic tells her to calm down. Getting tired of this, Blaze tries to force Sonic to leave by fighting him, much to Eggman Nega's amusement.

As their battle nears its end, Sonic tries to get Blaze to stop their senseless fight. Blaze, however, insists that Sonic knows nothing of her burden as guardian of the Sol Emeralds, which forces her to bear her cursed flames, which accordingly means she must be alone and bear her responsibilities alone. As Sonic express disbelief at Blaze's decision to carry the entire world on her shoulders, Blaze has had enough and clashes with Sonic for the last time. After the clash, Eggman Nega leaves in his Egg Mobile, promising not to forget this. Sonic tells him to wait, but is ignored. In the meantime, Sonic notices that Blaze's overzealousness forces to push herself onward despite her injuries, and realizes that she must have had a rough past. As such, Sonic tells her not to bite off more than she can chew and be herself. Realizing the wisdom of Sonic's words and her own mistakes, Blaze sees that she can let herself rely on friends if she allows herself to. With their conflict resolved, Sonic and Blaze properly introduce themselves to each other.

Outside the space station, Sonic notices that things are looking depressing, and Blaze explains that her world is being guided into Sonic's world by the Sol Emeralds, hence the tear in the time-space continuum. As Cream worries about what will happen, Tails explains with uncertainty that their worlds cannot co-exist like this and will eventually disappear. With Sonic needing a solution fast, Blaze reveals that Eggman and Eggman Naga are the solutions to stopping the worlds from merging. Sonic thus decides to face Eggman Nega on behalf of Blaze since she is in no condition to fight. At first reluctant, Blaze decides to rely on Sonic. Praising Blaze for her choice, Sonic heads to Unknown with Tails.


Having only one Sol Emerald left to find, Blaze heads to Dr. Eggman's space station with Cream. At the end of the Zone within the massive space station, Blaze finds Dr. Eggman and demands that he returns the last Sol Emerald. Though surprised that a girl could be this tough, Eggman refuses to hand the Emerald over as he flaunts it. However, it is then that Sonic intrudes on the scene, who gets reacquainted with Eggman, who expresses surprise over seeing Sonic here. Regardless, he tells Sonic to get in line so he can beat Blaze, take back the Sol Emeralds, and thus have ultimate power within his grasp once more. Furious that Eggman chose to jeopardize her world and the Sol Emeralds for the sake of ultimate power, Blaze's vows to destroy Eggman, which Sonic thinks is pretty harsh. Blaze insists that she handles him alone, but Sonic notes that he owes him a few things as well. Blaze, however, yells that she will resolve this without help for the sake of her world, and Sonic tells her to calm down. Getting tired of this, Blaze tries to force Sonic to leave by fighting him, much to Eggman's enjoyment.

As their battle nears its end, Sonic tries to get Blaze to stop their senseless fight. Blaze, however, insists that Sonic knows nothing of her burden as guardian of the Sol Emeralds, which forces her to bear her cursed flames, which accordingly means she must be alone and bear her responsibilities alone. As Sonic express disbelief at Blaze's decision to carry the entire world on her shoulders, Blaze has had enough and clashes with Sonic for the last time. After the clash, Blaze sends Eggman flying in his Egg Mobile with a fiery kick, which causes Eggman to drop the purple Sol Emerald. Grabbing the Sol Emerald, Blaze watches contently as Eggman flies into the distance. In the meantime, Sonic notices that Blaze's overzealousness forces to push herself onward despite her injuries, and realizes that she must have had a rough past. As such, Sonic tells her not to bite off more than she can chew and be herself. As Cream rushes to Blaze's side, Blaze realizes the wisdom of Sonic's words and her own mistakes, and sees that she can let herself rely on friends if she allows herself to. With their conflict resolved, Blaze and Sonic properly introduce themselves to each other.

Outside the space station, Sonic notices that things are looking depressing, and Blaze explains that her world is being guided into Sonic's world by the Sol Emeralds, As Blaze tells Cream to hurry though, the gang notices that Cream and Cheese are gone, much to Blaze's shock. Tails then arrives, telling everyone that Cream has been kidnapped by Eggman, which he found out in a letter left by the doctor. Asking to see the letter herself, Blaze discovers in it that Eggman is demanding that Blaze comes to Point W alone if they want Cream back. Knowing it is a trap, Tails advices Blaze not to go. Sonic then suggest bringing everyone together, but Blaze insists that, as Cream's friend, she must rescue her alone. Understanding this, Sonic allows Blaze to go. After Blaze has departed for Unknown, Tails worries about Blaze, but Sonic reminds him that believing in someone is a part of friendship too.


New gimmicks in this Zone include rockets that the player can grab onto that immediately thrust them towards where they control and explode on impact. Being set in space, there are several areas where the gravity will change. The player will enter these anti-gravity areas by running into a sliding wall that shoots them in the other direction, giving them the ability and speed to enter anti-gravity, or being shot into a series of hoops than change the gravity. There are also vacuums that suck up the player's rings if they were to get damaged near them. As such, they are usually placed near enemies and spikes where the player is likely to take damage. Dead Line also has combat rooms that return from Mirage Road and Huge Crisis, where the player cannot exit until every enemy is defeated. The insta-kill lasers from Altitude Limit also return in this zone, covering the bottomless pits. Even when in anti-gravity areas, the player should be cautioned not to fall out of the Acts, as bottomless pits are lined along the top of the Acts too.

When playing as Sonic, Special Generators appear throughout this Zone which can warp the player to the seventh Special Stage for a chance to collect the purple Chaos Emerald. As Blaze, the purple Sol Emerald can be found after defeating the boss.


Act 1[]

Act 1 is shorter in comparison to Act 2, but it is not much different gameplay-wise.

Act 2[]

Act 2 is a lot longer and more complex than the first. At the beginning and end of the stage, there are two giant bottomless pits that the player has to maneuver by using the thrust rockets. Act 2 also contains several anti-gravity chambers that makes the player jump between screens in tight enclosed tubes.


The boss of this zone features Sonic and Blaze fighting against each other. Depending on who the player controls, the fight will slightly differ between each character.


  • Act 2 has the most Rings in a single Zone in Sonic Rush, as it is possible to get over 700 Rings. This is also the only Zone in the game in which the player can collect 999 Rings.
  • There is a glitch that may appear in the boss of this Zone, where the opponent does not make a move for a limited time after the start. This results in the player being able to hit the opponent seven times quickly without being hurt in the process, yielding an easy S Rank.
  • Dead Line Act 1 can be accessed in the the Sonic Rush E3 Demo by swapping the files over. Leaf Storm Act 1 and Water Palace Act 1 also exist. Dead Line, however, was incredibly unfinished, and was impossible to complete.
  • There is an exploit where the player can infinitely enter the Special Stage for Dead Line. By using the bouncer on the platform nearby, the player can do Trick Actions to fill up the Tension Gauge infinitely.









Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"What U Need" Hideki Naganuma 2:47
"What U Need (Blazy Mix)" Hideki Naganuma 2:16



