Pojdi na vsebino

Slika:Aiga bus inv.svg

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Izvorna datoteka (Datoteka SVG, nominalno 580 × 581 pikslov, velikost datoteke: 2 KB)

Public domain
This image is from the AIGA symbol signs collection which was produced through a collaboration between AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in 1974 and 1979. All images in the collection are public domain.

Copy of Aiga_bus_inv.gif in vector format

Ta W3C-nedoločena vektorska slika je bila ustvarjena z Inkscape .

This image is from a collection commissioned by the United States Department of Transportation and designed by AIGA. It is copyright-free, and is available here.

derivative works

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581 piksel

580 piksel

Zgodovina datoteke

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Datum in časSličicaVelikostUporabnikKomentar
trenutno18:40, 12. julij 2012Sličica za različico z datumom 18:40, 12. julij 2012580 × 581 (2 KB)Daniel FRvectors optimized
00:27, 7. avgust 2007Sličica za različico z datumom 00:27, 7. avgust 2007584 × 584 (6 KB)Rfc1394{{PD-AIGA}} Copy of Aiga_bus_inv.gif in vector format This image is from a collection commissioned by the United States Department of Transportation and designed by AIGA. It is copyright-free, and is available [http://www.aiga.

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