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Russell Sherman Lehman

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Russell Sherman Lehman
Rojstvodatum neznan
Bivališče ZDA
NarodnostZdružene države Amerike ameriška
UstanoveUniverza Kalifornije, Berkeley
Alma materUniverza Stanford
doktorat 1954
DisertacijaDevelopments in the Neighborhood of the Beach of Surface Waves over an Inclined Bottom (1954)
Mentor doktorske
Hans Lewy
Doktorski študentiDavid Singmaster (1966)
Daniel Alan Goldston (1981)

Russell Sherman Lehman, ameriški matematik.

Lehman je leta 1960 z Inghamovo metodo iz leta 1942 našel eksplicitni protiprimer za Pólyevo domnevo .[1] Leta 1966 je izračunal prvih 250.000 netrivialnih ničel Riemannove funkcije ζ.[2]

Izbrana dela

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  • Bellman, Richard Ernest; Lehman, Russell Sherman (1954), »On the continuous gold-mining equation«, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 40: 115–119, MR 0060681
  • Bellman, Richard Ernest; Lehman, Russell Sherman (Januar 1954), »On a functional equation in the theory of dynamic programming and its generalizations«, The RAND Corporation, Paper P-433
  • Bellman, Richard Ernest; Lehman, Russell Sherman (Februar 1954), »Studies on bottleneck problems in production processes«, The RAND Corporation, Paper P-492
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1957), »Development of the mapping function at an analytic corner«, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 7: 1437–1449
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman; Weiss, George H. (1958), »A study of the restricted random walk«, Jrn. Soc. Ind. Appl. Mathem., 6: 257–278, MR 0098432
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (Februar 1959), »A Study of Regular Continued Fractions«, Report 1066, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1959), »Developments at an analytic corner of solutions of elliptic partial differential equations«, J. Math. Mech., 8: 727–760
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1961), »On primitive recursive real numbers« (PDF), Fundamenta Mathematicae, 49 (2): 105–118
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1960), »On Liouville's function« (PDF), Math.Comp., 14: 311–320, doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-1960-0120198-5, JSTOR 2003890, MR 0120198
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1966a), »On the difference π(x) − li(x (PDF), Acta. Arith., XI: 397–410
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1966b), »Separation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function«, Math.Comp., 20 (96): 523–541
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1970), »On the distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function«, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., 20 (3): 303–320, MR 0258768
  • Lehman, Russell Sherman (1974), »Factoring Large Integers« (PDF), Math. Comp., 28 (126): 637–646, doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-1974-0340163-2, MR 0340163

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