Lagos_Island.jpg (583 × 330 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 53 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)

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Popis Lagos Island and part of Lagos Harbour, taken from close to Victoria Island, looking north-west (NB this is not Ikoyi Bay as wrongly labelled elsewhere)
Dátum uploaded as Lagos Island,jpg on 25/7/07

Photograph by Benji Robertson

Link to original at
Autor Photograph by Benji Robertson
Ďalšie verzie Image:Ikoyi Bay Lagos.jpg (wrongly named: the photo has been labelled as 'Ikoyi Bay' on the website from where it had been copied to Wikimedia Commons, but there is no such bay in Geographic names databases, and Ikoyi is to the right, out of the picture.


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To the uploader: Please provide a link to the original file and the authorship information.

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  • uvedenie autorov – Musíte spomenúť autorov (jednotlivo alebo kolektívne), poskytnúť odkaz na licenciu a uviesť, či ste niečo zmenili. Môžete to urobiť ľubovoľným primeraným spôsobom, ale nie spôsobom naznačujúcim, že poskytovateľ licencie podporuje vás alebo vaše použitie diela.
  • meniť za rovnakých podmienok – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must distribute the resulting work under the same license as the original.


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aktuálna20:08, 4. december 2017Náhľad verzie z 20:08, 4. december 2017583 × 330 (53 KB)1970geminihere Comes the sun...
02:23, 25. júl 2007Náhľad verzie z 02:23, 25. júl 2007583 × 330 (27 KB)Rexparry sydney~commonswiki{{Information |Description=Lagos Island and part of Lagos Harbour, taken from close to Victoria Island, looking north-west |Source=Photograph by Benji Robertson [

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