Modul:gender and number
Dokumentaciju za ovaj modul možete napraviti na stranici Modul:gender and number/dok
This module creates standardised displays for gender and number.
It converts a gender specification into Wiki/HTML format.
A gender specification is a list of one of the elements listed below,
separated by hyphens. Examples are: "c", "n", "f-p", "m-an-p"
local export = {}
local codes = {}
-- A list of all possible "parts" that a specification can be made out of.
codes["?"] = '<abbr title="nepotpun rod">?</abbr>'
-- Genders
codes["m"] = '<abbr title="muški rod">m</abbr>'
codes["f"] = '<abbr title="ženski rod">f</abbr>'
codes["n"] = '<abbr title="srednji rod">n</abbr>'
codes["c"] = '<abbr title="zajednički rod">c</abbr>'
-- Additional qualifiers
codes["an"] = '<abbr title="živo">anim</abbr>'
codes["in"] = '<abbr title="neživo">inan</abbr>'
codes["pr"] = '<abbr title="osobno">pers</abbr>'
-- Numbers
codes["s"] = '<abbr title="jednina">sg</abbr>'
codes["d"] = '<abbr title="dvojina">du</abbr>'
codes["p"] = '<abbr title="množina">pl</abbr>'
-- Verb qualifiers
codes["impf"] = '<abbr title="nesvršeni vid">impf</abbr>'
codes["pf"] = '<abbr title="svršeni vid">pf</abbr>'
-- Version of format_list that can be invoked from a template.
function export.show_list(frame)
local args = frame.args
local list = {}
local i = 1
while args[i] and args[i] ~= "" do
table.insert(list, args[i])
i = i + 1
return export.format_list(list)
-- Format one or more gender specifications, in the form of a table of specifications.
function export.format_list(list)
local is_nounclass = nil
-- Iterate over each specification and format it
for key, spec in ipairs(list) do
local nc
list[key], nc = export.format_specification(spec)
-- Ensure that the specifications are either all noun classes, or none are.
if is_nounclass == nil then
is_nounclass = nc
elseif is_nounclass ~= nc then
error("Noun classes and genders cannot be mixed. Please use either one or the other.")
if is_nounclass then
-- Add the processed codes together with slashes
return "<span class=\"gender\">class " .. table.concat(list, "/") .. "</span>"
-- Add the processed codes together with commas
return "<span class=\"gender\">" .. table.concat(list, ", ") .. "</span>"
-- Format the sub-parts of a single gender specification.
function export.format_specification(spec)
local separator = " "
-- If the specification starts with cX, then it is a noun class specification.
if spec:find("^[1-9]") or spec:find("^c[^-]") then
code = spec:gsub("^c", "")
if code == "?" then
return "<abbr class=\"noun-class\" title=\"noun class missing\">?</abbr>", true
return "<abbr class=\"noun-class\" title=\"noun class " .. code .. "\">" .. code .. "</abbr>", true
-- Split the parts and iterate over each part, converting it into its display form
local parts = mw.text.split(spec, "-")
for key, code in ipairs(parts) do
-- Is this code valid?
if codes[code] then
parts[key] = codes[code]
error("Invalid gender specification code: \"" .. code .. "\"")
-- Add the processed codes together with spaces
return table.concat(parts, " "), false
return export