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6 Film Studio's Vie Over Entebbe Raid

July 26, 1976, Page 30Buy Reprints
At least six American film makers are planning movies on the spectacular Israeli commando rescue of hostages at Entebbe Airport near Kampala, Uganda, on July 3, and a fierce competition has developed among the producers for Israeli Government cooperation and endorsement.
With big box‐office profits in view and a ready‐made legend for plots in hand, the Hollywood competition to make films on the drama at Entebbe has become a virtual stampede in only three weeks.
The six—Universal Studios, First Artists, Mery Griffin Productions, Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures and an independent company of Elliot Kastner—have cranked out a flurry of announcements, some touting impress?? casts and titles, others citing special credentials for handling the sweep and sensitivity of the story.
Not Just Cops and Robbers
According to Joram Rosenfeld, the Israeli consul for economic affairs in Los Angeles, all six have asked Israel for its exclusive cooperation—a prize that presumably would include the use of troops and planes, advice on tactics and the prestige of the Government's official stamp of approval.
“The Government certainly will not be interested in helping to create a picture that will be just cops and robbers,” Mr. Rosenfeld said in a telephone interview. “the quality and viability of the project will be most important.”
Authorities in Jerusalem are studying applications by the various producers, including script outlines and tentative budgets, casts and production schedules. No decision is expected for several weeks.
While exclusive Government cooperation would not be indispensable, at least some of the producers are expected to drop their projects if they don't get it, though Mr. Rosenfeld emphasized that all of the film makers were free to make movies in and about Israel.
“Sure we could go out to the desert and film without Israel's support,” said Murray Schwartz, president of Men‐ Griffin Productions, “but we won't.” He was aboard the Air France jet plane when it was hijacked.
David Fisher, the executive producer for the Nastier organization, said, “If we don't receive full military cooperation, we could still rent a C‐130 [transport aircraft] and make the movie, but I doubt if we will.”
It is possible, Mr. Rosenfeld said, that two or more of the competing producers would be picked for a joint effort, each bringing various strengths to the project.
Most of the companies are being publicly adamant about making the picture alone, but few of them would stand on ceremony if afforded a workable compromise.
“If it takes two or three companies, it's worth it,” said a First Artists spokesman. “This is bigger than just another film.”
“It was an incredible exploit and the people of Israel are entitled to the most dignified and the most totally factual representation,” said another producer. “None of us would be involved in anything that would be less than perfect in this case.”
The plans, themes and approaches of the six arc all tentative, but appear to be more varied that might be expected. Mr. Schwartz of Mery Griffin Productions, for example, took extensive notes during the five‐day ordeal under terrorist guns and during the Israeli raid that rescued 103 hostages.
The Griffin company has never made a movie, but Mr. Schwartz has lined up Tracy Keenan to write the Screen version of “Odyssey of 139” — the Air France flight number.
Book Rights Purchased
Paramount has purchased the film rights for WilLiam Stevenson's book “90 Minutes at Entebbe,” issued yesterday by Bantam.
Paramount has Paddy Chayefsky to write the screenplay and Sidney Lumet to direct its planned production.
The Kastner organization has reportedly lined up Godfrey Cambridge to play President Idi Amin of Uganda, Louis Jordan as the Frenc?? pilot, Elke Sommer as a woman hijacker and Chaim ??opol as the Israeli counterintelligence hero. In additior Omar Sherif, Ben Iazarrr, James Coburn and Ruth Cordon are said to be under consideration for other roles: and the group has an Israeli producer, SchmueI Erde, a budget in excess of $3 million and has set Oct. 4 as a starting date for pro duction.
Kastner has registered the title “Assault on Entebbe” with the Motion Picture As sociation of Amerita, and Universal has registered “Rescue at Entebbe.” to be directed by George Roy Hill, Plans by First Artists are still in a flux, and a spokesman for Warner Bros, declined comment.