[HTML][HTML] Modulation of the Gal-9/TIM-3 immune checkpoint with α-lactose. Does anomery of lactose matter?
Simple Summary The disaccharide lactose is a common excipient in pharmaceutical products.
In addition, the two anomers α- and β-lactose can exert immuno-modulatory effects. α-…
In addition, the two anomers α- and β-lactose can exert immuno-modulatory effects. α-…
[PDF][PDF] Terminal galactose as cancer recognition marker: Computing analysis with implications of vicinal sugars, linkage and anomery
A Kaleem, A Khurshid, I Ahmad, EW Nasir…�- Pakistan Journal of�…, 2008 - researchgate.net
… This study describes the role of terminal Gal, inclusive of its anomery, linkage and that of
sugar residues vicinal to terminal Gal in oligosaccharide structures of glycoproteins, as an …
sugar residues vicinal to terminal Gal in oligosaccharide structures of glycoproteins, as an …
[PDF][PDF] Modulation of the Gal-9/TIM-3 Immune Checkpoint with α-Lactose. Does Anomery of Lactose Matter?. Cancers 2021, 13, 6365
The disaccharide lactose is an excipient commonly used in pharmaceutical products. The
two anomers, α-and β-lactose (α-L/β-L), differ by the orientation of the C-1 hydroxyl group on …
two anomers, α-and β-lactose (α-L/β-L), differ by the orientation of the C-1 hydroxyl group on …
Sequence analysis for the terminal sugars of oligosaccharide chain.
ND Nasir-ud-Din, AK Afshan Kaleem, WM Qazi… - 2012 - cabidigitallibrary.org
… , particular linkages and defined anomery. These particular … , sequence, linkages and
anomery has not been related to its … terminal and vicinal sugar residues, linkages and anomery. …
anomery has not been related to its … terminal and vicinal sugar residues, linkages and anomery. …
[PDF][PDF] Sequence Analysis for the Terminal Sugars of Oligosaccharide Chain
… , particular linkages and defined anomery. These particular … , sequence, linkages and
anomery has not been related to its … terminal and vicinal sugar residues, linkages and anomery. …
anomery has not been related to its … terminal and vicinal sugar residues, linkages and anomery. …
A reoptimized GROMOS force field for hexopyranose‐based carbohydrates accounting for the relative free energies of ring conformers, anomers, epimers�…
HS Hansen, PH H�nenberger�- Journal of computational�…, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
… , β(1 → n)-linkage) anomery within the linkage. For the trehaloses, the second residue can
also adopt an α or a β anomery within the linkage, resulting in three possible isomers. For the …
also adopt an α or a β anomery within the linkage, resulting in three possible isomers. For the …
Role of Gal and GalNAc containing glycans in various physiological processes
MRM Hussain, M Hassan, I Afzal, A Afzal�- Egyptian Journal of Medical�…, 2012 - ajol.info
… Additionally, the involvement of anomery and linkage of Gal and … depict that the change in
anomery and linkages cause the remark… stereochemical features (anomery and linkage) are …
anomery and linkages cause the remark… stereochemical features (anomery and linkage) are …
5-Propynylamino α-deoxyuridine promotes DNA duplex stabilization of anionic and neutral but not cationic α-oligonucleotides
G Deglane, F Morvan, F Debart, JJ Vasseur�- Bioorganic & medicinal�…, 2007 - Elsevier
… α-Oligonucleotides (α-ON) have a nonnatural nucleoside α-anomery and are a class of ON
exhibiting unique hybridization properties. Unlike β-ON which hybridize to ss DNA or RNA …
exhibiting unique hybridization properties. Unlike β-ON which hybridize to ss DNA or RNA …
Revision of the GROMOS 56A6CARBO force field: Improving the description of ring‐conformational equilibria in hexopyranose‐based carbohydrates chains
W Plazinski, A Lonardi…�- Journal of computational�…, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This article describes a revised version 56A6 CARBO_R of the GROMOS 56A6 CARBO force
field for hexopyranose‐based carbohydrates. The simulated properties of unfunctionalized …
field for hexopyranose‐based carbohydrates. The simulated properties of unfunctionalized …
Enzymatic O-glycosylation of ℵ-caseinomacropeptide by ovine mammary Golgi membranes
S Soulier, P Gaye�- Biochimie, 1981 - Elsevier
… The anomery of the galactose, as determined by a chemical method, indicates
unambiguously a β configuration. …
unambiguously a β configuration. …