Нарния (мир): различия между версиями
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→Talking animals: - перевел |
→Witches: - начал перевод |
Строка 46: | Строка 46: | ||
В Нарнии также можно встретить многих животных нашего мира. Кроме того, там есть много говорящих видов этих животных. Когда Аслан дохнул на первые пары животных, некоторые из них не только обрели разум и речь, но и изменились в размере. Мелкие животные (грызуны, птицы и небольшие млекопитающие) крупнее своих неговорящих родственников, а более крупные животные - чуть меньше размером. Говорящие Звери делятся на четыре основные категории: птицы, копытные, млекопитающие и рептилии. Продолжительность их жизни такая же как у человека. Говорящих рыб и насекомых нет. |
В Нарнии также можно встретить многих животных нашего мира. Кроме того, там есть много говорящих видов этих животных. Когда Аслан дохнул на первые пары животных, некоторые из них не только обрели разум и речь, но и изменились в размере. Мелкие животные (грызуны, птицы и небольшие млекопитающие) крупнее своих неговорящих родственников, а более крупные животные - чуть меньше размером. Говорящие Звери делятся на четыре основные категории: птицы, копытные, млекопитающие и рептилии. Продолжительность их жизни такая же как у человека. Говорящих рыб и насекомых нет. |
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[[]] "[[ ]]" ( Jadis, [[]]) "[[Lady of the Green Kirtle]]". Jadis is the last scion of the royal house of Charn; she is also said (in the ''Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'') to be descended from Adam's first wife, [[]], and to have both Jinn and Giant blood in her veins. She has no human blood, although she has the appearance of a very tall human woman. |
The Green Lady is able to transform herself into a snake-like Worm, and does so twice in ''The Silver Chair'', once when she kills Prince Rilian's mother, and once when she tries to kill Rilian himself and his companions. Nobody knows her origins, it is only mentioned that she is thought to be one of the "same crew of Northern witches" as Jadis. |
The Green Lady is able to transform herself into a snake-like Worm, and does so twice in ''The Silver Chair'', once when she kills Prince Rilian's mother, and once when she tries to kill Rilian himself and his companions. Nobody knows her origins, it is only mentioned that she is thought to be one of the "same crew of Northern witches" as Jadis. |
Версия от 10:38, 25 апреля 2006
Нарния - мир в стиле фэнтези, созданный англо-ирландским автором Клайвом Стейплзом Льюисом как декорация для его Хроник Нарнии, серии из семи сказок для детей.
В Нарнии, животные могут говорить, живут мифические создания, и магия в порядке вещей. Сериал показывает историю Нарнии от её зарождения до конца. Главные герои - люди, как правило - дети, которые попадают туда из "нашего мира".
Нарния - это и весь изолированный мир, и страна в его центре, наиболее соответствующая этому миру. На территории этой страны впервые в этом мире появилась жизнь. Все остальные территории были населены выходцами из Нарнии либо пришельцами с Земли.
Название "Нарния" связано не только с Нарнийским миром, но особенно со страной Нарния внутри этого мира, которую создатель Аслан - Великий Лев - наполнил говорящими животными и мифическими существами. Нарния - страна гор и равнин, в основном покрыта лесом. На востоке страну ограничивает Восточный Океан, на западе - огромные горы, на севере - река Шриббл, и на юге - континентальный раздел.
Экономическое сердце страны - Великая Река Нарнии, которая входит в страну на северо-западе и на востоко-юго-востоке впадает в Восточный Океан. Резиденция правительства - Кэр Паравел, в устье Великой Реки. Другие города на реке (с востока на запад): Беруна, Плотиная Дамба и Чиппингфорд.
Архенланд, или Орландия
Архенланд - гористая страна на юг от Нарнии. На севере ограничена континентальным разделом, а на юге Ветренной рекой. Резиденция правительства в Анварде, в сердце страны. Анвард - это одновременно имя столицы и столичного замка. Других городов или деревень в Архенланде не упоминается. Архенланд в хороших отношения с Нарнией.
Заселён младшим сыном одного из нарнийских королей.
Калормен, или Тархистан
Калормен (буквально Страна цветных) - это Империя на юге Нарнийского мира. На большей части страны засушливый климат. Наиболее заметные георгафические объекты - вулкан Великая Гора Лагура и Великая Пустыня. Великая Пустыня находится на севере страны и является естественным барьером, в течение веков защищавшим Архенланд и Нарнию от агрессивных калорменцев. Культурный центр Калормена - Река Калормен, которая течет с запада на восток вдоль южного края Великой Пустыни. Столица - Ташбаан - расположена на острове в дельте реки. Город Азим Балда расположен на пересечении основных путей страны и является центром торговли и коммуникаций.
Основан группой беглых преступников, пришедших из Орландии.
Территория к западу от Нарнии. В 300-м году освоены Тархистаном. В 460-м территорию захватывают пираты, попавшие на Земле на необитаемый остров и обнаружившие проход между мирами. В 1998 году от создания Нарнии, Тельмар захватывает Нарнийское королевство. Потомки тельмарских императоров начинают новую династию нарнийских королей.
Восточный Океан
Множество островов и архипелагов усеивают Восточный Океан. Наиболее значимые из них: Галма, Семь Островов и Одинокие Острова. Все перечисленные - принадлежат Нарнийской Короне. Есть также Теребинтия, независимый остров. На дальнем конце Восточного Океана география становится фантастической (Нарнийский мир - плоский) и небо встречается с землей. Считается, что в этих местах лежит путь в страну Аслана.
Другие земли
К северу от Нарнии лежит Эттинсмур и Дикие Земли Севера, населенные великанами. Наиболее значимое поселение - Дом Харфанга, сообщество великанов, живущее в руинах некогда великого города. Земли к западу от Нарнии необитаемы. Подземелье расположено в глубоких пещерах под Нарнией. Страна Бисм лежит ниже этих пещер.
Сыны Адама и Дочери Евы входили в Нарнию несколько раз из собственного мира. Они и их потомки населяют страны Нарнийского мира.
Гномы - нарнийская раса. Аслан назвал их Сыны Земли, в противовес людям - Сынам Адама и Дочерям Евы. Среди гномов существует как минимум две расы: Черные Гномы и Рыжие Гномы; различие между ними - в цвете волос. Красные гномы поддерживают Аслана, Черные - более самолюбивы и воинственны. Все упоминаемые гномы - мужского пола. Хотя известно, что от них может зачать и человеческая женщина.
Откуда взялись гномы не известно. Однако, когда Аслан созвал первый совет, когда миру "еще не было и пяти часов от роду", он попросил представиться Мастера Гномов ("Племянник Чародея", гл.10).
Говорящие животные
В Нарнии также можно встретить многих животных нашего мира. Кроме того, там есть много говорящих видов этих животных. Когда Аслан дохнул на первые пары животных, некоторые из них не только обрели разум и речь, но и изменились в размере. Мелкие животные (грызуны, птицы и небольшие млекопитающие) крупнее своих неговорящих родственников, а более крупные животные - чуть меньше размером. Говорящие Звери делятся на четыре основные категории: птицы, копытные, млекопитающие и рептилии. Продолжительность их жизни такая же как у человека. Говорящих рыб и насекомых нет.
В книгах Нарнии упоминаются только две ведьмы - это "Белая ведьма" (также известная как Jadis, императрица Чарна) и "Lady of the Green Kirtle". Jadis is the last scion of the royal house of Charn; she is also said (in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) to be descended from Adam's first wife, Лилит, and to have both Jinn and Giant blood in her veins. She has no human blood, although she has the appearance of a very tall human woman.
The Green Lady is able to transform herself into a snake-like Worm, and does so twice in The Silver Chair, once when she kills Prince Rilian's mother, and once when she tries to kill Rilian himself and his companions. Nobody knows her origins, it is only mentioned that she is thought to be one of the "same crew of Northern witches" as Jadis.
There are also much less attractive Hags (such as the one Nikabrik brought to council in Aslan's How in Prince Caspian), and other evil beings which might be classified as witches under our cultural definitions. They are clearly of a lower order than the White Witch, and probably than "She of the Green Kirtle".
Mythological creatures
Other inhabitants of Narnia based on known mythological creatures include Boggles, Centaurs, Cruel, Dragons, Dryads, Earthmen, Efreets, Ettins, Fauns, Ghouls, Gryphons, Hags, Hamadryads, Horrors, Incubi, Maenads, Minotaurs, Naiads, Ogres, Orknies, Winged Horses, People of the Toadstools, Phoenix, Satyrs, Sea People, Sea Serpents, Silvans, Spectres, Sprites, Star People, Unicorns, Werewolves, Wooses, and Wraiths.
Other creatures and inhabitants
Narnia is inhabited by Marsh-wiggles and Dufflepuds/Monopods (two creatures of Lewis' own invention). And there are singular personages who frequent or inhabit Narnia and its surrounding countries including: the River god, Bacchus, Father Christmas, Father Time, Pomona, Silenus, and Tash.
General characteristics
The world of Narnia is a flat world in a geocentric universe. Its sky is a dome that mortal creatures cannot penetrate.
Narnia's stars are flaming humaniform beings. Its constellations are the result of a mystical dance upon the sky, performed by the stars to announce the works of Aslan, Narnia's creator.
Its sun is a flaming disc that revolves around the world once daily. The sun has its own ecosystem, and is known to be inhabited by great white birds. The vegetation on the sun contains healing properties. For example, the extract of a certain fireflower found in the mountains can heal any wound or sickness, and a fire-berry that grows in its valleys, when eaten by a star, works to reverse the effects of age.
The Narnian ground is a living organism. The surface is dead soil in much the same way that an animal's outer layers of skin consist of dead cells, but at deeper levels the rocks themselves are alive, and in many cases edible. The Narnian dwarfs themselves are referred to as "Sons of Earth".
The Narnian world is part of a multiverse of countless worlds including our own world and the world of Charn. These are connected by a meta-world or linking room known as the Wood Between the Worlds. Not much is known about this wood, but it appears to be an empty space occurring as a side effect of the multiverse's underlying structure. This space takes the form of a dense forest with pools of water. With appropriate magic (or a device such as rings made from the wood of these trees), each pool leads to a different world.
British visitors to Narnia observe that the passage of time while they are away is unpredictable. The tendency is for time to pass faster in Narnia than at home, but this is not universally true. As Aslan is able to summon gateways between Earth and Narnia, it is quite possible that all portals exist at his pleasure and he is able to control where they lead, both in space and time. This would mean that time, from the perspective of those traveling between the worlds, would pass in each world entirely independent of the other.
There is some confusion concerning the intersections of the timelines between this world and Narnia. The Telmarines were descended from pirates from our world, who had stumbled through a door between the worlds they discovered on an island in the South Seas. Some believe this references the men involved in the famous Mutiny on the Bounty in the late 18th century who eventually settled on Pitcairn Island in the southern Pacific Ocean. If true, this would put their arrival before the first visit to Narnia, around the year 1900 our time. At that time, the visitors witnessed the creation of Narnia, which would mean that the pirates, leaving much earlier, would arrive much later.
However, the books do not say that the pirates were pre-industrial. They could easily be from a later post-industrial era and so no confusion may be necessary, even without assuming the theory of independent time mentioned above.
Creation of Narnia
The Creation of Narnia was witnessed by six creatures: Jadis, Empress of Charn; Digory Kirke; Polly Plummer; Andrew Ketterly; Frank, a cabby; and Strawberry, his cabhorse. During a failed attempt by Digory to transfer Jadis from London in our world back to her own world of Charn, the group arrived in the Unmade darkness of Narnia just prior to Aslan calling it into being.
Aslan began the creation soon after they arrived, and with his song called forth the stars, sun, and eventually all landforms, plants, and animals as well. When he was finished, Aslan selected certain animals from these to be Talking Animals, giving to them, and all other magical creatures, Narnia as their new home, to own and rule it with wisdom and caring.
Aslan next appointed its first rulers, the cab driver and his wife (who had been called to Narnia by Aslan), as King Frank I and his wife Queen Helen, and commanded them to rule peacefully over the talking beasts. Aware that the evil witch-queen Jadis had entered his new land, Aslan sent Digory to retrieve a magic apple from a garden located in the Western Wild beyond Narnia. When he returned, the apple was planted by the river where it immediately grew into a tree which, as Aslan explained, would protect Narnia from Jadis for many years.
Aslan allowed Digory to take one of the apples from the new tree back with him to our world for his ill mother. After she had eaten it, Digory planted the core in his garden where it grew into a great apple tree. Many years later the tree was blown down in a storm and the now Professor Kirke had its wood made into the wardrobe which figures in the title of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and became the entrance by which future children discovered Narnia.
A possible oversight in the overall plotline that has been noted by readers is that by the time of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", there are no humans to be seen in Narnia, but it is known that King Frank and King Helen had children. Possible explainations range from a simple oversight by Lewis to humanity being insignificant or in exile to an implied genocide by Jadis when she becomes the White Witch. Whatever answer one chooses, it must be noted that the four children are unique enough when they appear in Narnia that they attract attention to themselves.
The Golden Age
The land of Narnia was in peace for hundreds of years after its creation. This peace lasted until, eventually, Jadis the Witch-Queen returned (presumably the protector tree that Digory had planted had by then died). She bound the land in slavery, and in ice and snow for one hundred years, making it "always winter and never Christmas".
Four children named Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy playing in Professor Kirke's house stumbled upon the secret of the wardrobe, and discovered it led to a snowy waste full of trees. They arrived at a time when rumors were beginning to spread that the great Lion Aslan had returned, and the hundred years of winter were on the verge of ending. Becoming part of his court, they fought in the first great Battle of Beruna Ford and defeated the White Witch. Aslan then fulfilled an ancient Narnian prophecy and made the children Kings and Queens of Narnia. Because of the great prosperity Narnia experienced under their reign, this period of Narnian history is known as its Golden Age.
King Caspian X
However, after ruling well for many years, the four great Kings and Queens disappeared back to 'our' world, and Narnia was left leaderless. When they returned from our world 1288 Narnian years later, Narnia had been taken over by a people called the Telmarines, who had suppressed all magical creatures under their rule. The current king, named Miraz, was an evil man who had murdered his brother and usurped the throne, and who also planned to murder the true heir, his nephew Caspian. Despite the subject being forbidden, Caspian had been illicitely taught about the magical history and creatures of Narnia prior to the arrival of the Telmarines by his tutor, a half-dwarf named Cornelius, and had become sympathetic to their plight. The four children helped Caspian defeat Miraz at the second Battle of Beruna, set him on the throne, and under his rule humans and talking beasts lived in Narnia together happily for years.
Lucy and Edmund reached Narnia once more some years later with their spoiled cousin Eustace, and sailed with Caspian (now King of Narnia and older) on a legendary voyage aboard the ship Dawn Treader. Caspian had undertaken this journey in order to keep a promise he made, to find the seven lords of Narnia (Lords Revilian, Bern, Argoz, Mavramorn, Octesian, Restimar, and Rhoop) who had been sent by his uncle Miraz to explore the far Eastern Seas beyond the Lone Islands and had never returned. On this voyage Caspian reinstated Narnian control over the Lone Islands (which had lapsed under Telmarine rule) and explored the unknown eastern islands to the very edge of the world. The explorers had many adventures amongst these islands which included fighting a sea serpent, encountering a wizard and his invisible subjects, and (in the case of Eustace) being turned into a dragon for a time before being returned to human form by Aslan.
Caspian married a beautiful woman (the daughter of a star named Ramandu) he met on that voyage, and she became Queen of Narnia. They had a son named Rilian, but the Queen was killed by a snake and Rilian as a young man disappeared. Eustace unexpectedly was drawn back to Narnia along with his school friend Jill Pole, to find that the passage of time meant Caspian was now an old man, and setting off on one final voyage. The children were sent by Aslan to find the lost prince, a journey which took them to the wild lands of the north, inhabited by giants, and to the underworld where an evil Queen had bewitched Rilian into doing her bidding. Freeing him and destroying the Queen in her evil serpent-form, the two children returned to their world.
Destruction of Narnia
The world of Narnia was finally destroyed some two hundred years later during the reign of King Tirian, son of King Erlian and seventh in descent from Rilian.
The events that culminated in its destruction were, on the surface, begun by a talking ape named Shift who had constructed an elaborate conspiracy in a selfish attempt to change the kingdom of Narnia to his liking. By dressing a donkey in a lion's skin and claiming him to be Aslan, Shift began surreptitiously gaining control of the western portion of the country, forcing the inhabitants to do his bidding in the lion's name. He then made contact with the current Calormen rulers, inviting them to take advantage of the situation and fulfill their centuries-old goal of conquering Narnia to their mutual advantage. A small group of soldiers under command of Captain Rishda Tarkaan was soon sent and by the time King Tirian learned of the ape's traitorous plans they were well on the way to completion.
With the help of Eustace and Jill (who arrived in time to rescue the king from capture), Tirian attempted to rally Narnia and drive out the invaders, but thanks to the dividing effect the false Aslan had had on the populace, and the simultaneous capture of Cair Paravel by a Calormen fleet, his efforts were unsuccessful. Tirian and his remaining supporters were eventually forced into a last stand against Rishda's army in the Battle of Stable Hill, which ended in the Narnian army's defeat. However, in the course of this final stand, the defenders were forced back into a stable, and found within it to their surprise, Aslan's country, described as all that the real Narnia ever had that was good, a Narnia-within-Narnia. This defeat of the Narnian culture and country signalled the final part of the story of Narnia which could be told, and Aslan the Lion, waiting for them, told them that it was time for the End.
Opening the Stable door, the children and other survivors witnessed the end of Narnia, the inrushing of the sea, the destruction of sun and moon, the coming home of the stars and ultimately the end of all that existed on the world. Aslan called all of its inhabitants to him in the process. Those who had been faithful were taken with him into his own land where they met previous people who had lived in Narnia and died. Aslan's land was bigger and better than the old Narnia, those who had died were found alive in it, because it was the "real" one, whereas the old Narnia had been just a copy of Aslan's land. "That was the dream, this is reality."
Also see:
Contact with our world
There are seven documented events of contact between the world of men and the world of Narnia. Dates are taken from a timeline provided in the book Past Watchful Dragons by Walter Hooper (ISBN 0020519702).
- In The Magician's Nephew, four humans, Frank (last name unknown), Andrew Ketterley, and children Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer, were present at the creation of Narnia, having been brought there by a series of unfortunate events. The same day, Aslan called Frank's wife, Helen, from England, and the two remained in Narnia as King and Queen. The children and Andrew returned to London.
- In Narnian Year 460, as alluded to in Prince Caspian, six human pirates from the South Sea entered the land of Telmar through a magic cave. They remained in Telmar and their descendants formed the Telmarine civilization.
- In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, in Narnian Year 1000, four siblings, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, entered Narnia through a wardrobe Digory had built from the wood of a magical Narnian tree. Aslan returned to Narnia at the same time, defeated the foreign ruler Jadis, now known as the White Witch, and set up the four children as kings and queens. They ruled for fifteen years before returning to England back in the state of their childhood.
- In Prince Caspian, in Narnian Year 2303, the Pevensie children were summoned to Narnia by magic to help remove a Telmarine usurper King Miraz from the Narnian throne and establish the teenage Prince Caspian as king. After this, Aslan allowed the Telmarines, descendants of the pirates who had arrived long ago, to go back to an island in the South Sea if they so wished.
- In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, in Narnian Year 2306, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie and Eustace Scrubb entered Narnia through a magic painting, and took part in Caspian's voyage to the edge of the world.
- In The Silver Chair, in Narnian Year 2376, Aslan brought Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole to Narnia, where they rescued Rilian, son of the now elderly Caspian, from his enchanted captivity. Caspian died, but was resurrected in Aslan's country. Aslan briefly allowed him to cross over into the children's world (England, 1942) to help them in return, which resulted in the removal of a corrupt school administrator.
- In The Last Battle, in 1949, King Tirian of Narnia appeared to the friends of Narnia in England, and Aslan brought Eustace and Jill to Narnia in Narnian Year 2575 to assist Tirian at the end of his reign.
In December 2005, a hoax press release from the Independent State of Narnia lead to a story appearing on a number of news agencies' websites about Narnia walking out of WTO trade liberalisation talks over garment exports. [1]
Narnia adaptations
- 1967 - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Cartoon Miniseries)
- 1979 - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Cartoon TV Movie)
- 1988 - The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe (Miniseries)
- 1989 - Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Miniseries)
- 1990 - The Silver Chair (Miniseries)
- 2005 - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Theatrical Film)
External links
- Нарния-страна Аслана - сайт, посвященный Хроникам Нарнии. Все о Нарнии на русском.
- Into The Wardrobe — Comprehensive C.S. Lewis Site With Forums and More
- NarniaWeb — Narnia Movie News, Resource and Discussion Site
- Narnia Fans — C.S. Lewis and Chronicles of Narnia News, Database, and Community
- The Stone Table — Narnia and C.S. Lewis News, Reviews, and Community
- Narnia en Español (Narnia in Spanish) La comunidad de narnianos en español
- Cair Paravel — El Portal a Narnia Information and news about Narnia in spanish.
- El Mundo de Narnia — All about Narnia Chronicles in spanish
- The biggest Dutch Narnia Website
- HomeScholar Books — educational unit on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and articles about The Chronicles of Narnia
- Narnia Confidential — A wiki devoted to The Chronicles of Narnia
- Outline of Narnian history, apparently written by C. S. Lewis