Federația Rhodesia și Nyasaland (numită neoficial și Federația Centralafricană) a fost un stat semi-independent situat în sudul Africii, care a existat între 1 august 1953 și 31 decembrie 1963. Statul federativ a luat naștere din fosta colonie britanică Rhodesia de Sud și din protectoratele Rhodesia de Nord și Nyasaland. Țara avea o suprafață de 1.262.986 km2, țelul britanicilor fiind un compromis, acela de a constitui un stat al negrilor, însă la conducere rămânând albii. În cele din urmă federația a eșuat, din cauza conflictelor naționale dintre populația neagră și cea albă. Astfel la data de 31 decembrie 1963 federația s-a dezmembrat, luând naștere alte două state: Zambia și Nyasaland (actualmente Malawi), cele două tinere state revendicând independența față de Regatul Unit, iar teritoriul rămas din fosta federație a fost redenumit Rhodesia de Sud (Zimbabwe, din 1980).
Populația Federației înainte și după constituirea acesteia[1]
An |
Rhodesia de Sud |
Rhodesia de Nord |
Nyasaland |
Albi |
Negri |
Albi |
Negri |
Albi |
Negri |
Albi |
1927 |
38.200 (3,98%) |
922.000 (96,02%) |
4.000 (0,4%) |
1.000.000 (99,6%) |
1.700 (0,13%) |
1.350.000 (99,87%) |
43.900 (1,32%) |
3.272.000 (98,68%)
1946 |
80.500 (4,79%) |
1.600.000 (95,21%) |
21.919 (1,32%) |
1.634.980 (97,68%) |
2.300 (0,10%) |
2.340.000 (99,90%) |
104.719 (1,84%) |
5.574.980 (98,16%)
1955 |
125.000 (4,95%) |
2.400.000 (95,05%) |
65.000 (3,02%) |
2.085.000 (96,98%) |
6.300 (0,25%) |
2.550.000 (99,75%) |
196.300 (2,71%) |
7.035.000 (97,28%)
1960 |
223.000 (7,30%) |
2.830.000 (92,70%) |
76.000 (3,14%) |
2.340.000 (96,85%) |
9.300 (0,33%) |
2.810.000 (99,66%) |
308.300 (3,72%) |
7.980.000 (96,28%)
- Franklin, Henry. Unholy wedlock: the failure of the Central African Federation (G. Allen & Unwin, Londra, 1963).
- Blake, Robert. A History of Rhodesia (Eyre Methuen, Londra, 1977).
- Hancock, Ian. White Liberals, Moderates, and Radicals in Rhodesia, 1953–1980 (Croom Helm, Sydney, Australia, 1984).
- Mason, Phillip Year of Decision: Rhodesia and Nyasaland in 1960 (Oxford University Press, 1961).
- Phillips, C. E. Lucas. The vision splendid: the future of the Central African Federation (Heinemann, Londra, 1960).
- Leys, Colin și Pratt Cranford (editori). A new deal in Central Africa (Heinemann, Londra, 1960).
- Clegg, Edward Marshall. Race and politics: partnership in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. (Oxford University Press, 1960).
- Gray, Richard. The two nations: aspects of the development of race relations in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland (Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1960).
- Rogaly, Joe. Rhodesia: Britain's deep south. (The Economist, Londra, 1962).
- Hall, Richard. The High Price of Principles: Kaunda and the White South (Hodder and Stoughton, Londra, 1969).
- Guy Clutton-Brock. Dawn in Nyasaland (Hodder and Stoughton, Londra, 1959).
- Dorien, Ray. Venturing to the Rhodesias and Nyasaland (Johnson, Londra, 1962)
- Hanna, Alexander John. The story of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland. (Faber and Faber, 1965).
- Black, Colin. The lands and peoples of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Macmillan, NY, 1961).
- Sanger, Clyde. Central African emergency (Heinemann, Londra, 1960).
- Gann, Lewis H. Huggins of Rhodesia: the man and his country (Allen & Unwin, Londra, 1964).
- Gann, Lewis H. Central Africa: the former British states (Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1971).
- Haw, Richard C. (fwd. by Sir Godfrey Huggins) No other home: Co-existence in Africa (S. Manning, Bulawayo, Rhodesia de Sud, 1960?).
- Taylor, Don. The Rhodesian: the life of Sir Roy Welensky. (Museum Press, Londra, 1965).
- Wood, J.R.T. The Welensky papers: a history of the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Graham Pub., Durban, 1983).
- Welensky, Roy, Sir. Welensky's 4000 days: the life and death of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Collins, Londra, 1964).
- Allighan, Garry. The Welensky story (Macdonald, Londra, 1962).
- Alport, Cuthbert James McCall, Lord. The sudden assignment: being a record of service in central Africa during the last controversial years of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1961–1963. (Hodder and Stoughton, Londra, 1965).
- Thompson, Cecil Harry. Economic development in Rhodesia and Nyasaland (D. Dobson, Publisher, Londra, 1954)
- Walker, Audrey A. The Rhodesias and Nyasaland: a guide to official publications (General Reference and Bibliography Division, Reference Dept., Biblioteca Congresului: oferită spre vânzare de Superintendent of Documents, US Govt. Print. Off., 1965).
- Irvine, Alexander George. The balance of payments of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1945–1954. (Oxford University Press, 1959)
- United States Bureau of Foreign Commerce, Near Eastern and African Division. Investment in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland: basic information for United States businessmen. (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce, 1956)
- Standard Bank of South Africa, Ltd. The federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland: general information for business organisations. (Londra, 1958)
- Sowelem, R. A. Toward financial independence in a developing economy: an analysis of the monetary experience of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1952–63. (Allen & Unwin, Londra, 1967)